FYI: Welcome to Loco's Museum of Entropia Biodiversity


Pretto Loco

Jul 21, 2013
Avatar Name
Pretto Loco Believingson
Loco's Museum of Entropia Biodiversity



What is a Biodiversity Museum?
The museum exhibits some of Entropia Universe's rich fauna. From animal body parts to decorations and animal toys. Researchers should find some of the objects interesting to study. But it is also the perfect holiday trip for the whole family (but children should be accompanied by an adult, as some things on display can be perceived as disturbing.)

We are always looking to extend the collection. Do not hesitate to contact Loco in pm or ingame for offers. We are also happy to welcome helpers, advisors and researchers to help extend our knowledge of the Entropia Zoology.

Teleport: Genesis Amethera Headquarter
House: Genesis Star Tower C, 6 G

Opening times?

Entry fee?
0 ped

Who is Loco?
Loco Believingson is an amateur xeno zoologist and collector born in a bush on Calypso. His intention with the museum is to create a differant kind of museum showing the Entropia biological diversity, in an entertaining, educating and welcoming environment. The collection is the fruit of many, many years of searching auction, visiting planets, talking to seasoned hunters and many, many miles in space. The collection is by far not complete, but slowly getting there.




How to find your way to the museum

The Museum Collection


(Excluded from items to collect for now is: cloths, crystals, dnas, furs, hides, leathers, mutant parts, oils, pets, robot parts, skins)


  • Doll: Araneatrox Doll
  • Statue: Allophyl Statue
  • Statue: Berycled Statue
  • Statue: Chirpy Statue
  • Statue: Feffoid Statue
  • Statue: Karmoosh Statue
  • Statue: Large Daikiba Stone Statue
  • Statue: Left Atrox Stone Statue
  • Statue: Riptor Statue
  • Toy: Argonaut Cuddly Toy
  • Toy: Bokol Plush Toy
  • Toy: Christmas Bokol Plushie
  • Toy: Christmas Nusul Plushie
  • Toy: Ostelok Plush Toy
  • Toy: Tough Smuggler Plush Toy
  • Toy: Tough Smuggler Special Forces Plush Toy
  • Trophy head: Arkadian Hornet Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Bokol Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Carabok Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Feffox Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Gallard Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Halix Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Monura Male Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Nusul Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Oratan Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Oro Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Ostelok Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Oweko Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Reindeer Trophy
  • Trophy head: Scoria Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Teladon Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Tiarak Trophy head
  • Trophy head: Wombana Trophy head
  • Trophy: Berycled Trophy
  • Trophy: Caudatergus Trophy

