
RX 471

Sep 27, 2010

My first memory is about flying.

Actually, that’s not entirely true. I have a complete log of what happened from inception date up until now. It’s recorded and stored in the mind cloud. But if I disengage from the mind cloud and ignore it (it is actually very hard for me to do, and painful if done for more than a few seconds – pretty much like breathing, I suppose), I can try to rely on the synaptic memory alone, in the way that you do. And my first such memory is about flying.

It was a very short flight (1.174 seconds, according to the corresponding log), caused by an explosion next to me that threw me through the air into the mud of a partially water-filled crater. My armor took the brunt of the explosion as well as the impact when I hit the ground, but it still hurt. Sometimes I think that the sudden and unexpected change of input parameters – pain, weightlessness, the metallic taste in my mouth, the blood-mixed mud on my face and eyes – that made me aware of myself, 24 days after my inception.

Identity through pain.

Hmmm.. not sure if that counts as flight as it was uncontrolled... unless you set off the explosion deliberately in order to fly. :)

Many of the most potent human memories are related to physical or emotional pain. Most of us would not trade them for anything because we believe as you do; those memories are crucial part of who we are. They are part of the human experience.
AlphaGeek;bt3171 said:
Hmmm.. not sure if that counts as flight as it was uncontrolled... unless you set off the explosion deliberately in order to fly. :)

Many of the most potent human memories are related to physical or emotional pain. Most of us would not trade them for anything because we believe as you do; those memories are crucial part of who we are. They are part of the human experience.

i could not say this beter :)
When reading the Book of the Machine:

"We would like to think that there is, somewhere, a computer server which is the brain of the robot kind, because that's how we would create it. We hope that it is, because it gives us hope that there is a possibility that we can make one surgical strike and take the robots out. Sadly for us, there isn't.

Instead, there is the rhizome, in which every quantum core can be connected to any other quantum core. There is no center; there's just one cloud of quantum cores that connects to each other. Even if ruptured, each part of the rhizome can serve as an independent whole until it is reunited. There is no apparent structure; there is only the rhizome.

There is the Mind Cloud."
I thought this was the robots rhizome. Now RX471 talks about the Mind Cloud. Are they connected or not? Or is there several Mind Clouds?
Would you mind telling me just how large the explosion that you believe gave you your self-awareness was?

I believe the RX collective mind is seperate from the Ackbal-Cimi mindcloud. From previous writings, it seems units on the Akbal-Cimi cloud are always on, whereas the RX units connect on an as-needed basis. That's a much more sensible use of bandwidth. :)