Avatar's changing hands.... who are you actually dealing with?

Compared to most of the ppl in this thread im "new" but still my own and only avatar since 2012.

And dont think ppl would admit in public if they sold or bought their avatar :laugh:
Havent played much in the last year...but Im still the only one that has played under Quell Que Star
My main profession is fapping, some may call me a whore :)ahh:), my typing skills are really awful, I like my pints of beer too many days of the year (dont want to say week), I don;t pm while healing (or very short) and my brain lacks fuel all the time making a short circuit. I think those are enough reasons for anyone not to buy me, would be too difficult to play the imposter :smoke:
I'm still me!

:cool: :laugh: :scratch2:
Still playing my first original avatar.

I invested so many time and money into it, even if I could afford to buy an UBER avatar I wouldn´t do it, just because that is not me.
I am Skeezer!

Same old me since ~ 2008.

Cheers to all of you originals!

Same Old Crusty me

I have been and always shall be me. Joined EU in April 2007, and still going... I wonder why at times, but I enjoy it if I am honest.
Still the same me since 2003.

My original Ava was somewhere late 2001 or early 2002 it's been too long to remember but I do recall MA wouldn't let me change the silly avatar name I made and I have some memory of there even being a problem changing the password that they provided to me as part of the test.

Can't remember what I ate yesterday but I still remember that darn password. :)
Well Danny, tough call on this one. :)

Firstly, i don't think most of the latest ava's changing hands has happened with MA approval. There is nothing MA can do either since the original seller will respond and provide any details as required if they ever ask for it. So there is no way anything can be proved.

The esi cost is the biggest issue here and with current prices, there is no other realistic way to actually transfer skills.
I think its just a matter of time till MA make the ESI available through webshop ( you will need to deposit one last time ..lol ).

On the matter of knowing a person and trusting him/her, I doubt it will take me more then 5 minutes to identify you or vice versa if anything seems odd, wouldnt it? :)

One thing anyone who sells there ava should do at the minimum is clear there friends list completely.

OnTopic : Myself since 2010 and i would never be able to sell my avatar as that would be dangerous for far too many people :)
The esi cost is the biggest issue here and with current prices, there is no other realistic way to actually transfer skills.
I think its just a matter of time till MA make the ESI available through webshop ( you will need to deposit one last time ..lol ).
Webshop or TT would be nice way to do it... Hunters looking for esi in loot will scream "hell naw...." but realistically, you are correct... and Mindark knows it, even if they don't want to admit it.
Same person behind the avatar since I joined in 2003.
Gained some weight, lost a bit of hair but kept my grumpy behavior :p
still the same since 2005
:silly2: since 2011 still only one playing here
Oh about answer the forum some of the sold avatars took over the pcf account too so becarefull with that only way you know is by ts
Avatars sold . Max Xtreme Hunter not original anymore but bobazz is bahain that avata and list is very long to name all
Just ask me :laugh:
10+ years and heart and soul has gone into my Avatar (plus many $'s)

I would rather lose all, than sell.

I usually still log in most days and hunt for an hour or so with wife or a few select friends. Sadly this group are slowly diminishing as this game becomes more of a point and shoot game.

I too miss the old days.

A lot of new and wonderful things in the game now.

However the comradeship and interaction between players at the scale it was 10 years ago is gone.

Missions and solo instances have killed that. The loss of WoF was another contributor for loss of fellowship.

EG; To win or compete in the Merry Mayhem back a few years ago was a joint effort by uber to noob. Many friendships and alliances were formed and there was a lot of fun by many.

Same person since day one. Avatar created in 2007 but with a long break between end of 2007 (or so) until mid 2012.
Unfortunately I'm still me. Seems nobody wants a beaten up crusty old ava with barely average skills and a bad attitude ;)
Still the same lil old me.

Nothing changed except I'm getting older :)
My avatar has never changed hands, but I been hiring forum trolls as many of you know.
Still same old me.
avatar born in 2011 then I was afk 'waiting for previous action to finish' from 2013 till 1017

no one else has ever played my avatar and never will
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Well I can safely say that I am the only person ever to play my Avatar and I am unlikely to sell out my skills, although I would consider liquidating my assets if the game does not improve this year
Same person behind this avatar since it's birth back in 2005.. :smoke:
slupor slupor slupor is being played by me, myself and I virtually every day since 2005.

Schizophrenia means I'm never alone, and we are always right!
Same person behind the avatar.

I guess noone Will admit they have bought an avatar?
<-- Original Avatar Creator :wtg::wtg:

And for your Information: I AM NOT TO SALE!! :lolup::lolup:
I was born outside of Jason Center pre-Gold in late 2002, and have only ever been me from the start. Every time we've had to re-do our avatars, I've tried to always look the same, and I've hardly ever seen another avatar that looked similar. All my skills were earned the hard way, by actually earning them, not buying them. I've never sold any skills, but if I could chip out my luck, I gladly would. :silly2:

Over the years, I've seen a lot of n00bs become legends, and before auctions came about, I was quite famous and reputable as a weapons dealer in my own right, and it was fun besting 3 of the more mouthy cK in the boxing ring when I was but a n00b myself...but with auctions all but killing meaningful trading and player interaction, I've stepped back into anonymity, for the most part.

If you see me out and about, you'll know it's me. :) If you're not sure, try chatting in Spanish or French...and I'll reply. I don't know Swahili, though...
Same person and creator in my avatar since 2003 :)
Same guy, same avatar since 20/04/2004

And I couldn't pay someone to take my account never mind sell it... I believe it may be cursed...:hammer: