Mining loot analysis


Oct 25, 2005
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Marc falkao Falk
This thread will give basic insights into mining loot and here is a summary of what we were able to identify so far.

I have first to say thanks to Steffel and Noodles for providing their data and to make it public. This is not a matter of course. I have seen many Avas hiding their data or not willing to share.

The set consists first of 7360 drops with MF105 + MA104, 1998 of them had a find. This corresponds to a find rate of 27.1%. If you have followed the loot analysis thread, you'll know that the inverse of the find rate gives the mean waiting time for the next drop. This leads to 3.68 drops until a find. This can be depicted as follows.

fig.1: Wait in drops until find.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Using an exponential distribution I can estimated the waiting time which leads again to 3.68. So the set fits to perfectly random waiting times.

Adding also Noodles data we have a total of n = 3925 finds, 78.9% of them are enmatter and 21.1% ore finds. Since taxation is evident in lower loot classes, the amp effect is multiplicative and the difference between enamtter and ore is known, all finds have been standardized using the following equation:

Loot Std = Loot /(1-Tax)/Amp/c,
where c is a correction factor, c=1 for enmatter, c=2 ore

For the find rate there are several possibilities. The estimated 95% confidence interval ranges from 26.1% to 28.2% and hence values between 26% and 28% do look reasonable. However, we do have no data about a skill or equipment related find rate and hence we're not sure if this find rate can be considered as universally valid.

There is a small difference in median loot (about 10 PEC) between Steffel and Noodles data, but not different between ore and enmatter (p = 0.027 and p = .152 respectively). Since Steffel was mining only 4 different enmatter types, the difference might also be related to rounding and having a large dataset we're able to detect small differences that might not be relevant.

tab. 1: Finds according to miners. n = 3925, values in PED, p=.027 Mann-Whitney U-test.

There is however an exception between enmatters. Melchi Water seems to have a lower mean loot, whereas Alicenies Liquid has a higher one.

Fig. 2: Mean loot according to miner and resource type

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Loots distribution is depicted in the next fig 3.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Please note the log scale on mining loot (log base 3 was used as explained later on). As one can clearly see, loot is split up in so called loot classes, i.e. loot is more frequent in those classes and between classes there are gaps.

As you may have noticed, there are sometimes observations between classes in the gaps. Those observations are most probably related to rounding/truncation as a consequence of res TT or taxation. Therefore I do consider them as noise.

To get a more or less noise free signal I used a kernel estimator to derive class limits. Here is an example

Fig. 4: Noise identification using a kernel density estimator, showing class C1 and C2
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Every datapoint below the visually identified noise level (.117 in the figure) gets eliminated. Here C1 in a higher resolution:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Loot class limits are derived from the denoised signal and means per class can be calculated. The denoising has the further advantage, that we get a more general representation not so bound on the observed data.

The most interesting find about those class means is, that they are closely related to the class number as shown in the next fig.

Fig. 5: Log Loot class means per class number

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

I used a log scale (ln) so that the correlation is better visible. The real correlation has an exponential form. Fitting such a model to the observed data results in the following equation

Mean class loot = .215*exp(1.099*class)

This formula can be reexpressed as
Mean class loot = .215*exp(1.099)^class = .215*3^class

There is nothing natural behind this formula and since a human being invented it, I’m rather sure that the real one might look like this

Loot model

Mean class loot = .22*3^class (PED) or .21*3^class (PED).

All this would lead to the following loot table assuming loot = .22*3^class PED:

Table 2: Loot classes, for ore use a multiplier of 2

All values are expressed in PED
obs.mean = observed mean
w.mean = weighted mean
cum w.mean = cum. weighted mean
rr = return rate, assuming a find rate of 27% and the below explained costs.

Class 0 and classes above 6 are only given for completeness and are not observed in the data.

My first assumption about class 1.66 was that it comes from rounding, but that didn't prove to be correct. Class 2.66 looks also artificial but the gap from about 1 PED can't be explained in another way, therefore I kept it in the model.

Overall return rate till class 6 should be close to 95% assuming a cost of .528 PED per drop including finder and driller decay. Till class 5 (globals) you should get 88% back, till C4 (minis) 81%. Below that (normal loot) only about 71%.


Results are not validated using an independent dataset and hence the model might overfit the data.

