Karma comes back around.....


Dec 6, 2010
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There has been alot of dicussion about ships Karma in space, and what it tells you about that ship.

So far we know that the first kill a ship makes, determines its tag. So if you take out 1 fair ship - you are rude.
The ships gain and lose Karma depending on what they kill, but have no way of seeing what the Karma is at.

So far I (and others around me) has drawn the conclusion that the first kill determines the tag, and nothign would change that. It just didnt seem right.

Also, the tag will get stronger or weaker depending who is in the driver/gunner seat. For example a quad is fair when person x is in the seat, and upstanding when person y is in the seat.

I had never heard of a ship changing Karma...until now! :cool:

Poor Tesh shot down a mob and his quad became fair, :yup: after doing a load of escorting and pirate hunting, it never changed.

Until today, his ship lost its tag, not fair or rude. It was either a bug, or his ship had reached the neutral stage once again. Only one way to test it!

We headed out into space with a fair ship as target, low and behold when he shot it down, his ship became rude.

So Karma does come back around.....

What are your observations of Karma? would be great to get it all figured out :)

Edited in 2014 to add -

Through the years and the course of this thread, we now have a much better understanding on the karma system, how it works, how to gain and lose it, how to bring it back around, and how captain profession has a strong effect on it. We have also worked out many of the ranks which are achievable, I will add them to this post. Hope you enjoy reading the thread :)

2021 update with the karma list as we know it, its not perfect, not finished yet, but I think its high time we shared it :D
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From what you've described it sounds as though the passage of time lessens the effect of previous actions.

This would give an up-to-date indication of a person's intentions. Someone who's been bad (a pirate) in the past who now decides to be a person of good character will find it easier to lose the burden of those past actions.

The disadvantage to this is someone of bad character could take a break and find themselves (at least temporarily) regarded as "neutral."
I bought a minimally damaged quad a week or so ago and discovered that it had bad karma attached to it- 'rude'. I have shot a few space horrors and not pk'd anyone or been pk'd by anyone. Last time I looked I remained 'rude'.
You can see your own ship's title by mousing over the healthbar for it.

When I first came to space my Sleipnir MK2 VTOL got the title "Notable" after flying for awhile with a passenger. It would lose it's title when my passenger got out.

When I got my Quad-Wing it quickly got the title Rude since Ive shot down several other ships with it. When a 2nd gunner gets in, it gets the title "Disreputable"

People who kill ships with a bad title, get a positive rating. If you kill ships with a good title, then you get a bad rating. A few minutes ago I shot down another Quad-Wing that had the title "Fair", so I lost Karma on that. I have seen some people with "Upstanding" on their Quad and those people usually specifically target those with a bad rating.

Most people seem to have the title "Rude" since they have at one point killed another ship with a neutral or positive title.

I also would like more information on the subject.
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I just saw Serica with the title Prominent

Its the highest I have seen so far.

Edit: when Serica came back she was without a passenger and her ship didnt have a title which means she has never shot down another ship or killed a mob with her ship.

She probably one of the more active transport pilots atm
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Well I did change my quad from Fair to Rude as described in Alainas post.
Then today I shot down a Rude quad and returned my quad to Fair.
So you definately gain + or - Karma when shooting down ships and can change between Rude and Fair by the status of your "victims".
vehicules karma can change at least, despite some societies' karma driven by a single individual which is hardly (or never) reversible. :yup:

Have a good day :laugh:
I took on a passenger today and my Quad got the title "Notorious" while he was alone in the 2nd seat. When I got on board it became "Disreputable"

The problem is I keep killing other ships that also have a negative title, which makes mine more positive.

I would love to have the title Notorious all the time :laugh:

I want to know what comes next after Notorious
Well I did change my quad from Fair to Rude as described in Alainas post.
Then today I shot down a Rude quad and returned my quad to Fair.
So you definately gain + or - Karma when shooting down ships and can change between Rude and Fair by the status of your "victims".
Oh noes!!! your fair again :handgun: *hugs*
If I choose to go to space with a "fair" spaceship does that mean I am likely to travel with a "better" pilot then if i travel with a "rude" spaceship?
In other words: are "rude" spaceships more likely to be pirates, in which case I can choose not to travel with them?

or with this "karma can be reset thing" there's no telling good from evil ?
If I choose to go to space with a "fair" spaceship does that mean I am likely to travel with a "better" pilot then if i travel with a "rude" spaceship?
In other words: are "rude" spaceships more likely to be pirates, in which case I can choose not to travel with them?

or with this "karma can be reset thing" there's no telling good from evil ?

Its a hard question to answer. There are so many factors to take into consideration.

Firstly its presuming that a pirate would want to see harm coming to their passenger, I would like to hope this is rare - but presume it has happened.

There are pirates out there with fair quads, but this is not to say they they are trying to be sneaky, its just the luck of the first thing they killed.

There are also many rude ship owners ( myself included) who has never had a passenger come to any harm. I go to space everyday, and offer a free flight to the ss ( as im going anyway) and 9 times out of 10 I go alone, through the fear people have on flying in a rude ship.

If someone has a Karma tag, you know they have killed something. What you then need to ask yourself is if this is a good thing. A fair tag, could have arisen from killing just one cosmic horror, so doesn't tell you much about their combat abilities, and if they really would be able to defend you in space. However, they could have wiped out every rude ship out there.... you just never know.