Natural Materials

  • Acetylcholine: Acetylcholine
  • Arm: Cyclops Arm
  • Arm: Minotaur Arm
  • Beak: Ostelok Lower Beak
  • Blood: Alien blood
  • Blood: Dragon blood
  • Blood: Motörhead Security Blood
  • Blood: Shark Blood
  • Blood: THING Blood
  • Blood: Vampire Blood
  • Blood: Werewolf Blood
  • Blood: Wolf Blood
  • Blood: Zombie blood
  • Bone: Atrax Bone
  • Bone: Atrox Bone
  • Bone: Bokol Long Bone
  • Bone: Bone
  • Bone: Calypso Bone Sample (Quest Item)
  • Bone: Exarosaur Neckbone
  • Bone: Foul Bone
  • Bone: Hadraada Long Bone
  • Bone: Vampire Bone
  • Bone: Zombie Bone
  • Cell: Prokaryotic Cells
  • Claw: Atrax Claw
  • Claw: Atrox Claw
  • Claw: Bahri Claw
  • Claw: Berycled Claw
  • Claw: Chimera Claw
  • Claw: Cultist claw
  • Claw: Drake Claw
  • Claw: Feran Wing Claw
  • Claw: Greater Claw
  • Claw: Kadra Claw
  • Claw: Lesser Claw
  • Claw: Longu Claw
  • Claw: Phasm Claw
  • Claw: Primordial Longu Claw
  • Claw: Werewolf Claw
  • Club: Cyclops Club
  • Cranial Blade: Oro Cranial Blade
  • DNA: Boar DNA Strand
  • Ear: Kiana Ear
  • Ear: Nusul Ear
  • Endorphins: Endorphins
  • Essence: Animal Essence
  • Essence: Animal Essence Rare
  • Eye: Boar Eye
  • Eye: Chimera Eye
  • Eye: Cyclops Eye
  • Eye: Dragon Eye
  • Eye: Intact Eye
  • Eye: Kadra Eye
  • Eye: Otorugi Eye
  • Eye: Papoo Eye
  • Eye: Partial Eye Remains
  • Eye: Shark Eye
  • Eye: Ubo Eye
  • Eye: Vampire Eye
  • Eye: Werewolf Eye
  • Eye: Wolf Eye
  • Eye: Zombie Eye
  • Eyeball: Yog Eyeball
  • Fang: Atrox Fang
  • Fang: Vampire Fangs
  • Fang: Werewolf Fangs
  • Fang: Wolf Fangs
  • Feather: Ostelok Pommel Feather
  • Fin: Jori Pectoral Fin
  • Fin: Shark Fin
  • Flag: Cornundacauda Flag
  • Flesh
  • Flesh: Aurli Shock Flesh
  • Flesh: Bram's Shock Flesh
  • Flesh: Flesh
  • Flesh: Hadraada Flesh
  • Flesh: Nusul Flesh
  • Flesh: Zombie rotting flesh
  • Fluid: Alien Resin Fluid
  • Foot: Huon Foot
  • Foot: Ostelok Foot
  • Foot: Papoo Foot
  • Foot: Skeleton Foot
  • Foot: Teladon Foot
  • Forearm: Oro Forearm
  • Fragment: Rextelum Chitin Fragment
  • Frill: Riptor Neck Frill
  • Gold: Skeleton Gold
  • Hair: Neconu Hair
  • Hand: Skeleton Hand
  • Hand: Zombie Hand
  • Head: Boar Head
  • Head: Cyclops Head
  • Head: Drake Head
  • Head: Maffoid head
  • Head: Minotaur Head
  • Head: Shark Head
  • Head: Skeleton Head
  • Heart: Boar Heart
  • Heart: Chimera Heart
  • Heart: Dragon Heart
  • Heart: Kiana Heart
  • Heart: Papoo Heart
  • Heart: Vampire Heart
  • Heart: Wolf Heart
  • Hip: Skeleton Hip
  • Hoove: Boar Hoove
  • Horn: Armax Large Horn
  • Horn: Armax Small Horn
  • Horn: Caudatergus Horn
  • Horn: Cornundacauda Horn
  • Horn: Merp Horn
  • Horn: Minotaur Horn
  • Horn: Motörhead Security Horn
  • Horn: Otorugi Shoulder Horn
  • Horn: Tandardion Horn
  • Horn: Thawr Horn
  • Jaw: Atrax Jaw
  • Jaw: Skeleton Jaw
  • Larva: Aurli Larva
  • Leg: Cyclops Leg
  • Leg: Formicacida Leg
  • Leg: Madana Leg
  • Leg: Minotaur Leg
  • Leg: Scoria leg
  • Leg: Zombie leg
  • Mandible: Bokol Mandible
  • Mandible: Kamaldon Lower Mandible
  • Mane: Halix Mane
  • Mane: Madana Mane
  • Meat: Bone-in Meat
  • Meat: Bone-out Meat
  • Meat: Wolf Meat
  • Nail: Beladoth Nail
  • Nail: Otorugi Nail
  • Nail: Tiarak Nail
  • Palm: Papoo Palm
  • Paw: Wolf Paw
  • Pike: Combibo Pike
  • Pincer: Magurg Male Pincer
  • Plasma
  • Plasma: Vampire Plasma
  • Plasma: Zombie Plasma
  • Plate: Bokol Lumbar Plate
  • Plate: Bokol Spinal Plate
  • Plate: Hadraada Lumbar Plate
  • Plate: Kreltin Soft Plate
  • Plate: Longu Plate
  • Plate: Yuka Shoulder Plate
  • Pouch: Cyclops Pouch
  • Rib: Skeleton Ribs
  • Sail: Merp Sails
  • Scale: Sabakuma Scale
  • Shell: Cracked Shell
  • Shin guard: Minotaur Shin Guard
  • Shoulder Pauldron: Minotaur Shoulder Pauldron
  • Skull: Argonaut Fractured Skull
  • Skull: Argonaut Skull
  • Skull: Armax Skull
  • Skull: Armax Skull Complete
  • Skull: Bulging Mutant Skull
  • Skull: Cultist Skull
  • Skull: Hiryuu Skull
  • Skull: Oro Skull
  • Skull: Oweko Skull
  • Skull: Shub Skull
  • Snout: Sunjoq Snout
  • Soul: Drake Soul
  • Soul: Drake Soul
  • Soul: Skeleton Soul
  • Spike: Phasm Back Spike
  • Spine: Korwil Spine
  • Spine: Skeleton Spine
  • Spur: Tiarak Elbow Spur
  • Steak: Boar Steak
  • Tail: Boar Tail
  • Tail: Chimera Tail
  • Tail: Drake Tail
  • Tail: Halix Tail
  • Tail: Madana Tail
  • Tail: Minotaur Tail
  • Tail: Oweko Tail
  • Tail: Papoo Tail
  • Tail: Pop Tail
  • Tail: Riptor Tail Segment
  • Tail: Rudolf Tail
  • Tail: Shark Tail
  • Tail: Shed Skreel Tail
  • Tail: Tail tip
  • Teeth: Magurg Male Teeth
  • Teeth: Neconu Teeth
  • Tentacle: Allophyl Tentacle
  • Tentacle: Cornundacauda Tentacle
  • Tentacle: Fungoid Tentacle
  • Thorax: Yarrijak Thorax
  • Tongue: Riptor Tongue
  • Tooth: Dragon Tooth
  • Tooth: Exarosaur Tooth
  • Tooth: Jagged Tooth
  • Tooth: Molisk Tooth
  • Tooth: Papoo Tooth
  • Tooth: Shark Tooth
  • Tooth: Tabtab Golden Tooth
  • Tooth: Tabtab Tooth
  • Tusk: Boar Tusk
  • Tusk: Yog Tusk
  • Vesicle: Ubo Vesicle
  • Wing: Big Bird Wing
  • Wing: Drake Wing
  • Wing: Feran Wing Claw
  • Wing: Lemmy Wing
  • Wing: Small Bird Wing
  • Wrist Guard: Cyclops Wrist Guard

