MS Bismarck Warp Service


Oct 23, 2011
Antipodean Army
Avatar Name
Milela Sakuba Wilnfe
The MS Bismarck is an Aniara Class Mothership and large transport vessel. As of the 1st of April, 2012 we will commence running our Extensive Scheduled Flight Service, which will take you to every Planet in the Entropia Universe on a regular basis.

With two scheduled flights per day, a current total of 34 warps a week and specific departure times. Our aim is to bring a reliable and secure service to our customers at an affordable price. Our flights begin and end at Space Stations. There are teleporters at these Space Stations that insure your safe and secure entry to their respective Planets. If you leave the Bismarck before it is fully docked you do so at your own risk. If you choose to fly out of the safe area of a Space Station you do so at your own risk. We strongly emphasis that you should use the services provided for your own safety and security. The risk is not worth the saving of 5 ped!

General Passage 5 ped
Our General Passage rate of 5 ped is for both Scheduled and Unscheduled flights. It allows you to get on or off at any Space Station on our Scheduled Flights at no additional charge from us. These Scheduled Flights start and end at Calypso Space Station.
Subscription fee 50 PED per month
We are taking subscriptions now! These subscriptions come at a cost of 50 PED per month and offer our members many benefits.

No Aniara Class Mothership is invincible. Use what has been provided for you to avoid PVPer/Piracy incursions and losses. PVPers/Pirates can see and read our time-table and schedule as easily as you can. Chances are high that some will be waiting. We are not responsible for any choices you make once you leave the MS Bismarck.

Additional fees incurred
Space Station Teleporter = 7 PED (MindArk)
Atmospheric Re-entry = 2 PED (MindArk)
Taxi and Security Services = Discretion of the Person(s) Providing it.

Milela Sakuba Wilnfe
David Robert Westmoreland
Cuilwen Evey Arnold

(or just PM me for now)

Our full Policies and Procedures is available on our website:
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Type of Flight​
Non-Subscription Passengers
(Pay as you go)​
Subscription Passengers
(50 PED / Month)​
Caly / Ark
5 PED​
0 PED​
5 PED​
0 PED​
25 PED​
25 PED​
50 PED​
50 PED​
50 PED​
65 PED​
65 PED​
Daily Crew Fees
(Gunner & Repair Rights)​
5 PED​
0 PED​
Party Deck

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Available on Website
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The Calypso Space Station is now operating correctly. We will recommece out Unscheduled Flights immediatly. Our Scheduled Flight Service will commence at 23:00 MA Monday 2nd, April, 2012.

Once again we apologize for any inconvienance caused and thank you for your patience

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The offer looks very good!

Keep up the good work Sakuba
Looking like i realy good service, subscribing;)
A word of caution to anyone using the Pirate Mothership - Bismarck. This group is one of the main forces behind organized space piracy. They even use the ship as a spying vessel, and launch point for pirates preying on space travelers.{removed}

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It looks like you decided not to remove the pirates from your society and crew?

I warned you weeks ago that this was going to cause you problems.
No honest player will recommend a ship for transporting when they know it is being used by pirates.

Hopefully you can clean your ranks and come up with a legit service for the universe.

maybe that's why the service is so cheap? they are being subsidised by pirates?
Because of certain recent events we feel it is time to step forward and clarify and reiterate:
Sakuba and edited by David Robert Westmoreland said:
Temporal Destinies as a Society is geared towards helping and advising its members as well as newer Participants to the Entropia Experience. It is not our policy to tell our members how they can or can not spend or earn their PED. It is also our policy not to tell a member what trade/career/profession they choose to take. The choice is entirely theirs alone. The only hard ruling we have for those who choose to become PVPers is that under no circumstances can they ply their trade on another Temporal Destinies Member.

Pvpers, whether on planet in PVP 4 or in PVP Space, are exactly the same. Both Regions are lootable PVP areas and a part of the Game Mechanics. There is no difference between PVP 4 Zones on Planets or the PVP Area in Space. Many Societies have members who spend a lot of time in the PVP 4 areas on Planets but you never hear of anyone crying foul because of this. Even I have helped kill others in these areas and loot them, even though I only make cannon fodder.