As depicted in the next figure, using bootstrapping, the observed mean loot is 1.94 PED ranging from 1.79 to 2.18 PED (95% confidence interval using bootstrapping with 100k samples). This would lead to a return rate from 90.5% to 110%. Hence the estimated 95% from the model lies within those ranges.

fig.6: Kernel density of mean loot using bootstrapping
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Some applications of the loot model.

Loot simulation

We can use the mining loot model to simulate loot. With this we'll get a feeling about the distribution of return or return rate. For simplicity we've used the return rate.

The following setup was used:
1) run length 1k drops, 10k runs
2) run length 10k drops, 10k runs
3) run length 100k drops, 10k runs

fig.7: Simulated return rate of mining runs

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

The different runs can come from different avas or the same ava, counting every run separately.

What we can observe is, that all run types do lead to the same expected mean but do have a different variance. Runs with a short run length (less drops) do spread more. This is a consequence of having a right tailed loot distribution.

Furthermore, when runs do come from different avas, then there will be avas that do profit, about 40% with 1k drops and 20% with 10k drops. If all avas do 100k drops, then there are still differences between them but they are smaller and all close to expected mean return rate.

So what does all that imply? Is it possible to profit when doing short runs? Yes and no. Due to the loot distribution that MA is using, those that play only for limited time and hence doing a lower number of drops, do have a 40% chance to profit from loot only.
(Hence we will have 40% noobs that are telling how able miners they are.) If those go on, their return rate will become lower and converge to the expected mean return. The contrary is also true. If those that were unlucky continue mining, then they will higher their return rate.

Why are sizes missing when using amps?
Loot is based on loot classes with respective weights. Hence when looting, first a class is drawn, amp is applied and tax detracted. This loot value is then expressed as size. Since sizes have fixed limits, it might happen when amped that some sizes are missing.

Here an example of loot class limits with amp 4, values in PED and using a res with TT = .01 as reference:

Class	lower	upper
1	2.0	3.3
1.66	5.0	5.9
2	5.9	9.9
2.66	15.3	17.4
3	17.8	29.7
4	53.5	89.1

Size Tiny II goes from .32 to .99 PED (according to wiki). Since the first loot class starts at 2 PED size II can't be observed. Similarly, size III ranging from 1 to 1.99 PED can only be observed when taxed. However, the frequency of a size 3 will increase for higher TT res, due to rounding.

Here the same tab as before but with a .96 TT res.

Class	lower	upper
1	1.9	2.9
1.66	4.8	5.8
2	5.8	9.6
2.66	15.4	17.3
3	18.2	29.8
4	53.8	89.3
5	160.3	266.9
6	481.0	801.6

As one can see, limits are slightly different. This is a consequence of rounding.

If we go on we will discover that also size 12 (35-49.99) and size 17 (303-449) will be missing.
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The drop rate is fairly consistent to my analysis...

1,120 bombs dropped using OF-105 with OA-103 gave me a 29.2% claim rate.

588 bombs dropped using OF-105 with OA-102 is currently tracking at 27.2% claim rate (analysis 30% complete at this stage).
Subscribing, with a quick contribution of what seems to be turning into an alternate (complementary) way of analyzing the single loot values.

The following is unamped enmatter data, showing the first three loot windows.
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
X-axis is the loot value (in pecs)
Y-axis is the survivor function (chance of a larger loot)

The R^2 values for the three linear fits are 0.966, 0.984, and 0.973 (blue, red, yellow). I suspect that the blue R^2 is slightly low because sometimes rounding causes an artificially low claim (e.g. 38 pecs for two lytairian dust). I also tried an exponential fit for the red data, and the fit was worse.

The slopes of the fits can be controlled by MA in two ways: change the chance of getting a loot in that particular window, or change the width of the window.

The idea to explore here is that each loot window is a rectangular distribution. I think that this idea (which seems like it might be easier to program than some of the other functions we have discussed), is worth exploring further.

Incidentally, this phenomenon was also observed (but not explored further) when we were discussing kobolok's formidon data here. The graph is copied below.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

And I do seem to be seeing similar effects in my basic-filters-on-condition tests.
Also note the similarity in the survivor functions (the % chance of each loot window) of Steffel's and Noodles' data. Factoring out the difference caused by amping on the size of the loots . . .
First of all, Noodles what you did is not completely wrong. It all depends from which side you look at the model. I’ll explain that later.
Here some further analysis:

The sample consisted of 4 different enmatters with different TT.
There frequency is not equally distributed and shows the following distribution
A = 11%, B = 18%, C=29% and D= 42% (p<.001).

Furthermore, they don’t show any differences in their cum. dist. Functions (Log Rank p = .177).

Fig. 1: Survival function by enmatters

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Moreover, there is no significant difference in mean loot and mean depth between enmatters (Kruskal-Wallis p = .146 and p=.4 respectively).

Fig. 2. Loot by enmatters

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Fig. 3. Depth by enmatters

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Sure one can discuss the fact that the p-values of .17 and .14 are quite low and maybe with a larger sample we might get some significant difference. Nevertheless, atm we can only conclude that if such a difference exists, then it might be quite low.

The only significant difference I find is a difference in size (p < .001). There is one enmatter that shows a lower mean find size. It’s the enmatter with the highest TT and there seems to be a limit somewhere around 1 PED, i.e. enmatters with a high TT tend to have lower size but in mean the same mean loot.

Fig. 4. Size by enmatter

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

The most interesting about mining data is the knowledge of an MA given find size. So let’s have first a look within sizes.

Fig. 5. Within Size histograms

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

The figures starts with size 3 and depicts then every size in ascending order. The higher a size the less frequent it is, but this we will analyze in more detail later on. As one can easily see, there is no clear picture within a size. The distribution can be similar to a uniform one, an exponential or a normal one. If I’ll take together size 3 to 8 and 9 to 11 I’ll get the following:

Fig. 6. Histograms of sizes 3-8 and 9-11
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
This Noodles is what you were regressing. The first regression line given by you is an approximation of the distribution within the first classes and so on.

To understand what happens we need two further steps. So let’s have first a look to the distribution of the size classes itself.

Fig. 7. Survival function of Size

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

The find size seems to follow a Weibull distribution. The first classes are rather frequent, then drop like in a normal distribution but with a heavy right tail.

Within each size class we have a distribution of loot itself. The next figure depicts the natural log of size (ln_size) versus the double ln of loot (lnln_loot)

Fig. 8. Size vs Loot
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

As a result we do get a nearly linear relationship. There is more variability in low loot and less in higher ones. So the lower size classes do spread more.

If I undo the logarithms we do get the following form.

Loot = exp( exp(a) * size ^b), where a and b are constants, a typically less than 0.

This form is a combination of a power and exponential function, and similar to a Weibull distribution. The combination of 2 Weibull like distribution can be approximated by a GPD that I’ve depicted in my first post. We have now the basic ingredients to model loot itself.

There is one further interesting find. There seems to be no difference in loot between taxed and untaxed areas (p =.253).

Fig. 9: Loot vs tax

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

That’s enough for the moment.
Lots of numbers... :eyecrazy:

Can somebody translate this into simple English? I mean, I'm interested, but the number and all of the math make my head swim.
Lots of numbers... :eyecrazy:

Can somebody translate this into simple English? I mean, I'm interested, but the number and all of the math make my head swim.

From the data:
Amps make hitrates slightly higher, and finds at the lowend bigger approximated by the TT cost of amp+bomb.
The loot looks the same as in hunting.

So nothing we didn't know before.
Also note the similarity in the survivor functions (the % chance of each loot window) of Steffel's and Noodles' data. Factoring out the difference caused by amping on the size of the loots . . .

can you provide some numbers on overall hit rate?

Furthermore I would like to know if you find similar things with your data. I have to further study my above mentioned findings. As it seems now we have a Weibull random variable to which an exp. function is applied. This however does only model the means within size classes and not their distribution. So I'm interested to see if you have something similar.

With hunting data I approximated base loot by an exponential distribution and the rest by GPD's. This works here similarly but we have now the advantage of given sizes and no influence of an additional factor like hp dmg done.
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There seems to be no difference in loot between taxed and untaxed areas (p =.253).

that's bugging me.

first, i did not find a single IX or XII. it's often been observed that specific combos cannot find specific sizes and is probably indicating loot classes/multipliers.

but, one should think a low (when found untaxed) X should transform into a IX when found taxed (4.3% in my sample). but it did not happen :confused: so how is tax generated if not taken from the claims...two ideas: 1) mining aint taxed (although i remember one landowner once was ableto confirm a tower being on his land due toimmediate tax receipt) or 2) tax does not apply to the find but is taken from your expenditures, ala "expenses - tax => lootpool"...

