I was told he tried to sell it to Divinity like 5 months ago.
well done chong! i'll join even less playerowned area events in future...
I was told he tried to sell it to Divinity like 5 months ago.
well done chong! i'll join even less playerowned area events in future...
Please do not kill the messenger! I beg you!
I did not want to be the one to make the announcement that this event has ended, I wanted to leave that to Chong. However, I also did not want to stay quiet on the sidelines while people continued to grind his event under the assumption they could still participate in his event.
I am the new owner of OLA#21, I purchased the LA from Chong a little over a day ago. I do think Chong is experiencing some technical issues with trying to connect to PCF. I am not certain, but he mentioned having some connectivity issues to PCF and EntropiaWiki when he handled the trade. Because this is Chong's event, and not mine, anyone participating in this event will need to contact Chong All-The-Way Pha to receive prize payouts.
I just made the announcement public a minute ago, here is a link to my post.
This deed is no longer for sale, or participating in Chong's event. As the new owner I will launch my own separate event.
I apologize I had to be the one to make this announcement, but I put myself in Chong's shoes, and yours as the participants, and I would want someone to notify me if the event promoter was unable to connect to PCF. Best of luck to you all.
Thank you,
arent you as a buyer, knowing fully well the situation about this LA, responsible for the handling of this event?
A bit like buying a house which is rented to people. You get the residents in the sale as well!
I think you shouldn't even have bought it from him. Your putting your own rep at stake here!
You where fully aware, so don't hide behind chon!
*edit* and btw, you're not the messenger here. You're the buyer of a claimed LA.
arent you as a buyer, knowing fully well the situation about this LA, responsible for the handling of this event?
A bit like buying a house which is rented to people. You get the residents in the sale as well!
I think you shouldn't even have bought it from him. Your putting your own rep at stake here!
You where fully aware, so don't hide behind chon!
*edit* and btw, you're not the messenger here. You're the buyer of a claimed LA.
arent you as a buyer, knowing fully well the situation about this LA, responsible for the handling of this event?
A bit like buying a house which is rented to people. You get the residents in the sale as well!
I think you shouldn't even have bought it from him. Your putting your own rep at stake here!
You where fully aware, so don't hide behind chon!
*edit* and btw, you're not the messenger here. You're the buyer of a claimed LA.
Your anger is misdirected. You should be angry at Chong. She is not responsible for the event terminating.
No. It's not at all like purchasing a home. But it is like purchasing a piece of commercial real estate.
Lets talk about Steve, Bob, Susan, burgers, and wings.
Steve purchases a building and outfits it with commercial cooking equipment. He then puts it up for lease.
Bob comes along and signs a lease with Steve, and opens a restaurant called Bob's All Beef Burgers. Bob sees other restaurants running loyalty programs and having good success with it, so he chooses to run a loyalty rewards program of his own, and it goes well for him. After a while things change for Bob and he decides it is time to retire from the burger business, so he makes a new loyalty program to make his exit.
In Bob's new loyalty rewards program he states that every 100th cheese burger you purchase from him will give you a ticket for a raffle with 1% chance to receive at-cost burgers at his restaurant for life, and that the raffle would be held after all the tickets were redeemed.
After nearly a year things aren't going nearly as well as planned, and the raffle tickets are being redeemed at a much slower rate than anticipated. Bob is already living a retirement lifestyle, the burger joint being the last burden remaining to fully retire. So Bob decides to go ahead and shut down his business altogether and retire.
Steve, the landlord, then puts the building up for lease again.
Susan comes on scene and chooses to sell chicken wings. Susan decides to run her own loyalty rewards program.
While Susan is selling food at the same location where Bob was previously selling burgers, Susan is at no obligation to serve free wings or burgers to Bob's former customers.
Counter argument: Bob wasn't a tenant, though, he was an owner-operator, and he promised not only cheeseburgers but also the building and the commercial kitchen equipment.
That may be so, but there are several reasons the new owner is under no obligation to compensate Bob's customers.
First; Bob's loyalty program never put a lien or any kind of contingency plan in place on what happens if the business is shut down before the loyalty program pays out the building.
Second; Susan purchased the building and the kitchen equipment, not the Burger business. Susan built her own business within the premises and using the same equipment as Bob's old business.
Third; Bitter as this may be, Bob's Burger Loyalty Rewards Program specifically stated that the raffle would occur AFTER all the tickets had been redeemed. When Bob finally retired, only a small fraction of the raffle tickets had been redeemed.
Conclusion; While Bob's most loyal burger eaters may request compensation from Bob, Susan is under no obligation to provide free wings, free burgers, or anything else as a result of Bob's loyalty rewards program - whether or not she chooses to run a loyalty program of her own.
Are there lessons to be learned here? Absolutely. There are lessons for event managers, LA owners, and event participants.
Final note; Chong has not logged onto PCF since before the LA sale took place, and a technical issue preventing his logging on has been brought up. It is premature to make accusations.
No. It's not at all like purchasing a home. But it is like purchasing a piece of commercial real estate.
Conclusion; While Bob's most loyal burger eaters may request compensation from Bob, Susan is under no obligation to provide free wings, free burgers, or anything else as a result of Bob's loyalty rewards program - whether or not she chooses to run a loyalty program of her own.
