Items bought worth 0 ped when TT'd

Reasonable until you remember this is supposed to be an RCE game.

What's that got to do with it?

MA has now offered a way for these players to recover their funds at an actual discount/bonus over using the normal banking channels that have governed interaction between the EU RCE and the real world economy.

They're allowing the same method to recycle those peds into the open economy as they allow for others who take advantage of the webshop to bring in "discounted peds" with universal ammo, seems like a pretty reasonable resolution.

There are items in the real world that you are allowed to buy/acquire/create that you aren't allowed to re-sell as well. If you're implying that it's not "real" enough and that you should be able to do whatever you want with your items, it's not necessarily the case in any world, real or virtual.