Info: Mitchy Moo's Hunting Dashboard


May 13, 2012
Dark Side
Avatar Name
Mitchy Sir Moo
Hello fellow colonists,

Inspired by Zitti, I thought I would track and share my hunts on this thread. The purpose of doing this is to a), allow other players to see the results and compare them with their own and with MA's expected 2.0 targets and b), scrutinise the results and provide any feedback or commentary for how I may be able to improve.

Overall, you can see I'm behind the 2.0 target of 94%+ tt returns. Currently, I'm averaging 88.48% (net) returns.

I appreciate this information is fairly high-level. The back-end data is too large to share here so I just wanted to showcase a snapshot for interested parties.

My set-up (predominantly):

Armour: Ghost (+5B where neccessary)
Weaponry: ArMatrix BC-30 (L) or ArMatrix BP-30 (L) - average efficiency 64.45%.

Click the link below to view the dashboard:

Notable Dashboard components:

  • Weapon Efficency vs. % Returns (Net): this is designed to show the average net returns against weapon efficiency. The theory being that as weapon eff increases, so too should average net returns.
  • Size of Run vs. Net Returns: my hope here is that as you increase the size of the run (i.e. the amount of PED cycled during each hunt) the average returns should increase.
  • Percentage net returns over time: I hope this line graph will show a gradual increase in returns as I become more learned to the new system. It may show peaks and troughs or some other patterns which will be insightful.
  • Cost to Kill: this is in its infancy, but I intend on building this out to showcase the average cost to kill each mob hunted. This considers weapon decay and ammo burn only (armor decay to be added).
  • Loot Composition: showcases the average loot composition from items (i.e. oils), shrapnel and rare item drops.
Please let me know your thoughts on the attached. What's missing? What could be changed or improved? I'll be looking to improve this dashboard overtime and track more data points.

I will post updates here once every month or so.

Thank you & gl!

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