or could it be that 4.3% tax is causing non-significant variance?
that's bugging me.

first, i did not find a single IX or XII. it's often been observed that specific combos cannot find specific sizes and is probably indicating loot classes/multipliers.


or could it be that 4.3% tax is causing non-significant variance?

the p value is .25 and hence when one would conclude that there is a difference, the false positive error would be 25%. One further possibility is that loot is slightly higher in taxed areas. This would make sense from my point of view, otherwise nobody would mine there except for ress. not found elsewhere.
Just a thought about tax

I have thought this for a while but with no way of testing

When a claim is found untaxed lets say 100 ped
Now when a claim is found taxed, i think you still get the 100ped and 5% is given to the LA 5ped, but on top! So 100 ped to you and 5 ped to LA

But as i say no way of testing, and i am probably completely wrong


Just a thought about tax

I have thought this for a while but with no way of testing


atm we know only that there seems to be no difference and we can speculate about why, but we won't find an answer that easy. Nevertheless, to know that taxation is not noticed is already a good news.
I've added a thx section to Steffel in the main post for providing the dataset. It took a lot of time to collect it and has every information to get sufficient insights.

So thx again Steffel.
Next I should try to understand loot classes, but that needs some time.

i might be able to help there. I am pretty sure that the primary skill rank is greatly related to "loot classes". Let me give you an example:

The secondary skills for prospector level 31 + 1k surveying skill makes me a level 16 surveyor. I recently changed to enmatters (maxed tik400, over secondary skills mainly) and was surprised about the loot pattern i got. It was the same or at least very similar to a mf211 or mf103 run back in the days when i had 1k surveying only (what is that level 8-9 maybe?). I see a huge difference in loots between oremining and enmatter mining. And the only thing that displays this difference correctly is the skillrank of surveying skill compared to the skillrank of prospecting skill.

This means, i find that my oreloots are kinda "proffessional" while my enmatter-loots are only "initiated". Sounds strange but when i compare both it can be said this way. When i think back to the times of my TK120 runs (counterpart in ore to tik400, equal stats) my loot was "good", way better than my "initiated" enmatter-loot is now. But back then i was at the skillrank "good" prospecting.

"Even if your secondary skills make you max a finder, there is a huge difference between 1k and 3k primary skill."

I remember my first of105 runs too, with about 800-1,2k prospecting(about level 8-10). They were awefully noobish. This finder didnt seem to work at all with this skill-rank. I returned to of211 and camped cnd with it for 1 month and i had great loots. When i came back down, i had 2.2k prospecting and suddenly the of105 began to work and spat out global after global. I went through hard times too, but in general i was able to skillup to lev 33 prospector with it (rank: advanced or specialist? something like this)

To me it really seems that there is a dependance between primary skill rank and loot class (which is still to be defined though).

It seems like loot classes are like this: (this is just a vague estimation, the hundreds of drops contain X-finds too regularly and sometimes big losses)

class1: 300drops-global-300drops-(ubah)hof-300drops-global-300drops-global-300drops- global- 300 drops- global

basically it seem to happen often to noobs that they have a huge hit somewhere in the middle of discipleship. This is what the more experienced players complain about, but what they see is a single case, so that the new miner gets hooked.

class2: 250drops-global-250drops-global-250drops-global-250drops-global...

it keeps you hooked for sure, but you wont get any hofs in this class. it just keeps you more or less walking.

class3: 200drops-global-200drops-global-200drops-tripple global (small hof) - 200drops- global- 200 drops global - 200 drops global- 200 drops- tripple global-...

this is about the Z20 finder range. Many oreminers on CND experienced a similar pattern on CND with Z20. They find it even worth enough to amp it with oa103. This leads to, that many natural X finds get small globals too in between. Maybe you get an ubah in this class too, your first tower if you try hard enough

class4: 100drops-global-100-global-100drops-global-100drops-global...

