I will be the very first president of EU!



Apr 25, 2007
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mat valygar thijs
My fellow Entropians,

I've had enormous response to my teleporter fee thread, and some even expressed their wish that I would go for president. I have never thought about a political career, but suddenly I realized this is what I will have to do.

Tomorrow, 17 may at 16:00 MA time, I will display more ideas apart from the teleporter fee idea. It will be a convention and everybody is invited. To ensure a big attendance of the event there will be the following extra's:

- Fireworks
- Ladies dancing
- Fruit for everybody
- Gifts

People who want to join my campaign team: "V for Valygar, Valygar for president" can apply at this convention too.

Opponents are ofcourse welcome to attend, and you names will not be registered by my man in the intelligence agency, and put in a database, and you won't be imprisoned after I win the elections.

I have also invited MA staff to the meeting, this is what I have send to their support:


Hello dear MA staff,

Although I know you are all very busy on the implententation of the Cryengine thing, I would like your attention for just a moment.

Tomorrow I will hold a convention inside EU at 16:00 MA time (Twin peaks to be exact) in which I will announce my running of president of the Entropia Universe. All MA staff is invited.

Now I would like you to make it possible for me to become president. I think it would be good if you will give me some presidential powers (like a chat that can reach the whole universe) when it has been shown that I have enormous support among the EU participants.

I hope a fruitful cooperation will be constructed between MA and the future president of the Universe: mat Valygar thijs.




My Fellow Entropians, See you all the convention tomorrow!

Here you are, little troll, have a peanut.
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Ok, enough with the attention whoring, you had your 15 mins of fame already.