Missing Items



  • Figurine: Bokol Figurine
  • Figurine: Feran Figurine
  • Figurine: Hadraada Figurine
  • Figurine: Halix Figurine
  • Figurine: Huon Figurine
  • Figurine: Jori Figurine
  • Figurine: Kadra Figurine
  • Figurine: Kamaldon Figurine
  • Figurine: Korwil Figurine
  • Figurine: Madana Figurine
  • Figurine: Magurg Male Figurine
  • Figurine: Mutated Beladoth Figurine
  • Figurine: Mutated Oro Figurine
  • Figurine: Mutated Otorugi Figurine
  • Figurine: Nusul Figurine
  • Figurine: Oro Figurine
  • Figurine: Ostelok Figurine
  • Figurine: Otorugi Figurine
  • Figurine: Teladon Figurine
  • Figurine: Tiarak Figurine
  • Figurine: Ubo Figurine
  • Figurine: Wombana Figurine
  • Figurine: Yarrijak Figurine
  • Figurine: Zadul Figurine
  • Skull: Candle Skull
  • Statue: Abu Dabas Statue
  • Statue: Brass Longu Statue
  • Statue: Daikiba Statue
  • Statue: Hogglo Statue
  • Statue: Jallad Statue
  • Statue: Right Atrox Stone Statue
  • Statue: Snablesnot Female Statue
  • Toy: Energetic Bunny
  • Toy: Oro Plush Toy
  • Toy: Soft Smuggler Plush Toy
  • Toy: Teddybear
  • Toy: Zadul Plush Toy
  • Trophy head: Armax Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Beladoth Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Berycled Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Daikiba Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Faucervix Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Feran Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Formicacida Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Huon Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Jori Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Kadra Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Kamaldon Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Kiana Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Korwil Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Longu Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Madana Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Navi Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Neconu Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Otorugi Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Pandi Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Togolossi Trophy head
  • Trophy head: Zadul Trophy head

Natural Materials

  • Acid: Alien Acid
  • Arm: Amazon Arm
  • Blood: Chimera Blood
  • Blood: Gosubusagi Blood Sample
  • Blood: Proteron Blood Sample
  • Blood: Raging Daikiba Blood Sample
  • Blood: Sand King Blood Sample
  • Blood: Thing Blood …
  • Blood: Traeskeron Matriarch Blood Sample
  • Bone: Allophyl Thighbone
  • Bone: Ambulimax Thigh Bone
  • Bone: Argonaut Bone
  • Bone: Aurli Bone Piece
  • Bone: Chomper Bone
  • Bone: Dread's Bone Piece
  • Bone: Kamaldon Bone Crest
  • Bone: Proteron Neck Bone
  • Bone: Yuka Long Bone
  • Brain: Beladoth Brain
  • Brain: Kiana Brain
  • Brain: Korwil Brain
  • Brain: Oro Brain
  • Brain: Otorugi Brain
  • Brain: Oweko Brain
  • Brain: Zadul Brain
  • Cavity: Tabtab Cavity (refined from TabTab Tooth)
  • Clam: Caboria Clam
  • Claw: Araneatrox Claw
  • Claw: Argonaut Claw Big
  • Claw: Argonaut Claw Small
  • Claw: Aurli Claw
  • Claw: Elvis Claw
  • Claw: Faucervix Claw
  • Claw: Garcia Claw
  • Claw: Hendrix Claw
  • Claw: Joplin Claw
  • Claw: Molisk Claw
  • Claw: Pop Claw
  • Claw: Rudolf Claw
  • Claw: Sharp Longu Claw
  • Claw: Warren's Claw
  • Cranial Blade: Oweko Cranial Blade
  • Craw: Ostelok Craw
  • Cup: Foul Suctioncup
  • Ear: Korwil Ear
  • Egg: Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg
  • Eye: Atrax Eye
  • Eye: Atrox Eye
  • Eye: Beladoth Eye
  • Eye: Foul Eye
  • Eye: Furor Eye
  • Eye: Halix Eye
  • Eye: Letomie Fossil Eyelense
  • Eye: Madana Eye
  • Eye: Proteron Eyes