In addition I have found it a huge advantage to have experienced Space Combat Pilots that we have been able to use as escorts when transporting large amounts from planet to planet. As the new primary owner of the MS Bismarck, I am sure we will find more use for their particular talents in the future. That we have PVPers in our Society is transparent and open and has never been hidden ... it is obvious we have an association..... can the same be said for other groups or Societies?

I would like it noted that Sakuba took possesssion of the Bismarck on 1st March 2012.

In viewing the following two links it should also be noted that the individual who began flaming us is within the "Black Angels" Society groups. A noted and respected PVP Society, that has no qualms about looting avatars

In addition if you note the date of posting of their own screen shots you will see that they were posted 3rd and 7th of July, 2011.

Pictures really are worth a thousand words..
Narfi I respect you as a person,

Thank you. I will do my best to be worthy of that.
I once respected David as a business owner and a friend who was fun to do beacons with.
That is why I did everything I could to help his society on Rocktropia when they were there.
He was fully aware of my help since they included 1 of his higher ranked officers as well as his "daughter"
That's why it was such a kick in a nuts when I found out the hard way that they were actually pirates. It is hard to swallow when a supposed friend betrays your trust.
Several of their members have had the balls to stand for what is right and left their society because of their stance on piracy.

but to remove a person from your social or crew for what they do in their spare time is wrong and kind of decimating against them....

It only takes a few bad apples to ruin a bushel (as my grandpa reliable use to say lol) ...:laugh:

It is healthy and necessary to remove the bad apples from the bushel before the entire lot is destroyed by contamination. It is not discrimination to remove what you do not want to be associated with from your society, it is taking responsibility in your leadership role.

:lolup: Another comment spoken without any evidence or for thought given? :lolup:

The evidence is here,


Pictures really are worth a thousand words..

Yes they are, and there are plenty of pictures on your forum.
Here are 2 examples:

(over 7000ped in loot pirated 'stolen' from the community posted in YOUR forum, that could buy a significant share in a MS esp. if you add up what likely wasn't posted in their 'brag' thread)

Matthew 5:43 43-44 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.

Luke 16:13 "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other."

You need to decide if you want to support piracy, or if you want to make a stand against those who are making space more miserable for others.
This is a game controlled by money, your ped can sponsor a ship that harbors pirates and defends their actions, (who knows if they will turn on you or not, the fact is they ARE harboring them and they do use the ship) that is your choice. I believe that you should have that choice with the full knowledge of what you are doing and who you are dealing with.

You can either support piracy, or you can despise piracy.
I have chosen to despise piracy, and to make sure that as many people are safe in space as possible.

I would ask that anyone who despises piracy also put pressure on the owners of the Bismarck to make a stance against piracy and to back their claims of wanting to 'help new players' instead of supporting those who hinder their game play.

This is nothing personal against sabuka. I defended him when he was trading on Rocktropia even after the way David treated me. But I will not stand by and allow a pirate society to anonymously run a pirate ship without flying the jolly roger.


You are correct a person can not serve 2 masters, so is it ok for him to turn into a pirate and still try to claim the good guy? I would say no and yes facts need to be noted and what you provide as proof is very damaging to the people in question. I would hope that the fact be presented what sledgehammer is insinuating is that he was a passenger on the ship then got looted. That is all I’m saying. I do stand with you in the matter of piracy I do not agree with it nor do I approve of it. But to make it sound as though you were a passenger on the ship and was looted by the security forces that they use is just wrong. But you point is very interesting to say the least. Must do more research into this before I make a decision on what to do. But to claim hellfire war on innocent passengers is wrong and is that not becoming a pirate one self if you choose to lead that path?
Anthony, I have previously investigated this issue (independently) and have confirmed what Narfi and SledgeHammer are saying about the ship and its service. You may have had a pleasant flight and so you naturally want to defend the service, but your own experience or that of SledgeHammer is not at issue here. The issue is that this mothership is not only allied with active pirates, it transports them and uses them as crew. This is undeniable fact until the operators change their methods.