...unamped, a natural global about every 100 drops. Using a oa104 is risky because of 39drops only, but the chance to keep even out longterm with oa103 or smaller is very good. A natural hof of like 500ped + is very rare and above that kinda not existent. This is about prospector level 31/tk320 average loot for me, i dunno how its going on.

as i said this is a vague estimation of "loot classes" and the next class should involve huge hofs again, it somehow seems to work like this for me.

i might be able to help there. I am pretty sure that the primary skill rank is greatly related to "loot classes". Let me give you an example:

thx for the input, to really be able to judge skills on loot classes we might need datasets with same equipment but different skills.
Some comments while I'm at work:

I have seen the effects of tax in my data, though it is subtle. The easiest way to see it is to consider resources with a small tt value, and the smallest claims of each. On TI for example, I can find force nexus and sweetstuff with 1 pec tt value per unit. with the 4% taxrate, I have received claims as low as 47 pecs (maybe 46 pecs, don't have the data with me). On untaxed lands, I have never found nexus, sweetstuff, or oil with less than 49 (48?) pecs in the claim.

Likewise for ores, the lowest untaxed lyst I have found is 97 pecs (I think). I'm pretty sure I found at least one 92 pec blaus claim on TI. If tax were not noticeable, the lowest claim should be 96 pecs of blaus. I will check on this tonight, so take my words with caution.

Noodles' hitrate:
I did not keep track of hitrate partly out of laziness, and partly because there are tens of logs on EF detailing hitrates. I have no reason to believe that my hitrate is much greater or less than the ~28% which seems to be common among EF logs and the data in this thread (for the low-end finders that I use).

Claim Sizes:
It is clear from the data that MA assigns find sizes after the ped value is determined. For example, the lowest enmatter claim window (class?) is from about 0.49 peds to 0.81 peds, not counting tax and rounding for larger tt resources. These are all size II. However, the next largest window (class) goes from 1.18 peds to ~2.5 peds, which spans both size III and IV. When amped with a 102 amp, the latter window (should) shifts to 2.36 to 5 peds (size IV to VI).

Exponentials versus uniforms, etc.:
For what it's worth, and I will post some graphs when I get home, I can simulate the data in my first post in this thread nearly perfectly by assuming uniform, rectangular distributions. I do wish I understood statistics, Weibull and other distributions better. So that I would be able to understood why these graphs showing a very loose overlap of a Weibull (or some other) distribution with the data are the best explanations of the data. My current guess is that you are trying to find a continuous function that allows you to calcuate rate of return easily, since discrete functions would be more difficult to use in that regard (maybe?).

In any case, I do think that Occam's Razor should not be ignored, and that perhaps the current model is more complicated that it needs to be.

Wow, this is fun!
Dunno if this has anything to do with this but:

When i find ore claim of III, its usually 1-1.5ped
When i find enmatter claim of III, its usually 1.5-1.99ped

Also, enmatter IX's are almost every time 15ped+, and ore IX's are mostly 12-15ped.
Dunno if this has anything to do with this but:

When i find ore claim of III, its usually 1-1.5ped
When i find enmatter claim of III, its usually 1.5-1.99ped

Also, enmatter IX's are almost every time 15ped+, and ore IX's are mostly 12-15ped.

That's right on. The ore III's (and the II's) are from the FIRST ore window (twice the value of the first enmatter window). The enmatter III's (and the IV's) are from the SECOND enmatter window.

The ore IX's are from the THIRD ore window (twice the value of the third enmatter window in my unamped enmatter graph). The enmatter IX's are from the fourth enmatter window (not shown on my graph).
Here is the uniform distribution simulation.
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

it includes four windows, the three visible windows and a fourth to represent the larger loots (about 2% of all loots). The first window has a 47% probability and stretches from 48 (probably should have used 49) to 81 pecs. In other words, 47% of the time the claim is given a uniformly random value between 48 and 81 pecs. The second window represents 48.5% probability and a uniform range of 118 to 245 pecs. The third window has 2.5% probability and a uniform range of 570 to 710 pecs. Some data points can fall outside the ranges used, due to rounding for higher tt resources and also lack of lots of data, which may not sample an entire window.

The red line connects actual data points; the black symbols are the simulated data. There are about 370 real claims, and so the simulation has about 370 simulated claims.

Because of the small number of data points, the apparent quality of the fit changes when the random numbers are recalculated. The above graph is one of the better fits, while the following is one of the worst fits. These represent a natural range of claim distributions for any set of 370 randomly chosen claims.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

I think the uniform distributions fit the observed windows well. There are some larger issues however. It is still possible that other distributions (such as exponential) could fit the loot windows too (but I don't think they fit as well, need to verify). Also, it seems like the window(s) for the largest loots (unamped global/hof) cannot consist of a uniform distribution, otherwise unamped hofs might be as common as unamped globals, or some other problem. We don't have enough mining data to discern the exact function, but I think falkao's hunting global analysis probably answered that question.