  • Eye: Riptor Eye
  • Eye: Zadul Eye
  • Fang: Argonaut Fang
  • Fang: Aurli Fangs
  • Fang: Dotty's Fangs
  • Fang: Sabakuma Fang
  • Fin: Allophyl Fin
  • Flesh: Boar Flesh
  • Flesh: Kamaldon Flesh
  • Flesh: Oro Flesh
  • Flesh: Oweko Flesh
  • Flesh: Ubo Flesh
  • Flesh: Yuka Flesh
  • Foot: Beladoth Foot
  • Foot: Frescoquda foot
  • Foot: Magurg Male Foot
  • Foot: Nusul Foot
  • Foot: Otorugi Foot
  • Foot: Riptor Foot
  • Foot: Zadul Foot
  • Forearm: Oweko Forearm
  • Fragment: Lazidol Shell Fragment
  • Fragment: Lazidol's Bone Fragment
  • Fur: Carabok Leg Fur
  • Fur: Halix Leg Fur
  • Fur: Madana Leg Fur
  • Globule: Ubo Posion Globule
  • Hair: Amazon Hair
  • Hair: Ambulimax Hair
  • Hat: Fungoid Hat
  • Head: Yarrijak Head
  • Heart: Drake Heart
  • Heart: Korwil Heart
  • Heart: Magurg Male Heart
  • Heart: Riptor Heart
  • Horn: Daikiba Horn
  • Horn: Horn
  • Jaw: Neconu Jaw
  • Leg: Amazon Leg
  • Leg: Halix Leg
  • Mandible: Caudatergus Mandible
  • Mandible: Hadraada Mandible
  • Mandible: Kamaldon Upper Mandible
  • Mandible: Ubo Mandible
  • Mandible: Yuka Mandible
  • Nail: Zadul Nail
  • Nose: Nusul Nose
  • Paw: Kiana Paw
  • Paw: Korwil Paw
  • Pelvis: Hogglo Pelvis
  • Plate: Armax Plate
  • Plate: Aurli Dense Plate
  • Plate: Bokol Skull Plate
  • Plate: Hadraada Skull Plate
  • Plate: Hadraada Spinal Plate
  • Plate: Letomie Fossil Backplate
  • Plate: Unruly's Dense Plate
  • Plate: Yuka Skull Plate
  • Plate: Yuka Spinal Plate
  • Pommel: Ostelok Pommel
  • Rib: Proteron Ribs
  • Sail: Berycled Sails
  • Sail: Cornundacauda Sail
  • Scale: Aurli Chitin Scale
  • Scale: Fish Scales
  • Scale: Formicacida Scale
  • Scale: Frescoquda Back Scale
  • Skull: Alien Mutant Skull
  • Skull: Araneatrox Skull
  • Skull: Atrox Skull
  • Skull: Berycled Skull
  • Skull: Caudatergus Skull
  • Skull: Cornundacauda Skull
  • Skull: Daikiba Skull
  • Skull: Exarosaur Skull
  • Skull: Faucervix Skull
  • Skull: Formicacida Skull
  • Skull: Formidon Skull
  • Skull: Foul Skull
  • Skull: Furor Skull
  • Skull: Gokibusagi Skull
  • Skull: Halix Skull
  • Skull: Horned Mutant Skull
  • Skull: Madana Skull
  • Skull: Molisk Skull
  • Skull: Multi-Fang Mutant Skull
  • Skull: Shinkiba Skull
  • Skull: Tiny Mutant Skull
  • Slime: Marcimex Slime
  • Spike: Beladoth Back Spike
  • Spike: Huon Tail Spike
  • Spike: Primordial Longu Spike
  • Spike: Teladon Tail Spike
  • Spine: Beladoth Spine
  • Spine: Kiana Spine
  • Spine: Otorugi Spine
  • Spine: Zadul Spine
  • Stem: Lazidol's Brain Stem
  • Tail: Armax Bull Tail
  • Tail: Armax Cow Tail
  • Tail: Carabok Tail
  • Tail: Doors Tail
  • Tail: Elvis Tail
  • Tail: Garcia Tail
  • Tail: Hendrix Tail
  • Tail: Huon Tail Spike
  • Tail: Joplin Tail
  • Tail: Kiana Tail
  • Tail: Korwil Tail
  • Tail: Lemmy Tail
  • Tail: Magurg Male Tail
  • Tail: Morrison Tail
  • Tail: Nusul Tail
  • Tail: Oro Tail
  • Tail: Prancer Tail
  • Tail: Teladon Tail Spike
  • Tail: Yarrijak Tail
  • Teeth: Foul Teeth
  • Teeth: Letomie Fossil Teeth
  • Tentacle: Frescoquda Tentacles
  • Tentacle: Shoggoth Tentacle
  • Thighbone: Allophyl Thighbone
  • Thighbone: Ambulimax Thighbone
  • Tip: Bahri Claw Tips
  • Tongue: Kamaldon Tongue
  • Tongue: Lazidol's Tongue
  • Tooth: Fossil Tooth (refined from Part of Fossil Tooth)
  • Tooth: Hogglo Tooth
  • Tooth: Part of Fossil Tooth (mined resource [treasure])
  • Tooth: Proteron Tooth
  • Tusk: Armax Tusk
  • Tusk: Daikiba Tusk
  • Tusk: Shinkiba Tusk
  • Venom: Rextelum Venom Sample
  • Wing: Garcia Wing
  • Wing: Joplin Wing
  • Wing: Plumatergus Large Wing
  • Wing: Plumatergus Small Wing
  • Wing: Rare Pleak Wing
  • Wing: Yarrijak Wing
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Entropia Universe Biodiversity Random Facts


Below follows some random facts about the existing categories of animal related items and other random facts.
The Museum focus on items listed under "Housing/Decorations" and "Natural materials".
Excluded for now is cloths, crystals, dnas, furs, hides, leathers, mutant parts, oils, pets, robot parts and skins.

The categories of mob related decorations in EU (ver 15.2.2)

dolls, figurines, statues, toys, trophy heads

The categories of mob related natural materials in EU (ver 15.7.5)

acid, arm, beak, blood, bone, brain, cavity, cell, clam, claw, cranial blade, craw, cup, ear, egg, essence, eye, fang, feather, flag, flesh, fluid, foot, forearm, fragment, frill, fur, globule, gold, hair, hand, hat, head, heart, hip, hoove, horn, jaw, larva, leg, mandible, mane, meat, nail, nose, palm, paw, pelvis, pike, pincer, plasma, plate, pommel, pouch, rib, sail, scale, shell, shin guard, shoulder pauldron, skull, slime, soul, spine, spur, steak, stem, tail, teeth, tentacle, thighbone, thorax, tip, tongue, tusk, venom, vesicle, wing, wrist guard

Common Categories of Natural Materials (ver 15.2.2)

The list below shows how many items that exists in each category.

  • Tail 33 (The ATH of animal body parts in EU. Mainly because of Arkadia which has 14 differant tails)
  • Skull 31 (Only Calypso, Arkadia and Monria have skulls. But the skull planet #1 is Calypso with its 26 differant skulls)
  • Claw 28 (A common body part on many planets)
  • Eye 27 (A common body part on many planets)
  • Teeth and Tooth 24 (Most common on Calypso but also exists on Arkadia, Next Island, Cyrene and Toulan)
  • Bone 20 (Most common on Calypso but also exists on Crystal Palace, Arkadia, Cyrene and Rocktropia. Cyrene has made it simple. It has simply a "bone".)
  • Plate 15 (Most plates belong on Arkadia. Bokols, hadraadas and yukas drops lumbar, skull, spinal and shoulder plates. Calypso has its rare Letomie Fossil Backplate and a few others.)
  • Blood 14 (Guess what planet has most blood? Rocktropia ofc with 7 differant blood types)
  • Flesh 13 (Most flesh drops happens on Arkadia. Also here Cyrene made it simple and have only "flesh").
  • Foot 12 (Not very common except on Arkadia. Calypso only have Frescoquda foot.)
  • Horn 12 (Most common on Calypso. On Arkadia there is only a horn on the otorugis shoulder.)
  • Heart 11 (Can be found on Next Island, Arkadia and Rocktropia)
  • Wing 10 (Drops mostly from birds and drakes but the grasshopper Yarrijak on Arkadia also let its wings be looted.)
  • Fang 8 (Exists on Crystal Palace, Calypso, Cyrene and Rocktropia.)
  • Leg 8 (Legs are not as common as one might think. Next Island and Arkadia has 3 each. Calypso only Formicacida leg.)
  • Brain 7 (Only Arkadia has brains and they are all used as DNA parts.)
  • Head 7 (Next Island is the planet for heads with boar, drake, shark, cyclops and minotaur heads.)
  • Mandible 7 (Except the Calypsian Caudatergus mandible Arkadia have the other.)
  • Spine 6 (Skeletons on Next Island drops spines. On Arkadia there are 5 species which drops spine.)
  • Scale 5 (3 species on Calypso, 1 on Crystal Palace and Cyrene has fish scales.)
  • Spike 5 (Drops on Arkadia and Calypso.)
  • Tusk 5 (From armax, daikiba and shinkiba on Calypso, and boar on Next Island and the Yog tusk on Monria.)
  • Nail 4 (Only exists on Arkadia.)

Rare Categories of Natural Materials (ver 15.2.2)

There exists natural materials of only one kind in the Universe.
I won't list all of them but here are a few:

  • Acid: Alien Acid: (Drops on Crystal Palace from Kreltins and Aurlis. An item which markup has rocketed the last couple of years and is now at 2319% monthly MU. Quite remarkable as the MU was below 200% for 5 years.)
  • Cavity: (Drops on Toulan from the tabtab. An animal body part we don't know much about. Very few sold and no info on Entropedia.)
  • Clam: (Drops on Toulan from the Caboria. It refines to Caboria Cord which is used to manufacture the Toulan clothing Tir.)
  • Cup: Foul Suctioncup (Fouls have suctioncups on their arms. To say it is extremelly rare is an understatement. Only one known sale back in 2006.)
  • Egg: Ahhhh the EGG! There can be and has only been one egg ever, the Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg. Only one ever sold for 696962 ped to Deathifier. A legendary item. More on the egg here:
  • Frill: The extremelly rare drop The Riptor Neck Frill from Arkadia is used for Riptor DNA cartridges and Riptor Mutated DNA cartridges. A beautiful item.
  • Hat: Which mob could have a hat? Ofcourse the Fungoid. Described as a "slimey part of the fungoid". Extremelly rare and probably only sold one time ever for 12 ped with a MU of 12000%.

Common Categories of Decorations (ver 15.2.2)

  • Trophy Head: The most common decoration by far with a total of 33 trophy heads. Arkadia wins with its 26 trophy heads against Calypsos 9.
  • Figurine: The Figurines are an account bound decoration on Arkadia. There exists 23 Figurines.
  • Statues: Statues are basically a Calypso thing with its 11 statues. But Arkadia has one, the Riptor Statue and Toulan teh Karmoosh Statue.
  • Toys: Arkadia is the #1 place for toys. It has 5 plush toys.

Rare Categories of Decorations (ver 15.2.2)

  • Doll: The only existing doll is the Araneatrox Doll on Calypso

March 31 – 2001 – First Project Entropia Xenobiology Report

These are the oldest descriptions of the Entropia life forms I have encountered.
Some species are extinct.

  • Argonaut: “The first settlers originally called the creature the "Aggronaut", based on the words "aggressive" and "juggernaut".
  • Atrax Dino: “Atraxenosaurus. The settlers have also come to call it the Dark Dino”
  • Berycled: “Carnivore. They are simple-minded creatures, driven by either hunger or curiosity, some even say it's stupidity but this is an animal with a survival instinct that is primarily focused on finding and eating food”
  • Boca-Brazo: “Despite its specialized tools it's also a fully-fledged opportunist”
  • Foul: “Xenoanthropoid. Their unique metabolism allows them to feed solely on bio-energy from other living beings”
  • Gazonk: “Herbivorous. Roughly one meter in height it doesn't pose any threat to anyone.”
  • Hiryuu: “Carnivore. Xenovolaticusaurus. Known as Flying Dragon. The Hiryuu is a fairly intelligent animal that hunts a variety of different prey
  • Katang: “Omnivore. Tears up juicy roots, peel bark, shredding flesh and breaking bones.”
  • Molisk: “Xenoanthropoid. Their exact number will remain unknown since their vast underground communities probably go deep into solid rock”
  • Mutants: “Their ancestors originate from Earth. Outcasts, a tragic reminder of the past and of the robot revolution.”
  • Neco Insect: “Arthropod. 'The Killer Fly'. This insect will therefore approach and stalk its prey on the ground or just wait for an attempt to ambush it.

Onomatology of Entropia Life Forms – The Origin of some Latin Species Names

Linguistic research conducted by Sinful DevAng Angel 2005-05-22

  • Atrax: dark, black, gloomy
  • Aetherex: heaven, heavenly, celestial
  • Ambulimax: "Ambulo" = to walk.
  • Combibo: to drink up, suck in
  • Diripi: "diripio" = to separate, tear apart …
  • Equus: horse
  • Fungoid: "fungus" = mushroom or fungus.
  • Morsusilex: "morsus" = biting, bite, sting, pain + "silex" = hard rock , a flint
  • Neconu: "Neco" = to kill, slay, put to death
  • Scaboreas: "scaber" = scabby , rough
  • Tripudion: "tripudio" = to leap, jump
  • Turp: "turpe" = a disgrace or "turpis" = foul, ugly, disgraceful, morally corrupt
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Seems to be a nice museum.