A rude tag has came from shooting down a fair or neutral ship. It may sound odd, but if I could not fly on my own or with the mothership, id rather fly with some of the pirates I know, knowing they could fight hard if it came to it. Then it all comes down to who you trust.

The Karma change has came from alot of space pk'ing, but bear in mind that pirates will shoot down other pirates too. So they kill fair and rude ships. They gain and lose karma up and down continually. We now know they can change their tag but doesnt change the fact that not all fair ships are good, and not all rude ships are bad.

As a general rule of thumb, flying with well know pilots or on Motherships would be the best advice.
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I just want to know who the bad guys are so I can kill'em ;)
you could start by forum trollers, if you got nothing to do, Sam, lol :yup:
I just want to know who the bad guys are so I can kill'em ;)

The bad guys are Force Majeur and the Rockstars. So many people are up there to kill them, you practically have to wait in line and wait for your turn. No one likes them.

The other bad guys are ALL Sleipnir MK1 and MK2. :laugh: :rocket:

When you are up there next and you see me, stop over. I usually have a team of 3-6 or more Quad-Wings... Ill add you :)
I just saw Serica with the title Prominent

Its the highest I have seen so far.

Edit: when Serica came back she was without a passenger and her ship didnt have a title which means she has never shot down another ship or killed a mob with her ship.

She probably one of the more active transport pilots atm

Yep, never felt the need to shoot anyone - I'm not into pvp at all.

On the other hand, I've never lost a passenger (tho I've been hit once when I wasn't paying attention flying solo).

And I've been flying passengers since space opened :)
I just want to know who the bad guys are so I can kill'em ;)

now now Sam, dont get to cocky and play the role of a good guy when you definetly aint one?, remember how you mob trained my team when we were just having some fun hunting? that was a noble move by you

to bad for you it was a pvp zone
remember how you mob trained my team when we were just having some fun hunting?

I've never intentionally mob trained anyone. Unintentionally, with a vehicle.. well.. maybe :ahh:
How, I wonder, does karma relate to the color of the tag? I've see someone with fair karma but a red tag. What's up with that?
I've never intentionally mob trained anyone. Unintentionally, with a vehicle.. well.. maybe :ahh:

lets recall the events.

I dont stand in PA and talk to newbies, instead i take them on opalo hunts and that day was one of those.

We went for allophyls W from Neas place, when you drove by with your car with 2 allophyls on your tail. It is still not clear to me, how you managed to make them peacefull allophyls aggro on you since you need to come very VERY close to them for them to start being aggresive.
So those to mobs lost aggresion towards you and started attacking my team members.
When i saw that, i said in public chat so that you could also see it quote: "if he trains us again we wack him".
It is then when you started to pick up all the allophyls you could get to do another mob train(4 or 5) on us, now you are saying that was not done on pourpuse?
.. you are saying that was not done on pourpuse?

Yes, I am. But even though it happened accidentally, I apologize.

I can't completely remember the incident, but I believe I was trying to aggro a group of them together to kill them myself. I often do this with small mob on an iron challenge. It's not eco, but it saves a lot of tedious running around or tagging. And it's fun! :)

I certainly would have avoided your group had I seen it in time and I am sorry if it spoiled your hunt.

Sam Panda
How, I wonder, does karma relate to the color of the tag? I've see someone with fair karma but a red tag. What's up with that?

Were you in a rude ship at the time? Opposites see the other colour. If not... pass :laugh:
I'm sure I've read it somewhere, but can't find it now so I ask you experts.

How will killing space mobs affect your Karma? If you are "Fair" and kill them, will your "Good guy" karma be strengthen?
And if you are "Rude", will you get "ruder" by killing space mobs or does that count as an act of "goodness" and switch you back to "fairness"?
How, I wonder, does karma relate to the color of the tag? I've see someone with fair karma but a red tag. What's up with that?

Were you in a rude ship at the time? Opposites see the other colour. If not... pass :laugh:

If you have a Karma tag then Any ship with the same tag as you will be green all other ships with or without a tag will be red.
I think mobs only give good karma, right?
If you have a Karma tag then Any ship with the same tag as you will be green all other ships with or without a tag will be red.

I meet today a few ships in Space without tag but a few of them was red triangle, the other one was blue.
I killed the red signed ships and there was no change on my "Fair" tag. :cool:
I meet today a few ships in Space without tag but a few of them was red triangle, the other one was blue.
I killed the red signed ships and there was no change on my "Fair" tag. :cool:

Well it does all depend on what your Karma is. Mine is obviouly only a few points above neutral so shooting a fair ship could take me rude again.
I'm sure I've read it somewhere, but can't find it now so I ask you experts.

How will killing space mobs affect your Karma? If you are "Fair" and kill them, will your "Good guy" karma be strengthen?
And if you are "Rude", will you get "ruder" by killing space mobs or does that count as an act of "goodness" and switch you back to "fairness"?

Found it. Killing space mobs adds to current Karma, good or bad.

New Features and Updated Systems


Fierce space mobs are added and karma points can now also be gained when killing them. This awards bad karma for bad ships and good karma for good and neutral ships.
Yup it happend to my Quad now, went from Rude, to upstanding, then back to rude ( with pk's in between ofc). Seen it happen to vtols and motherships now too. :)

So they must get to a stage where they can switch between depending on what they are killing. Very cool :)

Just wish we could see how many points they had.