Change Calypso Space Port In to Athena (read details)



Aug 21, 2013
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MeLoveYou LongTime FiveDolla
So.. 2nd time in the last month, I come in from space on a trip from Arkadia to find PA Mall in PVP and I guess the owner (?) is shooting people at the landing pad. I do not know how often this is happening but I think it is time to move the port in to a neutral place given whatever the hell is happening here.

Request: Given that PA Mall landing pad is no longer neutral, I think it is time we reactivate Athena Spaceport. It is a space port afterall.

Perhaps some folks can shed some light on what is going on here.
Very surprising as a Mall Owner would ideally want people to come to the Mall rather then run away. Was there an event or something going on? Malls have in the past run pvp events which I am told were fun for all.
It would make so much sense to have people arrive at Athena Spaceport given the name , the fact that its the highest place on calypso with a tp to launch back into space.

Would be awesome if mindark could put a flight information system (array of displays) around the tp that are disconnected from the main broadcasting network and where owners of warp ships could list their schedule against a fee, maybe even consider a ticket system down the road and a secondary summon option for ticket holders. So much potential.

Port Atlantis is mainly a seat port nowadays.
I haven't had this happening to me yet but thanks very much for the heads-up. (Does the landowner have power to set the lootable flag?)

That Athena should be our designated spaceport, like its name already suggests, I said 3 years ago here:!&p=3574821&viewfull=1#post3574821

Any land area owner can turn on PvP, not lootable. Usually for an event, but no one really ever does it because no one is ever interested... much less on a shopping mall.
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So.. 2nd time in the last month, I come in from space on a trip from Arkadia to find PA Mall in PVP and I guess the owner (?) is shooting people at the landing pad. I do not know how often this is happening but I think it is time to move the port in to a neutral place given whatever the hell is happening here.

Request: Given that PA Mall landing pad is no longer neutral, I think it is time we reactivate Athena Spaceport. It is a space port afterall.

Perhaps some folks can shed some light on what is going on here.

I second this as I am tired of the owner's attitude aswell as the lack of sense it makes, when we have a Spaceport on the planet that is neutral to begin with. Not only that, but it would also solve a big issue, which is the randomness in the landing area that sometimes it forces me out of the pilot seat, as all of Port Atlantis is a no vehicle zone, except the Mall, which I assume is for the landing reasons. Must be changed. No player should have this "right" to choose who lands safely on a planet or not.

I shall submit the Support Case to the proper entities, and reply to whoever wishes to know details in private, not through here, to avoid potential derailing of the OP's topic. Constructive criticism only from my part.

Very surprising as a Mall Owner would ideally want people to come to the Mall rather then run away. Was there an event or something going on? Malls have in the past run pvp events which I am told were fun for all.

Do not see the surprise at all when the victim of these attacks has been me for two times in a row. I guess, from the owner's own private messages to my person, were very clear why he has done it. This is borderline harassment now, and I will take the necessary actions as I see fit.

With luck! MindArk will realize that, while the owner can do as he pleases, and target whoever he wishes, I as a Spaceship owner, am not allowed to land anywhere else on this planet, except on this Mall (Port Atlantis Mall), since that is the default landing area as stated by the OP, and the owner turns on PVP and off as he pleases, and from what I have gathered, has been only at me specificaly. First time there were no witnesses and even I was confused by the attack. Second time, which was earlier today, I saw it coming and retaliated defensively. There were witnesses on this one aswell, one being the OP aparently.

This must be changed, as it is the only planet that does this. Why must it be changed? Not only do we have a Spaceport on Calypso, Athena Spaceport, it is not neutral ground, specialy since the owner decides to turn on pvp for giggles or whatever he wishes. This is hazardous as more griefing can occur in the future.

It would make so much sense to have people arrive at Athena Spaceport given the name , the fact that its the highest place on calypso with a tp to launch back into space.

Would be awesome if mindark could put a flight information system (array of displays) around the tp that are disconnected from the main broadcasting network and where owners of warp ships could list their schedule against a fee, maybe even consider a ticket system down the road and a secondary summon option for ticket holders. So much potential.

Port Atlantis is mainly a seat port nowadays.

Yes, I don't think they need to implement more systems really, as it only strains this already straining game engine (it was never meant to work with all these systems that MindArk created and altered) but Athena Spaceport? Yes, please... Only makes ALL sense, roleplay wise and technical wise.

I haven't had this happening to me yet but thanks very much for the heads-up. (Does the landowner have power to set the lootable flag?)

