Skill Mod Enhancers 1 investigated: net effect negative!?!


Oct 9, 2005
The Netherlands
Natural Born Killers
Avatar Name
Peregrine IvoL Falcon
Since so little real data was available on the effect of Skill Modification Enhancers, I decided to do some investigation into the subject myself.
Common sense (and the item name) suggests that Skill Mod Enhancers must somehow increase your effectiveness at using a weapon, as if to raise your HA and/or CHA, much like a Damage Enhancer does for the damage.
The Item Description ingame literally says: "This enhancer adjusts your profession level for a weapon."
When adding an enhancer to a weapon I only saw a minimal effect: the minimum damage increased only by 0.1~0.2, the HA and CHA didn't appear to change although both do change colour (in the item details, after the enhancer has been added), suggesting they are affected. Over the course of my testing I did notice an increase in HA with enhancers where the HA without remained the same.
My expectation was that the damage distrubution might be skewed positively when adding a skill mod enhancer, so the effective, avarage damage does increase more than 0.1 or 0.2.

The setup I used was my Tier 1.1 that gradually went up to 1.3 Large Thorifoid Battle Mace, with and without Weapon Skill Modification Enhancer I.
I hunted Armaxes alone, and always stuck to the same area, West of Mino.
I have done fifteen runs with, and fifteen runs without enhancers, each run consisting of 151 hits: so the entire sample base spans 4530 hits in 30 runs.
The first run was a run without enhancers, the second one with, the third one without, etc.
This way I could make sure that skill increase effects only influenced the results relatively little.

Data and analysis:
The results presented below have been analysed in several ways:
  • on a per run basis, calculating several parameters after every run, based on that run alone; this way my (gradual) skill increase is visible in the results, both with and without enhancers
  • altogether, simply putting all samples in two big bowles and calculating the same parameters based on all of them, the last run being based on a higher skill than the first one; I have also plotted all the results in one big histogram, so as to compare the two distributions
The data I tracked / logged was the following:
  • minimum and maximum damage before and after each run
  • HA and CHA before and after each run
  • damages done during each run (each run being a set of 151 numbers, ranging from 0 for a miss to twice the max dmg for a crit)
Based on this data I calculated various parameters, trying to detemine the difference with and without enhancers – if any:
  • number of hits, misses and crits and based on that the missrate and critrate
  • the average regular hit (excluding misses and crits)
  • the average hit (excluding misses only)
  • the average critical hit
  • the average of all hits (including critical hits and misses)
  • something I've called the "use of weapon potential", a percentage: basically the sum of all damages divided by the max theoretical damage possible (for one run this means adding all the damages and dividing this by 151 * the max weapon damage)
  • multiplying this latter number by the max damage gives you the "equivalent potential used", this is the total average damage one does with a weapon (including the crits and misses)
This latter two statistics allowed me to compare in one parameter the (avg) damages, the missrate and the crit rate: it seems a nice way to determine how well one handles a weapon.

Over the course of doing the runs (several weeks), my minimum damage increased as did my HA, both with and without enhancers. And I even noticed a higher over run 11 and twelve, the HA with enhancers went up by 0.1, and the minimum damage by 0.2: the numbers without enhancers didn't change (yet).

The results per run, presented in graphs:

The results based on the entire data set (table):

                no enh.   delta
# hits          1928       1920          -0,41%
# misses         337        345          +2,37%
# crits           25         20         -20,0%
hit/miss ratio  85,1%      84,8%         -0,41%
crit/hit ratio   1,3%       1,0%        -19,7%
avg min dmg     49,4       49,6          +0,41%
avg  dmg        99,1       99,1          +0,08%
weap pot used   58,2%      58,0%         -0,34%
eq pot dmg      84,3       84,0          -0,34%
All data available on request, but for the sake of readability left out.