+ REP for nice project !
Very Cool Idea. Will have to Drop by for a look.
Thanks :)

Yes please come for a visit. Doors have been closed far to long. Felt nice to set it to public at last.

Updated the list. Added an Oweko Trophy head to the collection.
Awesome collection! I'll definitely pay a visit when I'm back on Calypso :)
Started to make a more complete list of items from the Order Available list.
Gone through all the Decorations and added the ones I didnt have in my list.

Next is to do the same with all Natural Materials.

One discovery for me was the Arkadian Figurines. None which have been up on auction from what I could see.
But I know people mentioned them so I suppose they all just keep them.

Since last update I added the following items:

  • Beak: Ostelok Lower Beak
  • Figurine: Bokol Figurine
  • Figurine: Feran Figurine
  • Figurine: Hadraada Figurine
  • Figurine: Halix Figurine
  • Figurine: Huon Figurine
  • Figurine: Jori Figurine
  • Figurine: Kadra Figurine
  • Figurine: Kamaldon Figurine
  • Figurine: Korwil Figurine
  • Figurine: Madana Figurine
  • Figurine: Magurg Male Figurine
  • Figurine: Mutated Beladoth Figurine
  • Figurine: Mutated Oro Figurine
  • Figurine: Mutated Otorugi Figurine
  • Figurine: Nusul Figurine
  • Figurine: Oro Figurine
  • Figurine: Ostelok Figurine
  • Figurine: Otorugi Figurine
  • Figurine: Teladon Figurine
  • Figurine: Tiarak Figurine
  • Figurine: Ubo Figurine
  • Figurine: Wombana Figurine
  • Figurine: Yarrijak Figurine
  • Figurine: Zadul Figurine
  • Flesh: Flesh
  • Flesh: Hadraada Flesh
  • Flesh: Nusul Flesh
  • Trophy head: Jori Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Navi Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Togolossi Trophy head
  • Trophy head: Wombana Trophy head
  • Trophy head: Zadul Trophy head
  • Tusk: Yog Tusk
  • Vesicle: Ubo Vesicle
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Museum Updates


A few new items have been retrieved since last time

Bokol Long Bone

According to Entropedia the drops are extremelly rare and used only for DNA cartridges.
It was discovered as late as 2015-03-17 by Mishgunok Mishgun Dimention.
Spawned it is quite an impressive piece of Arkadian Fauna anatomy. It can be studied in the museum on the New Items table.
Markup was 26000% but the weekly 100% :).

Otorugi Eye

The Otorugi Eye also drops extremelly seldom and is used for DNA cartridges.
Same 3D model as the Kadra eye and possibly other Arkadian mob eyes.

Hadraada Flesh

It's thick protective skin is probably one of its adaptations to the desert environment.
It might also function as water supply buffer.
It is extremelly hard to get an intact piece of Hadraada Flesh why the Museum is very happy to have retrived a sample.
So far the only use for it is for manufacturing DNA cartridges.

Nusul Flesh

Nusul Flesh is used for Nusul DNA Cartridges.
Drops are extremelly rare. Its skin is half the thickness of the Hadraada Flesh.

Huon Foot

Used only to manufacture TerraMaster 8 (L).
Only three blueprints for it have been sold during the decade since 2014-02.
With it's four toes it is to my knowledge a bit uncommon.
Scorias, Teladons and even Drakes have three. More toes is said to be an indication of higher developed life forms.
As for primates and humans who have 5 toes. A closer look into the Huon evolution migth reveil more interesting facts.

Rextelum Chitin Fragment

The Rextelum Chitin Fragment is sort of an enigma. Poacher James who invites you to a mission close to Fort Victoria on Calypso rewards you with 60 combat tokens for quote "Kill Rextelum and collect 50 Chitin Fragment". But! You will never receive any Rextelum Chitin Fragments as they are in this mission merelly pretended.
If you want one go grind Rextelums and hope for one of those "uncommon" drops.
But a word of warning, it has no markup info.
Many thanks to Toast for offering this fairly unknown piece of anatomy.

Kiana Heart

The Kiana Heart is also a DNA part used to create Kiana DNA Cartridges.
First one was sold 2014-06-26.
It is one of the most anatomically correct modelled hearts out there with a left and right artery and the aorta.

Caudatergus Horn

The Caudatergus Horn is a very old item and started dropping in 2006.
It has never been a high MU item. Peaked during the first drops at 180%.

Halix Mane

The Halix mane is also an Arkadian DNA Cartridge manufacturing item (as the Madana mane).

Magurg Male Teeth

The Magurg Male Teeth is used for Magurg Male DNA Cartridges.
It drops from the Arkadian Golden Door in Akaas as the Magurg feets, hearts, pincers and tails.
How these teeths can be used to chew anything eatable is a riddle.
Love the info text and will definitely check out the museum when I return to Caly.

URGENT MESSAGE: Thieves in the Museum


!!! WANTED !!!

The Museums collection of Boar Steaks are gone :eyecrazy:

The staff checked last night and they where safelly stored in the fridge but this morning they seemed to have mysteriously disappeared. This is a small disaster as they only can be found on the opposite side of our known universe.

We have looked everywhere but they just seem lost :dunno:

!!! REWARD !!!

The museum is willing to pay an investigator 1 piece of five stackable items of the investigators own choice (except stackables the museum only have 1 piece of), if it could help solving this mystery. Where are they and what have happened to them? Is it possible to actually steal items from an apartment?