I urge everyone to understand that the trustworthiness of the crew is of utmost importance when choosing a mothership or privateer transport service. If you feel comfortable trusting a crew whose members will steal your peds at the first opportunity they find you flying alone and vulnerable, then all I can say is go right ahead.
For what its worth I can just give my experience of the Bismarck so far

Been using it for 2 weeks i think , almost daily and not once have i been wrongly treated/looted or otherwise. 2 days back i remember i had to remain logged off for an unusually long period , courtesy sledgehammer i am told. I have no issues with being pk in space and everything is fair game ( PS : No i havent pk'd or even tried ever). I was informed over skype to remain logged.

So my question here would be

1. Has anyone been looted on the MS yet to be declared unsafe? I am told and have regularly on my trips ( 5 ped/person ) seen people travel alongwith and so would like to hear of any such events.

2. So from what i gather from this thread, if i have pk friends but i am doing my business honestly, people are supposed to not trust me just cause i deal with pk'rs. Also to be clarified everyone who pk'd in pvp4 i guess is considered a pirate and so those who are bad mouthing here are basically saying they dont have friends or dont deal with pirates at all.

I hope the above two are valid enough questions which someone perhaps can throw some light on.

As for the issue between sledge and Bismarck, i guess both are in space and fair game to shoot each other down. As a client, if i feel i am losing too much time i will decide whether to stay or not.

Bottomline, i would like to hear someone who has been looted/deceived on the Bismarck. If not, i don't see a reason for the hullaballo.
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anthonymorris and Divinity, I think you are looking at this from the wrong angle.

I believe that Sabuka is and intends to run a real service here, I don't think he would intentionally allow any of their pirates to harm any of their passengers.

The problem is where do the profits go, and what else does the ship do or is used for during its down time?

Narfis attitude towards me when I was trading on Rocktropia was nothing less then honest, forthright and supportive.

Sadly, I can not say the same for my dubiousness of him at the time, because of the situation that occurred with the Pirates in our Society.

However, as a member of the upper echelon of Temporal Destinies, I must ratify that our policies on PVPers/Pirates has not changed. Nor can I see it changing in the near future.

If Sakuba posted and clarified a few things, it would alleviate my issues with the situation.

1. Do you own the ship, or do you hold it for your society, a partnership, or group of shareholders?
2. Are any of the people on the following list on your guest list?
Chuck Caly Rocknroll
The Prophet
Mrs Heesters Globalise
Windy Windy Ozoner
*or Dogger

3. Are any of the people on that list partial owners in the Bismarck?
4. Are any of the owners of the ship known to be in frequent contact or to regularly team with anyone on that list while they are engaging in piracy? (westmoreland?)

4. If in fact you are the sole owner of the ship, and all profits from the ship go to you. Then what is your personal policy on pirates and their relationship with the ship?

I will trust your answers if you choose to address them Sakuba, but I will not accept a response from the other 2 listed on your 'contacts list'

The time to address issues like this are before they become a greater problem.
I know from playing on rocktropia what a hassle it is when pirates have access to a mothership even when its parked at a station. (rockstars and the revenge) And don't want to see another ship becoming a safe haven to pirates or have their 'subscription fees' going directly into the pockets of pirates using that to fund their attacks on travelers.

A ship is a huge investment, and takes a lot of planning and forethought to make a successful business.

Do it right, consider the implications of your choices, and do what you know is right.

gl and have fun,

MS's stay in business if they can AVOID pirates in pvp space - and thus guarantee safe passage to clients.

Pirates are ESSENTIAL to guaranteeing repeat business for MS's - creating a real threat of lootable-pvp space.

BUT.... any MS's linked with rats... is just terrible business sense. No client/trader will feel secure when on board a rats-nest.

Unless your agenda is non-recovery of funds invested in MS, if a MS transport is to be credible & viable, all links to rats MUST be publically severed. Neutrality just wont cut it.
--mod's note--
Leave the personal disputes out of this. While this thread is in the space section (as it doesn't pertain to Calypso) it is still in essence, a Service thread. (and regardless of location, Personal disputes are discouraged on this forum.)

You are well within your rights to give reviews of your experiences w/ this service, good or bad. You can even give public information so others can make an informed decision.

However, what I just read was simply personal arguing that has no place here.

--/mod's note--

If they are truly consorting w/ players planning on taking their passengers loot, then their service will VERY QUICKLY end up w/ the bad reputation some of you are already expecting. (A poor strategy for long-term income.) However, association w/ questionable people does NOT equal being a questionable person.

