New auction Fee (VU 8.7)

More slobbing around trying to connect buyers and sellers to bypass auction fees means much more idle time for players. More idle time is a direct expense for Mindark in terms of bandwidth. Idle time is time spent where decay, and hence Mindark Revenue, is not occuring. To compensate for these lost revenues, might they dip into the economy, furthur compounding the problem?

Probably not. But either way it adds a great deal of friction to the marketplace, and that's the last thing a growing economy needs.
AkiranBlade said:
Is that a percentage of the decay? Or all of it? I'm just trying to understand if repairable Melee weapons actually contribute to the loot pool or not?

We take revenue from decay, we never stated that all decay is revenue though.
Marco|MindArk said:
We take revenue from decay, we never stated that all decay is revenue though.

and to be fair (non-evasive)...neither have they stated that all decay is not revenue.
Marco|MindArk said:
MA makes money on decay on item usage. All other monies are transferred back into the Entropia economy.

Now, can we have a statement of what is considered decay?
kygon said:
shhhhhhh lol

I can see it now TT an item worth 1000ped and pay 1% 'recycling' fee lol :rolleyes:

Maaaan, cant u guys keep some of your ideas to your self and lock the gate and throw the key in a bottomless well?

As if there isn't enough expenditure for us already that u have to give them more ideas to screw us over and over again :p
I don't understand why they didn't just force a market-cap of, for example, 150%, before charging the 5% commission fee on items that went well over the market-cap. It would stabilize the economy and deter the players who over-mark their items to the extent that very few can obtain them.

Furniture and decorations is a classic example of watching the market prices becoming so unreasonably over-priced due to a certain player over-marking items, that a deterant would be warranted. I've also noticed higher-end weapons becoming increasingly overpriced and unobtainable.
Marco|MindArk said:
We take revenue from decay, we never stated that all decay is revenue though.

You never stated what is decay.
Nor what percentage in the overall average was taken in each year's accounts report and what was the total in that time period.

That would make things more clear to lots of people.

Don't worry I'm used to this, my goverment doesn't know how much taxes it collected or from what or when for the last 30 years or so, no wonder their finances aren't good; on the other hand MA last year report shown a bright future for the company :rolleyes:
dub said:
More slobbing around trying to connect buyers and sellers to bypass auction fees means much more idle time for players. More idle time is a direct expense for Mindark in terms of bandwidth. Idle time is time spent where decay, and hence Mindark Revenue, is not occuring. To compensate for these lost revenues, might they dip into the economy, furthur compounding the problem?

Probably not. But either way it adds a great deal of friction to the marketplace, and that's the last thing a growing economy needs.

And would anybody be expecting something else instead ?

Valid point you have there

Lovelly solution that MA gaves us don't you think.

Oh well, and I thinking that they had a great future and such, trying to create a Virtual Universe Economy.
1 step foward, 2 steps backwards it is how I see this VU.

So much potential wasted because of continued wrong management decisions.

First rule in value is: don't loose or decrease the trust in it.

Oh well, it is just another game in a fancy publicity package.

I must thank them I have a great time so far, and I'm sure I will have more, just not the kind I was expecting. Time to move on, things change, I'll adapt my decisions to the new information.

You do know what entropia means don't you ?
I am mainly a hunter and only sell looted items(hides, wools ect) in the auctions and buy a lot of things(weapons[(L) and none (L), armor and addons ect) but from now on i think i will have to stand in PA/Twins to sell/buy stuff.

On the other hand, i dont see much that MA could have done to control the resellers and the people that have multiple avatars for the sol purpose of bidding in their own item to increase the markup.

I am kinda happy to see that it is now a bit difficult for the same person to bid on his own item and they might not do it atall. Before i used to be a little too much concerned abou this kinda self bidding practice and was not sure who is a genuin seller and who is bidding on his won item.

