
63500, 82400 Medium density Atrax Young to Old.

It's a trap :) Packed with Vanguards/troopers. Perhaps they confused it with 64946, 83760 which is still valid for medium-high density of young-old.
Morgan Drell doesn't hand out the Iron Challenge any more. He wants Allophyls and Estophyls. Does anybody know where I can start the Atrax Iron Challenge these days?

EDIT: it's in that hunting challenge device found at many places with TP and stuff where many other hunting iron missions can be found
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where is it atm?
The Atrax SW of Livas have been there all week for me - I have just finished the 5000 Iron mission there.

Killed 5000 Atraxes and Highest single loot was 41 peds LOL. Glad it is over.
Z's Little farm TP location is great for Category 2 Daily Hunting mission (y)

edit : I didn't pay attention... This location have a 4.9% tax :grumble:

but even if 5% of my loot is gone, it's a no brainer, the density is great and only low maturity atrax (young to old) all around the TP.
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As of Febuary 2023 Ahh...The Atrax OLA #28 Atrax are good spawn but mostly Young L9 and a few L10 no stalkers
36500 34700 (The Land of Oz) N Nate Valley has very few Atrax all Young L9 mixed with Fungoid & Neconu no high level Atrax
76200 72200 E East Scylla Mountains Provider L12 to Old Aplha L23 good spawn for daily no higher maturities
70519 72421 Atrax Old Alphas L23 medium spawn mixed with Trox Dominant L33 N of Jurra Plateau