Arkadia Moon Deeds - Limited Edition Cyborg Suit

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Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006

[h=3]Arkadia Moon Deeds - Limited Edition Cyborg Suit[/h]A new series of Arkadia Moon Deed packs are now available. The brand new 50-pack features a Limited Edition Cyborg Suit of unprecedented style that will make any avatar stand out in the crowd.

The new Moon Deed packs also feature Hacking Devices that can be used on Arkadia Moon to circumvent security terminals installed by PTECH industries.

The Moon Deed packs, available for a limited time only, are sold as;
  • Arkadia Moon 5 Deed pack - 3 Hacking Devices
  • Arkadia Moon 10 Deed pack - 6 Hacking Devices
  • Arkadia Moon 20 Deed pack - 15 Hacking Devices
  • Arkadia Moon 50 Deed pack - 1 Cyborg Suit + 25 Hacking Devices

All the new Moon Deed packs including the 50-pack Limited Edition is available in the Entropia Universe Webshop right now!

[h=4]Hacking Device[/h]

Hacking devices have been created by the underground movement called The Smugglers to break through the security that was put into place by PTECH industries.

These devices deactivate all surrounding turrets and lower the security of whatever network it is inserted into.

These devices are currently used to override PTECH security installations on the Arkadia Moon.!

Originally Posted Here
Yeas Please :D
I was expecting maybe at the very least a run buff?
Sooo what can one obtain by using a hacking device?
Can armor be worn over cyborg suit?
Hmm why is it so hard to sell those moon deeds, i wonder.

It is players activities that generate revenue, or do you expect them to just hand you ped for owning a deed?
If you own AMD and don't hunt or mine there regularly, you only have yourself to blame.
Fix the lag and i'll consider it!
How many deeds left for sale ?
Does the suit do anything except look cool?
Can armor be worn over the suit?
Is the suit tradable?

Considering this information is missing from the announcement, I'm guessing the answer to all is no...
Does the suit do anything except look cool?
Can armor be worn over the suit?
Is the suit tradable?

Considering this information is missing from the announcement, I'm guessing the answer to all is no...

Yes, waiting more news about those thing too before buy any Ark Moon Deed :)
Would be helpful in deciding if MA should release some of the above information, especially w.r.t how many deeds currently still for sale.
I think it's used to spawn Smuggler Mechs but not 100% sure on this.

Yes. 3 devices spawns the mechs. 5 peds value for 15 per spawn. TEAM NEEDED before spawn.

Bonnie Knight has some twitch info on the hacking devices mission:

I think you do not need to be smuggler to spawn them but you do need additional people to help you kill the mechs. Does anyone else find it bad that this info is not easily available?

HOW TO smuggler:
step 1

Warehouse 1 Mission Info:

Would be helpful in deciding if MA should release some of the above information, especially w.r.t how many deeds currently still for sale.

How Many Deeds Are Left?
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would be nice to see some more info and pictures on the suit - that is super vague.
does it go over armor? is it instead of armor? is it tradeable? is it limited or UL ?
would be nice to see some more info and pictures on the suit - that is super vague.
does it go over armor? is it instead of armor? is it tradeable? is it limited or UL ?

From what I gathered:
  • you can wear armor over it;
  • You can use other clothes, including shades;
  • It seems untradeable aswell;
  • Has no buffs.
Would be helpful in deciding if MA should release some of the above information, especially w.r.t how many deeds currently still for sale.

So me and a few other players looked into the numbers and came to the following conclusion. There were initially 200 000 AMDs for sale. On May 12, 2019 Dylan posted on Arakdia Forum that there’s “18% of the deeds left for purchase from the web store”, this amounts to 36000 AMDs.

Now, EL has captured 331 S0ph13 globals, each one = 50 deeds sold, which amounts to 16550. Chances are that some pets weren’t captured by the tracker, but there’s no way to know exactly how many. This means that there’s up to 20k AMDs left for sale, or 10% of the initial offering, if everything is more or less correct.

P.S. As someone who has bought some deeds, I really hope that all this money eventually translates into awesome content for players of all levels. Oh and show the servers some love too.

Edit: I realised that some AMDs must also have sold before and after the pet promotion, so in reality we're looking at less than 10%. If I were to guess, I'd say 5% or so, but that's speculation.
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So me and a few other players looked into the numbers and came to the following conclusion. There were initially 200 000 AMDs for sale. On May 12, 2019 Dylan posted on Arakdia Forum that there’s “18% of the deeds left for purchase from the web store”, this amounts to 36000 AMDs.

Now, EL has captured 331 S0ph13 globals, each one = 50 deeds sold, which amounts to 16550. Chances are that some pets weren’t captured by the tracker, but there’s no way to know exactly how many. This means that there’s up to 20k AMDs left for sale, or 10% of the initial offering, if everything is more or less correct.

Thats a lot of analysis and deductions there m8. Gr8 work. :thumbup:

Personally, it would be so much easier for the people who have the figures ready in hand to just disclose it.

No buffs and trade-locked overvalued deeds?

the stupid things are getting 1.5% ROI at best at current prices. i was just at the moon and it's a fucking ghost town.

cyborg suit doesn't even have any buffs or real incentive. why the hell would anyone buy this? those deeds will be 20-25 ped/each on auction when (IF) they become tradeable.
MA cant get rid of their shit.

So far once, and rarely twice a week i get 1 PEC revenue per AMD.

This is a wild guess, but if MA would grant some love to Arkadia Moon, to make it a little more attractive for the players, so there would be some revenue from AMDs, then -but only then- the AMDs probably would sell by themselves...

But as i said, that is just a wild guess....
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Theres a switch that the Ark devs can flip. It's called Perfected Viceroy.

If they choose to make the mission chain to upgrade the armor exclusive to Arkadia Moon, you can bet that overnight the AMDs payout would triple or quadruple.

Better yet, if the Ark team just announced the stats and released some pictures of Perfected Viceroy they'd sell the rest of their AMDs without even having to offer bonus pets and silver dance suits.

Is it bad that I kind of want one those dance suits??? :ahh:
From what I gathered:
  • you can wear armor over it;
  • You can use other clothes, including shades;
  • It seems untradeable aswell;
  • Has no buffs.

So $300 buys me a useless POS outfit and some nearly equally useless deeds. Great. Thanks Ark Team.
If MA were honest, it would be named Greed Cyborg Suit.