Toilet Paper Crisis


Thorns Rose

Nov 10, 2009
Calypso Rescue Team
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New York Rose
It's official..They have closed the schools here and I went to store and they were out of toilet paper, I thought people were exaggerating.

Then I seen this little may not be down the road but there is always dryer sheets, I suppose. :eyecrazy:

It's official..They have closed the schools here and I went to store and they were out of toilet paper, I thought people were exaggerating.

Then I seen this little may not be down the road but there is always dryer sheets, I suppose. :eyecrazy:


Selling toilet paper and Dettol no-touch (UK only)
It's official..They have closed the schools here and I went to store and they were out of toilet paper, I thought people were exaggerating.

Then I seen this little may not be down the road but there is always dryer sheets, I suppose. :eyecrazy:


Search the news over the last two weeks to see how the Australians have been going nuts and hoarding toilet paper. It's been insane here. I have never seen such mass hysteria.

It's official..They have closed the schools here and I went to store and they were out of toilet paper, I thought people were exaggerating.

Same here, our governor declared state of emergency and closed schools, now everyone is losing their minds. I usually buy from Amazon but they are totally sold out (wtf lol). Went to 2 grocery stores, completely sold out. Finally found some at CVS.

I did buy a bidet off Amazon, I guess it's time to go European with my bathroom hygiene. :laugh:
Do people know you can wash your ass after you shit and not even need toilet paper?:ahh:
Same here, our governor declared state of emergency and closed schools, now everyone is losing their minds. I usually buy from Amazon but they are totally sold out (wtf lol). Went to 2 grocery stores, completely sold out. Finally found some at CVS.

I did buy a bidet off Amazon, I guess it's time to go European with my bathroom hygiene. :laugh:

I am thinking the same! :beerchug:
Do people know you can wash your ass after you shit and not even need toilet paper?:ahh:

Some countries don't even know what a bidet is....


Toilet humour. :tongue2:
This is being misreported - just to make Australians appear retarded.

Evidence for The real cause of the shortage

This never happened - it is fake news. Australians are not that stupid its probably in the US where this happened - looks like a typical Walmart day
This is being misreported - just to make Australians appear retarded.

This never happened - it is fake news.

So true! I think a lot of stuff is media exaggeration and sensationalism. ( We don't have Aldi stores here but does kind of look like Walmart. LOL )
It's official..They have closed the schools here and I went to store and they were out of toilet paper, I thought people were exaggerating.

Then I seen this little may not be down the road but there is always dryer sheets, I suppose. :eyecrazy:


lol, this is so funny but sad but true.

But I just cannot think about a reason why?
What's the thing about toilet paper?
Is that really a life essential???

Did the canned veggies and dried food fall out of grace?
What you need toilet paper for if you dont have the food to produce a turd to wipe? :scratch2:
lol, this is so funny but sad but true.

But I just cannot think about a reason why?
What's the thing about toilet paper?
Is that really a life essential???

Did the canned veggies and dried food fall out of grace?
What you need toilet paper for if you dont have the food to produce a turd to wipe? :scratch2:

Perhaps they eat the toilet paper. That way it wipes on the way out. :scratch2:

Two birds, one stone.
No sh!t (Pun fully intended)

Well...just a heads up for you guys anyway.

Starting from Jan 2020 onwards (roughly after Chinese New Year), as the coronavirus started to ramp up its spreading, people over at my place (country) and the "neighboring one" started to stock up on stuff and things became more and more you guys can maybe read this and take things into consideration.

In no particular order:

1 - Face mask (Surgical/N95)
2 - Thermometer (esp those that measure temp via forehead, the no touch kind. Not those that you stick in your mouth or ear.)
3 - Hand sanitizers & Dettol (for cleaning surfaces)
4 - Foodstuff like canned food, instant noodles and dried food (basically stuff that can last you a while and minimize your needing to go out and shop for food too often.)
5 - Toiletries (like the aforementioned toilet paper...etc.)

Good to knows:

1 - Try to avoid going out too often, especially to crowded places.
2 - Try to avoid having unnecessary physical contact with other people.
3 - Be mindful of what you touch (surfaces, door handles etc) and where you touch afterwards (your face, mouth, etc).
4 - Wash your hands thoroughly whenever possible. (Especially after you have touched some suspicious areas and or surfaces)
5 - Buy whatever is necessary and stock up a little, but not too excessively until the point where you leave none for others and you can't finish them off by yourselves.
6 - Keep your house well ventilated if possible and not in an air-conditioned environment too much. (Its more for us in the tropical/hot places, so not quite sure how much of this applies to you guys in the temperate/coldish areas though.)

Stay frosty but don't panic. ;)
Beers and Bacon and you can survive for weeks . you all going to eat toilet paper ?
Beers and Bacon and you can survive for weeks . you all going to eat toilet paper ?

It's weird. You'd think Australians would hoard BEER above everything else. But no.

Shit's crazy.


If aliens ever decide to take over the planet, we will fight them in the air, we will fight them on the landing grounds, against their laser weapons and their mind control powers...

but, if the aliens ever learn of our secret weakness and capture all of our toilet paper, then we are doomed! Humans would surrender immediately. :laugh:

I'm less worried about toilet paper and more concerned about running out of bourbon. :eyecrazy:
Did the canned veggies and dried food fall out of grace?
What you need toilet paper for if you dont have the food to produce a turd to wipe? :scratch2:

Nah that stuff was all cleared out as well.Grocery stores here are cleared out of everything, canned goods etc. America is a culture of panic.

Had tix to 4 concerts over the next couple months, half cancelled and predicting the other half will also. Everything is shutting down basically. Waiting for the inevitable rioting to start.
It’s the same in Virginia, mass panic and no damn TP. I guess people forget that baby wipes are really great at getting the same job done. But hey.. paying $50+ for TP makes more sense! Haha.
Be safe everyone, this is only the beginning. Take this seriously.

same here by the way, even Home depots are wiped out of paper goods, same on amazon. A bit overkill especially considering this isn't a gastrointestinal problem, its in the lungs.

The scarier part is if you ask you bank for a withdrawl. 11:00 am yesterday and I dried my vault with not very much requested.

The economic impacts to come are going to be life changing.
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Be safe everyone, this is only the beginning. Take this seriously.

same here by the way, even Home depots are wiped out of paper goods, same on amazon. A bit overkill especially considering this isn't a gastrointestinal problem, its in the lungs.

The scarier part is if you ask you bank for a withdrawl. 11:00 am yesterday and I dried my vault with not very much requested.

The economic impacts to come are going to be life changing.

yea it will hit hard. especially countries with no/weak health system.
our gvmt (austria) has raised 4bn euros for a start to help out all the small companies and self employed that are hit hard by the shutdown we are facing from monday. lets hope that helps.

stay safe and wash your hands.
The economic impacts to come are going to be life changing.

Defo this. Most people who get it will recover physically just fine but everyone will suffer the economic crisis which is only just beginning.

Really feel for people in the service industry right now, who not only have to worry about constant contact but also suffering from lack of business or even closures. Went barhopping with my wife last night and places that were normally packed were just dead. Tried to leave extra nice tips but I worry about how people will make out long-term.