Your 2023 goals?

continue to pray a company buys EU to actually develop it responsibly and will be actively engaged with the community.
in the mean time I'll try and not spend money because it never gets me anywhere
No bigger goals since I've stoped doing depos and instead done withdrawals last months. :p
I'm close to trigger Intuition so I guess thats what I aim for now.
It is not a single goal but distribvuted, would be ok also a partial result
100 Range - 100 Melee - 80 MF - 400 HP - 30 posp/surv/treasure hunter - 60 craft - 500k SP
What are your goals in Entropia for 2023?
To be here on 2023-12-29 to answer that question again for 2024 ;) , play some more without stress and outrageous goals, read more from those who find better ways to profit and those who fail to copy those strategies, clean up my storage and report some more spam-posts here on PCF.
To grow my stream and also help players who have been playing alone and feel alone and abandoned and build a fun community where no matter where youre from theres. Aplace to chat talk and have fun running at proterons with tt guns for the hell of it
To grow my stream and also help players who have been playing alone and feel alone and abandoned and build a fun community where no matter where youre from theres. Aplace to chat talk and have fun running at proterons with tt guns for the hell of it

That mindset has had a positive impact on your twitch endeavor. Its awesome that you have a genuine purpose to go along with your goal. Keep it up.
Sweat Gatherer profession to level 55 and add another 1 million sweat to my pile.
Get storage down to 30 pitbulls and less than 5k line items on entropia page.
Add 30% value to society treasury
Unlock intuition
250 hp
Stop trolling
To continue to wait for mindark to Make Entropia Great Again. :tiphat:



.............. and further back

2011 (Remember them?)
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Level 100 In BLP Sniper Hit (Might Struggle)
Level 60 in Animal Looter (Might Struggle)

Those top 2 depend on how much I grind and cycle I suppose and if I go do some new codex mobs to help etc :)

Try and get an Eon M UL Set.......

Other than that. I don't really have any other goals........
planning on going full melee from full laser for the new year as its cheaper plus its gonna force me to skill up in areas im lacking, and mainly for hp

oh, id also like to stop spending crazy amounts on stupid stuff. but that aint gonna happen so ill stick to skilling melee
10 years ago, you would see me compete in all fields. After becoming older (and hopefully wiser), you will see it all boils down to $.
Nowadays I would say strip me from skills as long as I make $$$.

Happy holydays
I want to get 500k SP

EDIT: Mission Accomplished

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Others would not be interested (why would they be) but posting my goals here will make them more realistic for myself.
. Get out of the black hole I am in (day 48/60 to complete).
. And so enable me to be a better friend and soc mate to others .
. Acquire better armor, FAP & weapons (I have looted the weps just do not have the skill to use them yet).
. Start up my Blog again.
. Eventually, hone my PvP skills - my Scottish & Sicilian genes prevent me from forgetting certain players
Some great contributions already in this little thread, it's great reading :)

As for me, I do have some ideas:

My Shop business:
- Convert one of my large shops on the 2nd floor to an ArMatrix shop
- Re-brand the 2nd floor shop business to a one-stop-shopping for hunters (and go into competition more fiercely with Medusa)
- Buy Twin Peaks mall at some point (not sure it will be in 2023)
- If I can one day own Twin Peaks mall, add music streaming there for 25,000 PED
- add max number of item points I can to my new Celeste Quarry Booth

- Unlock Industrialist
- Get Metal component manufacturing to level 70
- Skill Manufacture Enhancer to level 45
- Obtain Mk. 6A and 5D blueprints if at all possible
- Obtain Ghost armor blueprints if at all possible

- Skill up any weapon (probably laser) to 70

- Take some profits this year (make my first withdrawal)
- If MindArk makes it possible, build a factory or other kind of building on one of my Medium Land Plots
1) No more than 30 days total of not logging into the game during 2023 :)
reach 100 in hit / dmg for knife
unlock doctor
meet new friends ingame
have more mankini hunts!
not sure EU can help you there, but it can cause you to get bent...jk.....mostly

so yeah, goals....hmmmm....

took me about a year and a half to get to 100k skills, would like to get to 175k by this time next year or better

have been doing a lot more crafting lately, mainly because i like the ability to produce some of my own gear, and also because it helps me understand the game's economy better (previously i often sold materials without really knowing how or why they were used, only caring about MU history)

Will be cool to get involved in TWEN, being a young avatar I missed all the other big anniv events. I am hoping though that it doesn't turn into just a Mayhem on steroids. Hey I get it, we are here to spend money....but Mayhem makes it a little too obvious, the veneer is very thin there, and if your pedcard isn't ready, you just can't finish it out.

In 2023 I hope to figure out what planet to make my "home" planet. So far I've not fallen totally in love with any one planet. They all have pros and cons and none stand head and shoulders above the rest.