Suggestion: 3rd Golden Age?


Dec 14, 2006
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James Jambon Zidane
Entropia came out in 2003 as Project Entropia - essentially a beta of the game that was envisioned. Many consider that time to have been the "Golden Age" of the game. At the start, everything was new and opportunity was massively abundant. Gear was cheap (TTing UL shadow parts was not uncommon early on) and some of those items later turned into arguably some of the best and most valuable gear even now, 17 years later.

6 Years after launch, in 2009, the game was rebranded to Entropia Universe (this rebranding actually happened around 2006) and was upgraded to use the CryEngine. Doing so meant the entire game was rewritten from the ground up. The entire landscape that we had known was wiped clean and Entropia once again became a brave new world bound with opportunity. To mark this change MA launched the Second Golden Age (SGA) event to celebrate where ALL players to had an EQUAL chance to loot special unique items while hunting out in the wild (no instances, categories, tokens, points...etc which is so common today. Your chance to loot was solely based on the mobs you were hunting). Some of which had tremendous worth as they were improved (even if only marginally so) versions of some of the best items in the game such as the SGA Mod Merc and SGA Shadow Set.

It's now been 10 years since the Second Golden Age (SGA) event completed. And in my opinion we are once again on the edge of a new golden age. A 3rd Golden Age (3GA)...

We've had some significant changes to the game over these last 10 years. Some good, some terrible. MA has definitely lost their way a few times over these years focusing on other shiny distractions trying to capitalize on trends in other industries, leaving Entropia twisting in the wind at times.

However, I feel that this is changing. MA has scrapped all the little side-projects and is finally once again focusing on improving their core product - Entropia. I believe a large part of this is due to the newly appointed CEO. For the first time in a number of years the future of Entropia looks bright to me. Despite a few minor setbacks.

For example, the loss of Paypal as a payment option hurt - but I feel this is the kick in the pants needed to see growth in improving this. Maybe it will lead to once again seeing the return of the cash card? Maybe they will accept crypto for deposit and faster withdrawal?

While I don't 100% agree with some of the changes it at least feels that we are heading in the right direction and progressing towards something once again. And that we're once again entering an age of opportunity and positive change. Just recently we've seen:

  • New tiering/enhancer system changes
  • The armatrix series that's breathing new life into profitable crafting
  • New looting system that actually takes into account fap/armor/attachment decay.
  • New camera system and graphic improvements
  • New developments in Space - there are now apparently destroyable rocks in space? Removed fees for landing on planets. Pirates are now practically a thing of the past too making it safer to travel to CP and Foma. It finally feels like big changes are actually coming for space VERY soon rather than just "someday".
  • Many quality of life improvements (turret returns, easier auto-use, society terminal accessible anywhere, ability to copy item link from item info panels... even if it's temporarily disabled)
  • New land area investment system allowing shares to be sold of land areas. It's still early but seems quite promising as a means for new investment opportunities.
  • New Codex mission system. It's like a fresh start on all the missions and they all have proportional skill rewards. No more kill 1000 of these for some nova fragments!

Anyways, this post is getting way too long....

My point is - we've entered 2020. A brand new decade in what almost feels like a new game and once again, a brave new world bound with opportunity compared to 10 years ago. And I don't think I'm alone in thinking this. It seems like we're right at the start of some fantastic improvements and I think it's time to celebrate and mark this significant event as being the beginning of a new golden age - the 3rd Golden Age (3GA).

There's a ton of new items in the game that would be neat to see 3GA version of and it doesn't all have to be super uber stuff. We need cool low end stuff too! Off the top of my head I'm thinking:
  • 3GA Quad Wing
  • 3GA Sleipner
  • 3GA (L) Armtrix Weapons (and maybe a couple UL ones)
  • 3GA Aakas Fire Dagger
  • 3GA Mccormick Safe with a 2000 item limit (thinking of you Legend lol)
  • 3GA (L) AP Plates (and maybe a few UL ones)
  • 3GA Mod 2350 / 2600 / Restoration Chip
  • 3GA Shogun Set
  • 3GA Bukin Rifle / Blade
  • 3GA Rings for all non-seasonal rings

What are your thoughts?
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I agree with you 100%. It really does feel as though we're heading in the right direction once again and that there's a bright future ahead! :yay:

Great idea on the 3GA - let's see what MA thinks of it. :cool:
  • 3GA Mccormick Safe with a 2000 item limit (thinking of you Legend lol)

What are your thoughts?


I wouldn't put that many items in a storage container because it's impossible to see what you actually have in that small window when everything is pilled up on top of each other... They'd have to change the current storage container interface so that it was like carried inventory where you can scroll down and see everythin that's in there like a list. But I'm already fed up of playing Tetris in my inventory once a month... This would be like playing Tetris in my inventory everytime I had to go look for something in there... I think my idea of a fixed storage bin inside the shop (in this thread) is really the best solution for my problem.

Regarding 3GA, didn't we just have FEN like a year ago?

I'm not opposed to 3GA, but I feel like we're not quite there just yet. I understand that game development takes time but there are quite a few improvements that have been promised which lots of people are anticipating: Auction House overhaul, new Armor professions, next phase for Land Plot development... Once those 3 are released, then yes I think we would be due for 3GA, because the best time to do 3GA is when there is a lot of opportunity in the game, and new Land Plot development and new Armor professions will create that.

I wouldn't put that many items in a storage container because it's impossible to see what you actually have in that small window when everything is pilled up on top of each other... They'd have to change the current storage container interface so that it was like carried inventory where you can scroll down and see everythin that's in there like a list. But I'm already fed up of playing Tetris in my inventory once a month... This would be like playing Tetris in my inventory everytime I had to go look for something in there... I think my idea of a fixed storage bin inside the shop (in this thread) is really the best solution for my problem.

Regarding 3GA, didn't we just have FEN like a year ago?

I'm not opposed to 3GA, but I feel like we're not quite there just yet. I understand that game development takes time but there are quite a few improvements that have been promised which lots of people are anticipating: Auction House overhaul, new Armor professions, next phase for Land Plot development... Once those 3 are released, then yes I think we would be due for 3GA, because the best time to do 3GA is when there is a lot of opportunity in the game, and new Land Plot development and new Armor professions will create that.

Yeah that interface needs and overhaul for sure...

We did have FEN but that's ok. We had the TEN event shortly after the SGA in the first place. I figure this would be something to come out later this year or maybe early 2021. Also this event would be different as I'd like to see it as a throwback to what the SGA was like with a large selection of lootable (not bought) 3GA items that are improved versions of many items from all player levels. FEN offered a very small selection of items and every one of the UL items had an insane pricetag with it. Think the cheapest FEN UL item had a markup over 10k. Compare to SGA where you would have SGA versions of lower end gear that had a higher markup than the non-SGA items but the markup would still be very low and within the reach of most players as some items would only have markups of +100-300 over normal markup value.

Additionally, the idea with the 3GA would be a means to entice people to be active and put their trust in Entropia before everything is perfect. You're suggesting the event doesn't happen till after all the good stuff has arrived. We need it before hand as a means to keep people interested and invested until all that other stuff arrives in full. Much the same as SGA. The golden age refers to a time of early investment/trust before everything is a sure bet. We had SGA when there were still a LOT of elements that hadn't yet been ported over to the Cry Engine. IE taming/pets wasn't available during SGA and I'm pretty sure neither was space travel and a good chunk of the map wasn't available too if I'm remembering correctly.
It would be more like fifth golden age, but i won't ever say no to more items in loot
TWEN Event!!