How do auction orders work?


May 20, 2007
Avatar Name
George Ace Skywalker
Say there are two auction orders for item x one at TT+508 the other at TT+507 and someone lists item x on auction for TT+500 which order will win?
Hello...since there are different prices....the seller can fill the order for the price he chooses from those 3

IF the prices are the same..then also the creation Time is the factor...
Hello...since there are different prices....the seller can fill the order for the price he chooses from those 3

IF the prices are the same..then also the creation Time is the factor...

I think you misunderstood the question. There are two orders and the seller chooses to sell below the asking price of both.
I would think logically the higher bid order should get the item, but now that you are asking the question I'm not sure this has really been tested...
My thoughts is that since the item is lower than either of those buyouts, the item would sell to that which has been on the market the longest. My reasoning is that if they both have the same buyout (i.e +507) then it should go to the order that was created first.

In reality, i have no idea and wouldn't surprise me if MA coded it otherwise.
MA should fix auction system.