And the histogram of the entire dataset:

Conclusion and discussion:
The graphs and totals paint an unnerving picture: in two out of three attributes portrayed the use of the skill modification enhancer has a negative effect: the average damage inflicted (ignoring misses) is slightly higher (0.08%); but the missrate is so much higher with enhancer than without (2.4%) that this difference is no longer visible when the two attributes are "combined" into the equivalent weapon potential used...that shows a 0.3% lower score with than without enhancer.
As one can see, the results per run do vary quite a lot, but pay attention to the scale as they differ significantly. The max deviation of the avarage in avg damage is ~4% in both cases; but the missrates vary really a lot, the deviation of the avarage is 30~40%!; for the equivalent weapon use the deviation comes to 7~10%.
That in itself is the weak point in this whole analysis: I have not yet (by a long shot) taken an infinite number of samples, and we all know that only for that number we can "really" say we need more data!!
The histogram does prove my initial expectation wrong, it seems unlikely that a huge number of (extra) samples would change this: the distributions a identical, save for the minimum damage.
In both cases the damage distribution is uniform.

So the only effect that the Skill Mod Enhancers have is in the minimum damage (and/or HA, but I think this comes down to one and the same thing).
Strangely enough this effect is lost in the much higher difference in hit/missratio...and this is something I don't understand myself: I always believed that a higher HA also meant fewer misses...
(The large variation on the hit/missratio may colour this picture though.)

I'm looking forward to seeing similar experiments with (much) more data :cool:
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You do know that adding a skill modification enhancer only increases your professional level by one right? It would be pointless to add 1 enhancer on a weapon like that. You would need at least 5 or so to see any real changes. Example you are level 47 blp sniper (hit) and (dmg) and want to use the DOA Loudmouth but to efficiently use it you need to be at least level 50 to get 50/50 hit and critical hit on the weapon. Well if you had up to T3 unlocked on it you can place 3 enhancers on it and voila you now are level "50". I haven't done many strenuous tests like you have but from what I've noticed while using these bad boys on my mini-sweeper they do help..

The enhancers add a some % for both damage and hit professions. I assume it's around 10% but I'm not sure. This translates in higher minimum damage and higher HA/CHA on your gun. All three values are calculated based on the Hit and Damage profession which is affected by that weapon taking into account the bonus added by enhancers.

Unless you have an UL weapon with quite a few tier slots open it is very hard to test with only 1 skill modification enhancer the benefits.

For both hit and damage of a weapon you need to test using at least 10k shots both with and without enhancers.

Minimal damage increased by 0.1-0.2 on a weapon is not a minimal effect. Especially if you consider over 10k shots with that weapon where you might get more then a few times minimum damage.

In a nutshell, using skill modification enhancers is like gaining a few % for damage and hit profession for that weapon without actually gaining those levels.
It is very easy to test these on limited sib weapons and to come to the conclusion how much these increase your prof standing.

A lot more people than otherwise will be able to use "maxed" UL weapons in a year - year and a half than would otherwise with teh help of enhancers.
OR I have a very positive idea, MindArk or the planet partners can just post what the hell it is that each item does along with stats and quantities of everything instead of us having to reverse engineer everything and waste so much time updating a wiki that most people don't even bother to update. It's quite annoying when people loot something new and nobody puts the information in for it and I'll try to do it but it ends up screwed up and get blamed for it because the original people wouldn't post the stuff in the first place.

Good thread though mate, I'm just discouraged I hope this doesn't discourage you in any way though. I've given my 4pecs on the situation here. I think I'm done with pec giving lol

not a good idea to use these on ul non sib weapons, however very good idea to use these on some ul sib weapons. if ur currently say 7.0 on a ul firefly or R150 and ur ul sib weapon happen to be tier3 then very good idea to pop in some skill mod enhancer as u'll probably be 9.9 on it now. or maybe use em on a open tiered L weapon like a xt or felis :D
With a sample the size of your entire experiment you can expect the hitrate to vary +/- 2% or so, and that will overwhelm what should be a very small benefit from using a single skill mod enhancer on a UL weapon. As mentioned elsewhere, + .5 professional lvls makes a much bigger difference for a SIB weapon that you are not naturally maxed on.
With a sample the size of your entire experiment you can expect the hitrate to vary +/- 2% or so, and that will overwhelm what should be a very small benefit from using a single skill mod enhancer on a UL weapon. As mentioned elsewhere, + .5 professional lvls makes a much bigger difference for a SIB weapon that you are not naturally maxed on.

Ah you said what I was trying to say but with less words! :)


Do they add more SIB or do they take away SIB? i know they add skill but im talking about skill increase bonus cause if they give added skills then even better. I would rather use them to gain skill faster if that what they do?
They are great for SIB weapons especially. They let you max the wep out before you have the skills to do so.
With UL non sib you still have to be lv 95 to be of some benefit.