Finally, there is the larger issue of the whether or not these windows are themselves part of a larger distribution, which is what I think falkao is trying to discern with the Weibull and Pareto functions he uses. I don't feel qualified to comment on that.

Comments in next post as the data relates to the MA sizes (II, III, etc.)
Based on my data (and I would hope that Steffel's data would corroborate), we can make the following estimates for the chance of getting each claim size. Untaxed.

Unamped enmatter:
II 47%
III 30%
IV 18%
V 0%
VI 0.5%
VII 2%
VIII 0% (data not shown on graph)
>VIII 2%

101 amped enmatter: Assumes that claim sizes are 1.5x unamped. My unpublished data and common sense suggest this is a reasonable assumption.
II 27%
III 26%
IV 25%
V 18%
VI 0%
VII 0%
VIII 2.5%
IX 0% (data not shown on graph)
>IX 2%

For some of the 0% sizes, it might be possible to hit one of those for large tt resources (due to rounding). And of course the %'s listed have some uncertainty associated.

If people are interested, I can make tables like these for all amp/ore/enmatter combinations.
last one for now. I doublechecked my taxed/untaxed data.

My lowest taxed 1 pec tt enmatter is 48 pecs (4% tax). I don't have a lot of 1 pec tt taxed enmatter data, however. The lowest untaxed is 49 pecs.

My lowest taxed 0.01 pec tt ore (lyst of course) is 93 pecs (4% tax). Also have 94 and 96 pecs at 4% tax. The lowest untaxed lyst claim is 97 pecs (three times).

Forget about the blausarium I mentioned earlier :ahh:
My lowest taxed 0.01 pec tt ore (lyst of course) is 93 pecs (4% tax). Also have 94 and 96 pecs at 4% tax. The lowest untaxed lyst claim is 97 pecs (three times).

in the present sample I don't find any difference. This however, does only suggest, that in the case a difference exists it is small. Therefore I did a short power analysis. To detect a difference of 4% given the observed means and std and assuming a normal distribution, which is not the case here but works as an approximation, about 4500 finds per group are needed. Atm we have 818 to 222 and hence the sample size might be to low to detect any difference.

I salute you guys for your effort and work in data collection and data analysis.

Its amazing what you guys have done, but.....from a layman's pov. Those charts and pics you posted aren't really reader friendly. least to me....its like its in greek or latin......or some alien language.. :yay:

Perhaps someone who can understand them can translate and lower them to layman language?:D

But still........fabulous work imho
For Noodles.

Let’s first try to understand how things might work before we continue to develop a model.

First of all there is a random process that triggers finds according to a find rate. It seems that this find rate is universally valid but I’m not sure about that. Wouldn’t skills influence it? Nevertheless, having a find, there must be something that determines loot. Loot can be only in multiples of the unit TT and this should be considered as well.

I do see 2 possibilities atm:
1) First a find size is chosen and within this class the number of units is determined.
2) Only the number of units is determined and the given size is only an additional classification using loot.

We already know that the find size distribution is different between enmatters. The ones with high TT per unit tend to have a higher frequency in the lower size classes. I have the impression that the find size distribution is a predetermined property of the resource.

Enmatters with high TT do have nearly no variability in the lower size classes. For example I do have two enmatters with TT above .5 PED in the dataset. In class 3 to 5 they do have a constant amount of units, i.e. 2, 3, 4 (please note a MA104 was used). Btw. I do see the same when taxed, so a tax is not applied in this situation.

Some classes are missing from the dataset, i.e. class 9, 12 and 17. Maximum was size 18. If classes are determined randomly, then every class should be present or at least there should be no missing ones in between. However, if also missing classes are a property of the resource, than this would be valid also in a purely random model.

Missing classes implies missing unit multipliers. Hence in the case of randomized units (assumption 2 from above), there must be something that predefines that.

Variability within size classes ranges from 0% to 12%, so all in all rather low compared to the variability between classes. Therefore I tend to believe that assumption 1 might be adequate.

When analyzing per resource the distribution within classes I have the impression that it is more or less uniform. Also this would be an indication that assumption 1 is valid.