If anyone, despite my doubts, manage to find them, please post a screenshot. First one to post is also the one who receives the reward.

Thank you for youre help!
URGENT MESSAGE: Thieves in the Museum


!!! WANTED !!!

The Museums collection of Boar Steaks are gone :eyecrazy:

The staff checked last night and they where safelly stored in the fridge but this morning they seemed to have mysteriously disappeared. This is a small disaster as they only can be found on the opposite side of our known universe.

We have looked everywhere but they just seem lost :dunno:

!!! REWARD !!!

The museum is willing to pay an investigator 1 piece of five stackable items of the investigators own choice (except stackables the museum only have 1 piece of), if it could help solving this mystery. Where are they and what have happened to them? Is it possible to actually steal items from an apartment?

If anyone, despite my doubts, manage to find them, please post a screenshot. First one to post is also the one who receives the reward.

Thank you for youre help!

It's not possible to steal from an apartment, unless it wasn't the owner placing the item... Try checking the apartment's item list and see if the item counts add up to the actual count you do yourself (I had an item that was bugged on my apartment, that wasn't showing but was on my item count, asked MA to fix it and they did)
last time i checked regular arkadian mobs figurines were not tradable, don't know about the others (smugglers). Unless you got them all yourself it will remain incomplete sadly.

Started to make a more complete list of items from the Order Available list.
Gone through all the Decorations and added the ones I didnt have in my list.

Next is to do the same with all Natural Materials.

One discovery for me was the Arkadian Figurines. None which have been up on auction from what I could see.
But I know people mentioned them so I suppose they all just keep them.

Since last update I added the following items:

  • Beak: Ostelok Lower Beak
  • Figurine: Bokol Figurine
  • Figurine: Feran Figurine
  • Figurine: Hadraada Figurine
  • Figurine: Halix Figurine
  • Figurine: Huon Figurine
  • Figurine: Jori Figurine
  • Figurine: Kadra Figurine
  • Figurine: Kamaldon Figurine
  • Figurine: Korwil Figurine
  • Figurine: Madana Figurine
  • Figurine: Magurg Male Figurine
  • Figurine: Mutated Beladoth Figurine
  • Figurine: Mutated Oro Figurine
  • Figurine: Mutated Otorugi Figurine
  • Figurine: Nusul Figurine
  • Figurine: Oro Figurine
  • Figurine: Ostelok Figurine
  • Figurine: Otorugi Figurine
  • Figurine: Teladon Figurine
  • Figurine: Tiarak Figurine
  • Figurine: Ubo Figurine
  • Figurine: Wombana Figurine
  • Figurine: Yarrijak Figurine
  • Figurine: Zadul Figurine
  • Flesh: Flesh
  • Flesh: Hadraada Flesh
  • Flesh: Nusul Flesh
  • Trophy head: Jori Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Navi Trophy Head
  • Trophy head: Togolossi Trophy head
  • Trophy head: Wombana Trophy head
  • Trophy head: Zadul Trophy head
  • Tusk: Yog Tusk
  • Vesicle: Ubo Vesicle
It's not possible to steal from an apartment, unless it wasn't the owner placing the item... Try checking the apartment's item list and see if the item counts add up to the actual count you do yourself (I had an item that was bugged on my apartment, that wasn't showing but was on my item count, asked MA to fix it and they did)

The staff at the museum is becoming a bit of age and have both bad memory and bad eyes.
I cant rule out that it is actually the staff who misplaced the boar steaks.
I am sure there is a natural explanation for this :cool:

last time i checked regular arkadian mobs figurines were not tradable, don't know about the others (smugglers). Unless you got them all yourself it will remain incomplete sadly.

Yea, I learned that later that the figurines are account bound. Rewards from the IFN missions. And some people are getting more and more figurines they cant even TT.
Added a section in my second thread with some Random Entropia Universe Biodiversity Facts.
I have also gone through the entire list of available Natural Materials section in the auction.
Can't say it is easy to try and define an animal body part from imaginary species.

For example, the conventional definition of a soul is that it is not a body part. But well, in EU the Drakes on Rocktropia and the Skeletons on Next Island drops souls. I suppose in EU a body part is something that a mob drops. But on Next island every damn mob drops a crystal, so I skipped those.

Right, Mr Zoologist is kind of random, but it's something to do when the ped card is dry.

I will add similar info for animal body parts in the Natural Materials section next.
Took me a while but now its done.

I have gone through every item in the available list of natural materials and investigated the existence and commoness of various categories of animal body parts in EU. This will most possibly change with future updates, but this is what exists in v 15.2.2.

I also digged as deep as I could to try and find some early info about the Entropia life forms.
Found a list of species descriptions from back in 2001.

Also added an interesting list of the origins of some species names.
As described by Sinful DevAng Angel in 2005-05-22.

All this can be read in my second post.
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+ Rep for a an excellent project.
Museum Updates


Besides the normal collecting and researching errands the issue with the lost boar steaks has been resolved.
It was actually my very self who neglected to check on the aurli larvas cage one night.
I may also have neglected to feed them properly, why they had to solve it themselves, by looking up the fridge and grabbing some juicy steaks.
Found them today still having a fiesta on the remains of a poor boar, behind a boar head on the floor.
I am sorry if someone felt accused of stealing.

Thawr Horn

Thawr means "bull" in arabic. The Thawr belongs on Toulan and its horns can be refined to Thawr Ivory.
Only 1.8 ped sold of the Thawr Horn since of today.
What this ivory is used for by the natives on Toulan is still a secret. Our theory is handles for knifes or swords.
The similarity with the mythological creature Minotaur in Ancient Greece is staggering.
As the planets are close neighbours it is not far fetched to imagine some cross breeding in the ancient past.

