My feature changes suggestions for ComPet


Sep 28, 2010
Hi devs/community,

1: a wider range of attack cards, some of which limited to, say, use after round 15 or so. These could be made better than other options, but you need to survive long enough to be able to use them, and they limit your attacks early in the battle if you select one or more.

2: possibly limit some cards to overall use limit, eg. only 5 bites per bite card. [edit: make it possible to select more than 1 bite card if you wish, though - see point 3]

3: a higher number of attack card slots to accommodate suggestions 1 and 2. I know there may be a question of graphics if the fight options go up to 10 or more, but I think gameplay would be much better.

4: consider whether some attack choices should become fixed for a particular pet once selected. Maybe your pet will be great with some set skills up to lvl 10, for example, but a pet you want to go higher might need to fix a different skill set and have a harder time reaching lvl 10, but get the upper hand more after that. As pets currently have to be sacrificed to help other pets reach higher lvls (e.g 5,10..) this would mean you could mould your individual pets more for how long you wish to keep them...

5: the inclusion of pets from EU! I very much want this, but it will bring problems of balancing (also with special pet properties) if the fundamental skill gain sets per level are different. Possibly pet battle matching would not only be decided on level but total skill points the pet has. We already see a difference with the pets on offer, so I imagine some balancing for this is already in planning.

6: ability to choose opponents from the ones found in a search, plus show a relative reward scheme for a potential fight. As mentioned in other threads, I think we will have a big problem of "symbiotic" playing, if forest raids are only 10 a day, for example. The arena will be the fastest way to get pet xp, even if you lose half the battles the way things are at the moment. Repeatedly fighting the same opponent should thus lower gains, or even turn things negative. However, if this is implemented, then either an automatic search for battles must ignore opponent matches which have gone into negative, or players must be able to select which of the found battles they want to fight. Maybe a fight regen will fairly quickly make fighting a common opponent positive again, but please do something about how battles are repeated and the relevant progress that is made.

7: if you convert peds to gold then make the village safe from raids for a certain short time, so that a player cannot unluckily lose the gold before it is spent.

8: controversial for the basic economics, I know, but include an exchange rate for diamonds and/or gold back into peds.

9: we don't know very much yet about the season rewards and the jackpots. As these possibly include peds, this is potentially one way in which suggestion 8 can be handled, by rewarding rank success rather than accumulation of diamonds, for example. Maybe more info can be provided here.

I definitely think development steps need to be taken along these lines. I realise that some are not as simple as others. However, without fundamental changes, I don't think ComPet will stand a chance for success.

Thanks for reading, I hope you see that despite my criticisms in other threads, I really am thinking about how ComPets can succeed!!!
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knowing MA they wont do anything of the mentioned above. they might say they consider adding it... but believe me... they wont.
yup, I am well aware of the overall environment we face, but I want my criticisms to be constructive and include possible solutions. It's a good excercise for myself anyway, even if nothing comes of it.