As an example, Sledge and I are friends, and I also have other friends in BAHQ as well as Temporal Destinies. Does this mean I agree with everything they do? Nope. If you tried to determine my "trustworthy-ness" based on my friends and associates, you'd consider me schizophrenic.

My personal opinions about PVP, BAHQ, Temporal Destinies, etc. are unrelated.

However, when you see me in someone's ship manning the guns, then you could judge me based on your personal principals by my own actions.

Same goes here. I dislike guilt by association. I prefer to judge individuals by their actions.
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Clarification: Apologies if my words seemed to imply anything about BAHQ or TD's involvement in, or connection to this service. I was merely trying to show an example of judging by personal action, not association.

So like I said, if the MS ends up being involved in customer looting, then their rep will tank quickly, and this service will come to a screeching halt.

It's a self-fixing problem.
anthonymorris and Divinity, I think you are looking at this from the wrong angle.

I believe that Sabuka is and intends to run a real service here, I don't think he would intentionally allow any of their pirates to harm any of their passengers.

The problem is ............, and what else does the ship do or is used for during its down time?


Narfi, I totally agree with all the points you've made above and other posts...and I think I'm on your side in that regard.

Now, I know you use Normandie for transport. Personally, if i (or any of my firiend) need to travel space with loot Normandie and Kronan would be my choice, at least for now! It's pretty simple.... Normandie has earned the trust for both safe transport, and of quality of services. It's not only from me, but also from the whole community.

Having, said that, I also know, at least in the past, Normadie had crew members who were active pirates, and some used Normandie as their base when normandie was not doing transport service! I don't know the current situation.

So, my question to you (or anybody), can you also say the same thing with Normandie... at least none of their crew members are active pirates! and not using the Mandie as their base when the ship is not in transport service for the public?

EDIT: I've to admit one thing... I think the way space is evolving, lootable space is OK with me. So, is space piracy. That doesn't mean I'd change my view about pirates.
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i agree too with narfi but the issue was not the service it was about one person waging war on everyone who travels whith the MS Bismark and the threat to loot and kill everyone he can when he gets the chance. I say let them do thier business without conflict and if a single person wants to waste their peds shooting it down then so be it we all know who will be doing it and we all will be doing what we have to do to stay loot free.he might be able to shoot down the ship but loose his peds in the long run, then what is there to gain?
the issue was not the service it was about one person waging war on everyone who travels whith the MS Bismark

It's lootable space. Every ship/passenger is in danger. This specific person simply made his intentions public. (though I've since removed it.) Or did you think the Bismark is safe from all other PVP hunters?

In short, arguing over it is no reason to destroy a service thread.
I think it has pretty much all been said.

We've heard from those who would say,"We are going to loot them.....but I am not a pirate."

"Cry foul....I chose to take stackables/materials into lootable PVP and was attacked and lost it to the dreaded Temporal Destinies Pirate Society! They are all Pirates!"

Hmmmm...... I did not know there was only three members in the Temporal Destinies Society.

Where are the people who truely cry foul of the service I provide. Where are those I have lured into losing their stackables/materials.

My stance has not changed on how people choose to play their game. It would seem fairly obvious that I am not a Pirate supporter when I offer a service to even those who don't have a great deal of funds, taking potential victims away from those who would "Kill them all and take their loots !"

They say a leopard never changes its spots.
Buller, Dogger and Kenny know what they are and don't deny it. Yes, I take them away from their Pirating/PVPing and use them against other Pirates in order to offer some protection to the Bismarck.

I would be more wary of those who gain your trust by saying, "I was a Pirate, but now I am honest and forthright. Tomorrow I might put my Pirate cap back on, but today..."

You all know that open spce is lootable PVP. You all know there are PVPers/Pirates just waiting for you to carry stuff out there for them to take from you. I don't believe there is anything in the EULA that says you have to take your stackables/materials into these areas. So don't blame me for your choices. Don't cry foul of the service I provide because of what somebody else does in their time.

When you really sit down and think about it, in some ways, Mothership Owners/Operators are just a different type of Pirate. "Pay the price I demand or take your stuff out so the other Pirates can have it all!"