THING blood

This is the arctic, blue type of THING blood. Not to be confused with the red HELL version Thing Blood, which is highly infectious.
The drops are uncommon and only 22 ped sold since the discovery of the THING.
Despite our efforts we have not managed to learn what the THING Blood should be used for.
One of our researchers hypothesis was that the THING blood has been used as some sort of native psychoactive drug.
Before we could stop him he crossed the museum's ethical border, opened the lid and tasted a few drops.
We found him on the floor rambling bad Rocktropian poetry.

Most of it was to obscene to publish but I feel obliged to post some of it below.

Love is a small loot.
Faith, desolation, and endurance.
All girls lead big, healthy waves.
Endurance is a small breeze.
The sunny veteran quietly pulls the mob.

Pets endure like agile seas.
The healthy uber roughly loves the lag.
The breeze dies like a cold hunter.
The warm THING swiftly loots the noob.
All veterans love agile, strong planets.

All THINGs desire old, rough ubers.
The Entropia waves like a dead pirate.
Why does the loot die?
Travel roughly like a small noob.
The pirate revives like a sunny HOF.

Ubers hunt!
Life, death, and revival.

Life is a sunny moon.
Where is the healthy HOF?

We STRONGLY recommend anyone who loots the THING blood to keep the lid on.

Vampire Bone

The Rocktropian Vampire drops bones, eyes, bloods, hearts, fangs and plasmas.
All of these items have been rarelly seen in auction. And probably also not used much by crafters.
But as entropians in general, and in particular Rocktropians, are very supersticious, I am sure this has to do with bad luck using body parts from "undead" creatures.

Allophyl Statue

52 allophyl statues have been sold since early 2008. It peaked at tt+140 for a few months but the customer interest has since then been dramatically dropping to todays tt+8.45.
We have also been trying to get in contact with ZAP who mentioned an Allophyl Golden statue in his loot table for release 7.3.
Is this golden statue just a myth or did it actually exist? Nothing exists in the auction list.
If anyone has any info regarding the Allpohyl golden statue we would be most greatful.
Not much is known about the origin and artist creating this statue.
According to Entropiaplanets it is a crafted item.

Berycled Statue

It's popularity among the entropians has been much higher for this statue compared to the Allophyl statue.
217 sold on auction since early 2008.
It is a crafted item pre vu 10. Probably same for the Allophyl statue.
The materials needed to craft this staue still exists but the blueprint is gone. Or do anyone still have it?

Bokol Trophy Head

One of the huge trophy heads from Arkadia which makes most visitors smile when they see it.
Why? Because of the natural shape of the Bokol's mouth which hunters interpret as a smile.
But this is an ancient adaptation for this mob to citizens constantly hunting them.
It is merelly a protective smile making the hunter for a few seconds lower his gun. Enough time for the bokol to grab and digest the hunter, in a fraction of a few seconds.
The trophy head can be achieved by finishing the IFN stage 4 bokol mission.


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This is the single greatest thread in the entirety of PCF.
yeah. ten characters.
Museum Updates


I have updated the collection lists in the first post and the list of categories of mob related natural materials in EU (ver 15.7.5) in my second post.
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Museum Updates


:yay: Museum reopened :yay:

At last we are proud to have you all as guests again.

We have been looking for a bigger apartment for the museum for ages and finally found one G size apartment in Genesis Amethera. Made a huge differance even though the landlord has a strange contract. It restricts us to max 200 items in the museum :confused: But that will hopefully make us do more thought through displays.

We have tried our best to give justice to the differant worlds and their animal inhabitants in our exhibitions.
But due to our contractual restrictions we can't show everything we would like.

Thanks to all that helped

Thank you you know who for helping us gather hard to gather items, to give us interior decoration advices (feng shui experts helped) and not the least keeping to yourself how utterly out of our wits we are who believes you actually can have a biology museum in an MMO :laugh:


Teleport: Genesis Amethera Headquarter
House: Genesis Star Tower C, 6 G

How to find it

p.s. The music has been specially composed for televator travelling.


Many new body parts have been discovered and collected since last update.
I will write some lines about those when I get some time over.
And of course keep travelling our universe in the chase for new undiscovered and forgotten mobs and what they might reveil.
That video was so sweet and a pleasure to watch, and I loved your emotes - Over There!

You use the word cathegorie(s) repeatedly. You do it so much it makes me think it's actually correct spelling wherever you are from? If so, is it? I don't mean to be rude or anything just curious. If it is a spelling error the correct word is categories by the way.
Excellent job, love the clip and I will pay a visit today.
I wish one day your Museum to find a proper building ~> to move in!
People like you "Loco ...'s" :) making the difference in EU
You must spread some Reputation around blah blah. Great job! Both the museum and the video. That elevator music and emotes... :D
You use the word cathegorie(s) repeatedly. You do it so much it makes me think it's actually correct spelling wherever you are from? If so, is it? I don't mean to be rude or anything just curious. If it is a spelling error the correct word is categories by the way.

I have been categorically wrong all the time. Thanks Venture. I don't mind at all.
Amazing, really nice, great Video Clip. Definitely worth a visit!
Thank you Gordon.

When I'm broke one of my favorite things to do in EU is running around randomly in peoples apartments, looking for people as crazy as me, who crammed their places full of stuff they found. And there are LOADS of it out there. To bad there is no real estate registry, but meh, to old dream of mine, it's just getting to old to express our dreams for EU that will never happen.

But yea, please come by if you have some spare time. It is always open and doesnt cost you a pec to visit :)
Next time, Caly is on my way, i will take a look. I like what you do, and it remembers me at old Atlantis, where we had a creature museum. Good job!