Question: Where is our Community Representative?

To be fair: I think this functionality got lost with the upgrade to vBulletin 4, not sure if it is still supported and just not activated, or if it was a vB 3 plugin, but you can't claim that is was hidden on purpose.

If it got lost why do you have a last actvity of Today 19:42 and other members also have thier last activity?

Hi! Im alive and (almost) well. As you might know I've been sick a lot the last couple of months. To be frank, Im having some issues with my back being disobedient and going belly-up on me all the time. So... my absence have nothing to do with SDS or MindArk, just good ol' fashioned health problems I'm afraid.

Its something I'm currently under treatment for, and hopefully it'll get better soon. :)

But even so both me and other SDS staff are keeping an eye on the forum to keep the company updated, and what needs to be communicated should still be communicated, either by me working from home or the other lovely people of SDS.

If futurama stile head aquariums were posible you could always opt for a back amputation :p Anyway I know how you feel having back problems of my own due to a motorbike accident. Hope you get better soon and if all els fails and you dont want to drink a lot of pills smoking some hurbs helps and it makes everything awsome, well atleast for you :p

Sorry that I may sound negative but its not directed at you or Pioneer its directed at your company. You 2 are about the only good thing I see in SDS and the negativity I have towards SDS is not as a result of you 2 its due to a lot of misshaps from SDS over the last few years.
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If it got lost why do you have a last actvity of Today 19:42 and other members also have thier last activity?

Ooops, my bad - the functionality is there (again) - but i can see the activity of all SDS members of PCF, too, so it is indeed not like the are actively hiding

See here: Memberlist
Get well Hanne, and dont forget to check your PM:s ;)
Take your time and get well. :yay: Ty for your reply! ;)