Are there lessons to be learned here? Absolutely. There are lessons for event managers, LA owners, and event participants.
Final note; Chong has not logged onto PCF since before the LA sale took place, and a technical issue preventing his logging on has been brought up. It is premature to make accusations.
]The deed was on the market for a short period. I did get some good offers but none that was able to meet the B/O price. Hence, that is why I started this event. AOL #21 is no longer for sale and can only be owned by winning the event. The event is intended to be a long-term event. I am predicting it to last at least 3 years before all 10 tickets are claimed. The event is set up so that those who really want to own a LA can have a chance to own one without the high up-front cost. It is also set up for that one opportunist to take a chance at making a good fortune if they do end up winning; by selling the LA for a nice profit or keeping it for them self.Isn’t the deed posted on the Market right now?
Hello, i would like to know can i receive 2 tickets? What is payment per global if you sell the deed before event ends?
Every 1000 globals each avatar/team record will win a ticket. In addition, tickets can also be sold, traded, or giving away. You are free to negotiate for tickets with the ticket holder and I will assist with the transfer of ticket.
The deeds will never be sold and can only be owned by winning this event. I am open to having a caretaker hold on the deeds for assurance reasons. However, this caretaker must have a flawless reputation, be active and have many years of Entropia Universe experience, own multiple high value assets in-game, and recognize they will receive no monetary return for this role. Please pm me here on PCF or in-game if you can meet these requirements and interested.
Interesting Event. I do have a few questions though.
1. Will global naming be bought for the event?
2. If not is that why you are only considering weak's for the event. The la does have strongs and Ravager which formed quite a number of my globals when i used to hunt @LA.
3. Also as Chiee asked, if the LA is sold before the event completes what will be paid out to those who globalled.
1. LA global message has been expired and I have no intention of renewing. Formicacida Weak mobs are unique to only AOL #21. I will be using EntropiaLife, info for Formicacida, to track Formicacida Weak globals on AOL #21. This will also give the new owner the option to rename the LA to whatever they may choose.
2. Although Strong and Ravager maturities do spawn occasionally, I have no way to keep track if the globals registered on EntropiaLife is from AOL #21. For globals with maturities higher than Formicacida Weak scored on AOL #21, I will leave the burden of proof upon the hunter. This can be accomplished by posting a screenshot of your globals on this separate forum here. Once posted and determined to be a global from OLA #21, I will update your score.
3. The deeds will never be sold and can only be owned by winning this event. I am open to having a caretaker hold on the deeds for assurance reasons. However, this caretaker must have a flawless reputation, be active and have many years of Entropia Universe experience, own multiple high value assets in-game, and recognize they will receive no monetary return for this role. Please pm me here on PCF or in-game if you can meet these requirements and interested.
So, how is pudding going to solve this issue? Undo the deal and give the LA to the rightful winner?
Or does pudding have no respect for the player base and give everybody the finger?
Just pretending to be an innocent "messenger" is not going to stick.
It's not her responsibility to do anything about it to compensate you for someone else's event. Any penalties and compensation will need to be provided by Chong. For that, you will likely need Mindark to step in, if anything - but I don't expect them to and for the most part, don't think they should set this precedent.
Please do not kill the messenger! I beg you!
I did not want to be the one to make the announcement that this event has ended, I wanted to leave that to Chong. However, I also did not want to stay quiet on the sidelines while people continued to grind his event under the assumption they could still participate in his event.
I am the new owner of OLA#21, I purchased the LA from Chong a little over a day ago. I do think Chong is experiencing some technical issues with trying to connect to PCF. I am not certain, but he mentioned having some connectivity issues to PCF and EntropiaWiki when he handled the trade. Because this is Chong's event, and not mine, anyone participating in this event will need to contact Chong All-The-Way Pha to receive prize payouts.
I just made the announcement public a minute ago, here is a link to my post.
This deed is no longer for sale, or participating in Chong's event. As the new owner I will launch my own separate event.
I apologize I had to be the one to make this announcement, but I put myself in Chong's shoes, and yours as the participants, and I would want someone to notify me if the event promoter was unable to connect to PCF. Best of luck to you all.
Thank you,
So basically, you are trying to safe some of you reputation here by informing the community? Lol.
It's quite obvious that Chong did intentionally scam a lot of participants by just selling this LA to you. You did help him. You provided the means for this scam to resolve. That's all and imo that kind of behaviour doesn't deserve any kudos.
But it's your karma.
Dude, stop being so freaking ignorant.
The FACTS are very simple.
The LA had essentially been given away.
Pudding was just being opportunistic and didnt care about it already being given away and just bought it anyways.
If pudding had a spine (which the name says otherwise) he would have just not bought the LA and pointed chong to his word of giving it away instead of selling it.
Don't protect pudding. he, she or it is part of this scam!
Like I said before, the LA was given away and has been stolen from the rightfull winners. And Pudding bought that stolen LA knowing this FULLY well!!
I can only hope the community won't forget and that this is dealt with!
Your post is littered with personal attacks instead of actually something meaningful. That is a sign of a very weak argument.
The situation sucks but it isn't her responsibility to answer for an event she did not own. If anything, Chong owes restitution. Thank goodness you are not a judge.