Fix this godforsaken lag

Do you think MA should prioritize fixing this lag above all else?

  • Yes

    Votes: 143 92.9%
  • No

    Votes: 11 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Aug 8, 2007
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Sub-Zero The Killer
Seriously since I been back for the past 2 weeks. I've noticed the game lag is way worse than in 2019.

What has happened to EU servers? Why no communication from MA about this lag...
This should be their number one priority, not selling new failed <insertgreedshareshere>.
Communicate to us that you are aware of the lag and that it is on your top priority also postpone summer mayhem and migration until the lag is fixed.

I can't even imagine how much more lag the game is gonna get if you still run these events before fixing this shit...:mad:
it's indeed horrible.


And next to the you cannot add this disciple I'm now also adding mobs the friend list. While I was shooting the drillbots it said it was added as a friend :scratch2:
Hadnt seen that one before. :laugh:

Also, when you're driving/flying around all of a sudden you're upside down, backwards hanging in a tree :eyecrazy:
Yesterday it was way worse than usual around Port Atlantis.
Took auto loot pill, and it was needed like 1+ minutes to claim the loot from dead mobs, had to stay there and wait for it, so finished it early, it was very annoying.
Later manually looting was better, at least not needed to wait there to claim, just needed to wait to get it.
I quit hunting yesterday because of the lag. This should be the number 1 priority, and it has been going on for weeks now.

Devs what are you doing? Serious question.
Could not execute

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Annoying as hell, but I wonder what the real reason is.
Seems like a lot have been changed or done lately, like dumb down AI (mobs attack
straight forward now and got stuck if something is in the path), less mobs in several
spawns, less spawns, less p.o.i objects, and so on... shouldn't suprise me if we all are
"CTD"s again for a VU that will change some core features and actions comming within
some months.
It's unethical!!!
I quit hunting yesterday because of the lag. This should be the number 1 priority, and it has been going on for weeks now.

Devs what are you doing? Serious question.

Not only one il just stick to crafting till they get sorted at least that way i dont see lag semi afks
Several Soc. members and friends stopped playing due this !

At least communicate with your Customers :mad: keep us informed how hard can that be.
I'll give it a week then also my avatar goes in hibernation untill this is fixed or we get an icd/ecd.

Amazing and a lack of respect :scratch2:
Something definitely needs to be done.
Yeah sucks big time.
And companies take advantage and use Corona pandemi as an excuse because they know people will accept it.
Maybe they cant fix it, maybe its not client lag or solvable network issues.
Maybe they getting their asses dDOS attacked harder than usual :eyecrazy:

Most likely some main data centre somewhere more like thinking its netflix traffic or something.
I have to admit for a few days that it is very annoying and playing is no longer fun ...

yesterday I crafted in PA Mall and each click took about 30 seconds.

please provide information and priority 1 regarding this problem
Maybe they cant fix it, maybe its not client lag or solvable network issues.
Maybe they getting their asses dDOS attacked harder than usual :eyecrazy:

Maybe they don't care to. We have been complaining about this since the VU 17.1.0 update was rolled out on March 3rd exactly when the Failed messages and freezing issues started. Strange thing is that instantly everyone started complaining after the patch, but they couldn't roll it back for some reason or acknowledge the issues and put out an emergency fix. Instead, MinkArk chooses to say nothing for a few weeks and then suddenly make a post blaming all the issues on lag due to excessive internet usage because of COVID.
Several Soc. members and friends stopped playing due this !

At least communicate with your Customers :mad: keep us informed how hard can that be.
I'll give it a week then also my avatar goes in hibernation untill this is fixed or we get an icd/ecd.

Amazing and a lack of respect :scratch2:

Many I know have stopped including myself. Been logging in on occasion to test shoot a few mobs, see the failed messages, and log right back out. The time between logins is increasing... Hoping this gets fixed before migration.
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The lag is awful.. and no it's not just "internet congestion". MA, you need to do something about it. It's basic 101 MMO stuff...
Lag is the worst and reddish tax of this game.:mad:

Please fix it. :wise:
Mindark needs to act like they want to be a company with a game enterprise. Not a 1-person hobby game that has very little priority.

Enough is enough.
bad tt-return and on top of that at every click 1-3 seconds lag once the bar is full... fun times...
fix both.
I've been having lags across the board on the internet due to all of this stay at home bullshit going on.

It's not just mindark, but likely their server hosting provider, and likely the every server hosting provider right now. ISP just do not have the infrastructure, globally, to keep up with this. lag is here to stay imo until the unfortunate events of covid19 are mostly resolved.
Maybe they cant fix it, maybe its not client lag or solvable network issues.
Maybe they getting their asses dDOS attacked harder than usual :eyecrazy:

or some rogue bitcoin miner malware. maybe the diversity hires knows how to fix it.

Even I get lag mostly with swimming. I rise out of the water and float around and such
Its gotten quite irritating that every other action takes 15 seconds more due to lag, I will not even bother hunting during this, and its been going on for a very long time. How is this not a priority issue? The only people that do not care about the lag are the ones afk grinding day in day out, they do not realize the game is dog shit atm. Oh but they release some new moon deed suit today to get us to spend more money, figures. How about for once, you guys actually do something beneficial for the game rather than try to keep everyone depositing non stop. Just a thought, maybe make the game a bit better here and there rather than lets keep things as is. Getting rather pathetic as of late. I do not understand how it takes weeks or even months for MA to even respond about an issue. I bet if everyone quit depositing cause of the lag, boom it gets fixed in a week. But as long as people are putting in money, MA does not care one bit
Even I get lag mostly with swimming. I rise out of the water and float around and such

This is a different type of glitch and it's been around for very long, I don't think it has anything to do with lag mayhem atm. And the "getting out of the water like a weightless mutant" animation is very funny, I grew to like it eventually, I laugh every time it happens.
I've seen a notable increase in demand for Restoration chips since the lag spike. I don't know how I'd be able to hunt without mine...
I remember there used to be days when I logged off because I was too tired or had stuff to do or was bored.
Nowadays, I'm logging off because I had too much lag for the day. Fix this shit already!
who tf is voting no to this lol