So if assumption 1 holds we should try to model size class with their respective weights and means staring from the following:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

The distribution of the size classes is Weibull like but I doubt that we find a universally valid model. I have the impression that an overall payout is set and according to this, maybe manually, weights are defined per resource. But lets see.
in the present sample I don't find any difference. This however, does only suggest, that in the case a difference exists it is small. Therefore I did a short power analysis. To detect a difference of 4% given the observed means and std and assuming a normal distribution, which is not the case here but works as an approximation, about 4500 finds per group are needed. Atm we have 818 to 222 and hence the sample size might be to low to detect any difference.

Does your data contain any 1 pec tt resources? As I have outlined, it should be much easier to see tax effects with low tt resources. I'm not sure if I have enough data to make an overlay (taxed vs untaxed) for 1 pec tt resources, but I suspect we would find a shift in the loot windows of about 4%.
For Noodles.

Let’s first try to understand how things might work before we continue to develop a model.


I do see 2 possibilities atm:
1) First a find size is chosen and within this class the number of units is determined.
2) Only the number of units is determined and the given size is only an additional classification using loot.

I am almost positive that it's number 1, but the find sizes used are not the roman numerals that we see, but instead the windows that I outlined a few posts earlier. Meaning that the data show that the real loot classes have nothing to do with the MA find sizes. The loot classes I observe cross the MA find sizes. For example, the second smallest loot class for enmatters crosses sizes III and IV.

We already know that the find size distribution is different between enmatters. The ones with high TT per unit tend to have a higher frequency in the lower size classes. I have the impression that the find size distribution is a predetermined property of the resource.

Maybe; I haven't studies the unit tt effect enough to verify or dispute. But I suspect that you are seeing one of two effects. Either MA has adjusted the coefficients for a few (or many?) resources (like blood moss . . . never get globals on that). So if your high tt resource is a rare, that might be the case. Otherwise, I think you may be seeing the effect of truncation and/or rounding. In other words, if my random number for unamped enmatter lands on 1.33 peds for angelic grit (0.5 ped tt), It's likely to be rounded down to 1 ped (2 units), which is not a normal member of the second enmatter class (to which the 1.33 peds belongs). It's possible it may also be rounded up to 3 units (1.5 peds). For this reason, I think that studying low tt resources provides the best way to determine loot classes.

Enmatters with high TT do have nearly no variability in the lower size classes. For example I do have two enmatters with TT above .5 PED in the dataset. In class 3 to 5 they do have a constant amount of units, i.e. 2, 3, 4 (please note a MA104 was used). Btw. I do see the same when taxed, so a tax is not applied in this situation.

Hmm, there certainly can't be a non-integer number of units, so I don't know what you mean? Regarding the tax, I think it's very hard to see tax effects with large tt resources.

Some classes are missing from the dataset, i.e. class 9, 12 and 17. Maximum was size 18. If classes are determined randomly, then every class should be present or at least there should be no missing ones in between. However, if also missing classes are a property of the resource, than this would be valid also in a purely random model.

To me, the data show that the real classes used in the loot algorithm have nothing to do with the MA roman numeral sizes. The data show quite clearly why, for example, you don't get a size V unamped enmatter.

Variability within size classes ranges from 0% to 12%, so all in all rather low compared to the variability between classes. Therefore I tend to believe that assumption 1 might be adequate.

What do you mean by "variability within size classes"?

When analyzing per resource the distribution within classes I have the impression that it is more or less uniform. Also this would be an indication that assumption 1 is valid.

Awesome! I think we may both be on the same page here. I do think that for higher classes (globals and whatnot), the distribution is probably not uniform. Hard to get enough data for this though; much easier from hunting I think (as you have done).

So if assumption 1 holds we should try to model size class with their respective weights and means staring from the following:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

The distribution of the size classes is Weibull like but I doubt that we find a universally valid model. I have the impression that an overall payout is set and according to this, maybe manually, weights are defined per resource. But lets see.

I think it's incorrect to model things using the roman numeral size classes. Instead, use the classes that the data shows to exist. These can easily be split into roman numeral classes at a later time, as I did a few posts above.
Its amazing what you guys have done, but.....from a layman's pov. Those charts and pics you posted aren't really reader friendly. least to me....its like its in greek or latin......or some alien language.. :yay:

Perhaps someone who can understand them can translate and lower them to layman language?:D

When it's better figured, I promise to write up something easier to understand. :yay:
thx for the input, to really be able to judge skills on loot classes we might need datasets with same equipment but different skills.

i am in for creating datasets for tik400 and tk320, what exactly do you need?