Suggestion: Open Robot Beacons for Solo Play.

Rock Stone

Jan 19, 2019
I'm looking for robot thermal sensors.
I got a Ziplex A10 BP that needs them.
Wiki says they drop from Robot beacon mobs.
Theres nothing on the broker, can't run the instance solo.

I got into the instance by making a solo team! took my freaking Beacon and then said I can't loot solo after I killed robots.
Why do you care if someone want's to solo these Robots?
Why keep something locked down like this when noone does them.
I guess it's just another dead end in the game.
If anyone knows a trick to solo the Instance without another account to make a team Let me know.

I mean you can run beacons solo, all the mobs give had no loot messege gotta open chests at end afaik you can just enter solo without making teambut has been a little while otherwise solo team works fine. Source ran a few solo now all boxes in final room so dont need people to help get them in time.
Robot thermal sensors have not dropped in 2+ years, gl getting them beacons are just a waste of PED and time atm until MA fixes them.
Why do you care if someone want's to solo these Robots?

Because people doing instances solo generate a shipload of support cases when they get disconnected/otherwise booted from the instances, and support team is already overworked.
I'm looking for robot thermal sensors.

If anyone knows a trick to solo the Instance without another account to make a team Let me know.


Same like gauntlet, enter in solo team, once inside abandon the team.
I did it a lot if times, its ok.
Idk what happens when you crash, never happend yet with me.

The system always warns you, you cant loot a mob if alone in the team, maybe its the same for the loot crates at the end? I dont know, i always abandoned team as soon as got inside.

If you mean loot from mobs, yes, beacon mobs not drops loot, only the 12 crate's at the end, sometimes there is 1 mob that give like 50 shrapnel, but that is all :)
Robot thermal sensors have not dropped in 2+ years, gl getting them beacons are just a waste of PED and time atm until MA fixes them.

Wiki is just very outdated, it writes 2+ year for VU of last drop, but maybe its just not refreshed.
For example, last Lion foot guard says 8+ years ago VU for last time and we looted 2 after Halloween event.!

So wiki says its not dropped for a while, maybe just means no one refreshed it for a while.

Same for the where drops, we got the foot's from 25p beacons, not from 42p.

In the other hand, you are maybe - probably right, we not received a single one of that item in our 30 runs from the past half year, neither Robot Scrap metal, so if you says by experience, its most probably thru :D
Try bots on other planets perhaps?
I have done hundreds of beacons since loot 2.0, none of the beacon specific components drop any more, and tt returns are 85% as well, not a chance for multipliers any more so you lose tons of PED on tt as well as not finding anything worth anything other than the odd lion piece