And as for CND, i really think that MA should provide a storage facility(other then the shops and houses ofcourse :p) on CND free of cost at control center but limite the space to very few blocks and make it so that avatars cannot take out the item(s) from CND storage that they put in the storage in Edoria and vise versa. So before going down they will have to take everythign out and then fly down.
Floor said:
So what part of Marco's post you didn't understand? :rolleyes:

let me explain a bit about those hundreds of items that I've collected over the years....for which I should pay a very large sum to sell now... :wise:

I consider myself a hunter,...

a bargain hunter to be precize, a profession for which you sadly dont get skills for :silly2:

I've been hunting the auction for several years now for items being sold under market value hoping to get a better offer for it in the future. I've spend more hours clicking all the auction pages then many a hunter has spend shooting cornies . :tongue2:
The auction was my playground, constantly monitoring the current prices and prices way back in old auction records. I started to know most market values so I could spot a bargain from miles away. And I've won some and I've lost some. Such was life on the auction.
But after all this critisism about reselling -since reselling is associated with market manipulating-, I'm starting to doubt myself and my time I spend here. Is this what I'm doing wrong? Am I being loathed because of this? Isnt there room for this?

If so why not?

Isnt this just what happens irl as well? :confused:

And to answer your question about Marcos remark;

why should my very hard earned trade peds go back into the loot pool so some rich dude with a huge rifle can empty it? EVEN if I dont make the sale at all?

well, I can understand MA's effort but imo this is not the way to do it.

Cant stop a Dutchie from trading :wise:
Konve said:
Now, can we have a statement of what is considered decay?

Konve ... are you serious? Do you really not know what decay is? Well ... if I must explain...

Decay is the loss of value of an item through usage. It can be seen as the loss of TT value of an item. As you use an item (fire a gun, drop a mining probe) the tool that was used loses TT value and is decayed.

There .... hope that is cleared up.
Reason said:
I don't understand why they didn't just force a market-cap of, for example, 150%, before charging the 5% commission fee on items that went well over the market-cap. It would stabilize the economy and deter the players who over-mark their items to the extent that very few can obtain them.

Furniture and decorations is a classic example of watching the market prices becoming so unreasonably over-priced due to a certain player over-marking items, that a deterant would be warranted. I've also noticed higher-end weapons becoming increasingly overpriced and unobtainable.

Nothing is overpriced if people are willing to pay for it :wise:

If an item was too highly priced, people would stop paying for it and the price would drop. There is no need for MA to try and restrict what people sell items at on auction. If they sell it, it is obviously worth that much to someone isn't it. Maybe not you ... but someone was willing to buy it, so lets leave it at that shall we.
Marco|MindArk said:
MA makes money on decay on item usage. All other monies are transferred back into the Entropia economy.

So TI, CND, all the LA's, appartment and shop sales revenue is all returned to the economy :confused:
Witte said:
So TI, CND, all the LA's, appartment and shop sales revenue is all returned to the economy :confused:

The Nightbird said:

If your name was Marco I would have been satishfied by this answer ;)

BTW, i did seem to notice a correlation between ATHs and estate sales.
Be brave do all aucions to start at 1 ped and the fee is now lower :p
cla said:
Be brave do all aucions to start at 1 ped and the fee is now lower :p

Nope its not... It adds the 5% even if you start is as a "real auction"... if it sells for +200 after a bidwar the total cost to sell will be 0.5peds start+(5%*200peds)=10.5peds... MA just takes the 10peds after auction is done and the 0.5 peds before it starts... Same cost as if you put +200 start and bo and pay the 10.5peds from the time you put the item in.

Only time the auction is now same cost or cheaper than before if is the item sells for +10peds or less basically... Now if that was changed to 1ped fee on markups up to tt+300peds and after that 5% (or something like that) i think it would have the same effect on resellers and people "fishing" for high price in auction on lets say weapons, but @the same time wouldnt hurt the people selling their ores, oreamps, lowend (L) weapons etc so much... Would limit the spamming somewhat in cities as well and give most people more time to actually play... But hey if they want to have people standing still in cities shouting to save 5 peds on an auction (and alot of people need to save those 5peds or whatever it is to keep playing) i guess they made the perfect auction system for it... Only need to log in to notice the change from "before" to "now" basically.. ;)
thoreau said:
Why should your profit be redirected into the lootpool? If you take the time and energy to secure suppliers, skill up to break even or make a few peds, why should you let MA cut into that margine by increasing the tax that you pay to sell an item?

read my post again please... ;) If its not coming across as "it might be going back into the lootpool" - "but why should I be the one paying for that" then i wrote it badly, sorry if so :) In other words... i dont mind paying some to MA/the community but i should kinda be my choice, not some general thing forced upon me as a "tax" unless its equal for all... and it clearly isnt equal since it only hurts the people that use the auction alot. So we agree, trust me..
Let me just start but saying I completely understand MA's motives for doing this. Afterall the money from AUC doesn't goto MA but back into the lootpool, unless of course MA have changed policy since last I played.