Just remember whichever choice you make, it was your choice. No one held a gun to your head and made you take that choice. Don't even bother blaming the PVPr/Pirates when they own you, you were the one who put yourself in that position. You weren't dragged out there kicking and screaming, you chose to go there. You could have made a wiser choice, but you didn't. So get over your own foolishness and make a better choice next time.

NB: Those of you who have spoken up in support of the service I provide, Thank you. Your words and thoughts are appreciated.
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Sakuba, will you please not skirt the issue and answer my questions openly and honestly.

When you really sit down and think about it, in some ways, Mothership Owners/Operators are just a different type of Pirate. "Pay the price I demand or take your stuff out so the other Pirates can have it all!"

When I sat down and thought about it, I realized that a grocer is just a different kind of criminal who starves children. Imprison all grocers! :smash:

In business, a legitimate service provider takes someone's money in exchange for a service rendered. Both parties come out having gained what they wanted. A pirate (what we'd call a thief or con-man in the real world) takes a person's money without giving any service in return, which results in only one party gaining what he wanted. So, the two cases are not at all similar.... unless the mothership operator would be promoting or facilitating piracy in order to gain more business, then I'd agree with you, they would be a kind of pirate.
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unless the mothership operator would be promoting or facilitating piracy in order to gain more business, then I'd agree with you, they would be a kind of pirate.

This is essentially the answer I got from David when I first spoke to him about the ambush. Basically, according to him, I could use the Bismarck's services, or expect attacks from her pirate crew.
In attempt to alleviate community concerns I will address this one last time.

1. I have 100% ownership of the Bismarck. Members of my society, Temporal Destinies, do however assist me in various task such as finding passengers, promotion, and day-to-day activities.

2. Dogger and Bullettoothtony are part of the Bismarck's security force. While the MS Bismarck is en route to any destination, all passengers of the Bismarck are off-limits. In addition to this, any instigators who would wish to disrupt the day-to-day operations of the Bismarck will be shot down by Dogger and Bullet.

3. See 1

4a. I, the owner of the Bismarck, am in constant communication with Dogger and Bullet when the Bismarck is in transit via Ventrilo to ensure that our passengers are safe. What they do in their own time and who they talk to is their business.

4b. I, like many others who play this game, do not endorse or support piracy in any way. With that said, Dogger and Bullet are good friends who have decided that piracy is the activity within Entropia that they enjoy the most. Temporal Destinies will not banish these members due to their style of gameplay. Take note that I do not employ Dogger and Bullet as part of the security force as pirates, but as skilled and experienced combat pilots that I can personally trust to ensure flight integrity and security.

With that said, all members of Temporal Destinies and passengers of the Bismarck are off-limits as they disembark from our flight and the ship is off-limits to them during non-service hours.

Bottom line: I am providing a service to the Entropia community and my price will allow our community and interplanetary economy to flourish. With no incidents directly associated with the Bismarck, I ask that you keep your personal vendettas out of my thread.

This will be the last response made in regards to personal issues with pirates or Temporal Destinies.

Thank you,
Milela Sakuba Wilnfe
Owner and Operator of the Mothership Bismarck
Thank you for verifying most of my assumptions. (The only one I was apparently wrong about was that you were not the full 100% owner of the ship)

I am glad you finaly came out and publicly laid out your buisness plan so that all potential customers could know and understand how you are operating. Please make sure that for the sake of honesty you make sure to fully disclose your approach in any service threads you start. All I am asking for is honesty, and now I have it. Thank you. said:
A protection racket is an extortion scheme whereby a criminal group or individual coerces a victim (usually a business) to pay money, supposedly for protection services against violence or property damage. Racketeers coerce reticent potential victims into buying "protection" by demonstrating what will happen if they don't—they damage the victims' property. In most cases, the racketeers do not actually protect their client from anything but the racketeers themselves, and their "protection" is merely extortion. However, if their victim is seriously threatened by a third party, sometimes gangsters will protect their source of revenue.
2. Dogger and Bullettoothtony are part of the Bismarck's security force.

This is all I need to know to avoid this MS' service.

I will also openly advise others against using the Bismark and state that is consorts with pirates, and pirates can simply not be trusted.

Too bad.