But it is a rather punitive tax I have to say, to put an ESI of 62 ped up, at 250% start it was gonna cost me 5.62 ped or thereabouts, and if it doesn't sell? Another 5.62 to put it up again. Come on MA be realistic please. The tax is extremely punitive on high end items.
Witte said:
If your name was Marco I would have been satishfied by this answer ;)

BTW, i did seem to notice a correlation between ATHs and estate sales.

Oh yes :) that correlation is pretty strong lol
sorries for my ignorance, i read the first 3 pages, but i kind of like the new auction system, no, i cant use it for storage on cnd anymore, but i fixed that by getting an apartment finally, thanks NEVERDIE, and i havent really been able to see if some of the insane prices have been taken off of auction yet or not, but im hopeing that is the final effect, but all in all, so far i like it,
Yes, there are fewer items on the auction now. Absurd prices remain on some of the items that are there now.

I saw an adjusted V1 for 29K. It's only been a couple of months since I sold mine for 11K and I wasn't out to give anyone a bargain. That is just all it was worth.

With the nerfing of the amps the Adj V1 might be worth 15K but 29K is absurd.

How much did it cost the seller to list a weapon at tt+29K?
I can not post my thoughts, as I don't actually understand how the fees are worked out.

I know there is a listing fee, and a selling fee, and a mark up fee, and a pee pee fee.
Beyond that I am stumped.

The Rest is a beyond me fee.
Airedale said:
Yes, there are fewer items on the auction now. Absurd prices remain on some of the items that are there now.

I saw an adjusted V1 for 29K. It's only been a couple of months since I sold mine for 11K and I wasn't out to give anyone a bargain. That is just all it was worth.

With the nerfing of the amps the Adj V1 might be worth 15K but 29K is absurd.

How much did it cost the seller to list a weapon at tt+29K?

Theres a cap @100peds max, so that would be the price basically to list something with that big a markup..
Optima said:
Theres a cap @100peds max, so that would be the price basically to list something with that big a markup..

Thank god for that, I would hate to imaging aucing my adj fap without a cap. ROFL
Seriously, am I the only one seeing an oppertunity here? ... :confused:
a solution...

Many people are trading in the streets....
Leviathan said:
Many people are trading in the streets....

the problem with this is the auction system was the safest way to transact business. more people trading in the streets means more victims of scams.
Who wanna bet that one of the next steps of MA will be the option for any player to post items for selling in any shop,somehow in same way like auction but only with BO option and lower fees? In this way they split auction for medium+highend items in hundred little auctions=shops.In this way shops owners will need publicity, because well known shop=bring more items in=more profit,and Ad sistem will grow.
(or just can be an ideea for MA and great for shop owners,even I'm not one)

It is good it is bad?..can be both, but something it's sure: they step back the market and economy overall,it's like IRL you kill the Mall/hypermarket and tell ppl to buy from 1000 boutiques all over the country,or it's like u remove stock market and tell ppl to pay paper publicity to sell/buy their stocks or go in street with stock in hands and screem " I sell MA stocks :) " back in 1900 ' s
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shaman said:
Who wanna bet that one of the next steps of MA will be the option for any player to post items for selling in any shop,....

I bet against it.
Would be to complex to make for them.
Would need correct item tracking and there would have to be a hell lot of options for shop owners, how much of his space he want to rent out for how long and stuff like that.

Imagine my Premium Shop i advertise for hundreds of PEDs a week and i would not be able to prevent people trying to sell their Pixie parts for tt+10 in it. :laugh:

They can't even make a usable event system (ok mostly due to the fees wich sucks, but still), wich would be quite simple compared to something like that.

Maybe Shopkeeper will be able to buy stuff for the owner in the future, but even that i doubt.

And i think the fees are stupid, no more auction for me.
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