That Athena should be our designated spaceport, like its name already suggests, I said 3 years ago here:!&p=3574821&viewfull=1#post3574821

Happened to me, two times now. As a Land Owner myself I can tell you yes he does have the power to turn on pvp in his estate, not lootable.
Athena Spaceport FTW, it's a damn beautiful place and deserves all the glory! :yay: :yay: :cool:

Doesn't make sense for the unique landing spot in caly to be a privately owned one - especially when the owner has that sort of behaviour.

Go Athena! :yay:
You'd figure if it were the landing site, LA or not it wouldn't be able to be set to pvp. After this I dont see it staying at PA mall for very long, to subject to abuse and trolling. Shame for shop owners/renters, that was prime real estate with it being the landing zone, hope MV don't drop to much if the shops there are individually owned :(
I'll vote no as this is not a simple thing to change and the change affects a lot of shop owners who have invested in the mall. PA mall has a lot of value because of the fact that it is a landing strip for every incoming traffic to Calypso. Changing that would change the value of the mall and the shops drastically.

I understand that this is a personal dispute that has been taken to another level, but i seriously hope this can be sorted mutually and the owner of the mall does not use PVP in the way that has been used above as it is borderline harassment as far as i am concerned.

That said changing of the Space Port is not an option as far as my opinion goes.

Disclaimer : I do not own any part of the mall or the shops in it. I have been an ex owner of the mall though and shops in it.
I'll vote no as this is not a simple thing to change and the change affects a lot of shop owners who have invested in the mall. PA mall has a lot of value because of the fact that it is a landing strip for every incoming traffic to Calypso. Changing that would change the value of the mall and the shops drastically.

I understand that this is a personal dispute that has been taken to another level, but i seriously hope this can be sorted mutually and the owner of the mall does not use PVP in the way that has been used above as it is borderline harassment as far as i am concerned.

That said changing of the Space Port is not an option as far as my opinion goes.

Disclaimer : I do not own any part of the mall or the shops in it. I have been an ex owner of the mall though and shops in it.

If MA could strip the ability to make it pvp. But otherwise this just proves anytime the owner wants to throw a tantrum he can pick on any player coming to calypso because we cannot choose where we land. In my opinion landing zones on planet, just like spawning zones in space must be neutral otherwise were trusting trolling wont happen... on... the... internet.... :eyecrazy:
Or just report the owner for abusing ownership (I already did). He repeatedly was killing me at crafting machine.
If MA could strip the ability to make it pvp.

The simplest solution is often the last considered one. For a long time the pvp part was bugged at PA mall and you could not turn it ON. This bug can now be turned into a feature perhaps. That i think would be an acceptable solution for all :wtg:
I'll vote no as this is not a simple thing to change and the change affects a lot of shop owners who have invested in the mall. PA mall has a lot of value because of the fact that it is a landing strip for every incoming traffic to Calypso. Changing that would change the value of the mall and the shops drastically.

I understand that this is a personal dispute that has been taken to another level, but i seriously hope this can be sorted mutually and the owner of the mall does not use PVP in the way that has been used above as it is borderline harassment as far as i am concerned.

That said changing of the Space Port is not an option as far as my opinion goes.

Disclaimer : I do not own any part of the mall or the shops in it. I have been an ex owner of the mall though and shops in it.

Too bad the owner doesn't care for whoever purchased said shops by doing his actions. This is not only personal, as now it is proven it cannot continue, as the principle behind the specific action can be taken upon anyone the owner so chooses, which is inclusive to any and all players. Such a thing can be used as grief tactics, which is what he is doing right now, as I and everyone else who flies a ship through space have no alternative in terms of landing options (meaning im forced to land there), it shouldn't be able to continue.

Too bad he doesn't care for his shop holders... nor his clients, as I am one of them aswell. :wise:

Totally unrelated facts. And yet, so connected. This is no personal dispute by the way, as I couldn't care less. This is simply one individual who decided he has a feud on myself, and thus griefs me whenever he feels like it.

Fair game for sure. And I will continue to be neutral in my responses, as honestly? After all I've read on PCF and other forums, there is so much depth and connections in all these small issues, that one can only wonder what is going on in the backgrounds.

Just my two cents.:smoke:

P.S.: Maybe with the price drop on future PA Mall, you can buy it for a bargain mate! :yay:
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I'll vote no as this is not a simple thing to change and the change affects a lot of shop owners who have invested in the mall. PA mall has a lot of value because of the fact that it is a landing strip for every incoming traffic to Calypso. Changing that would change the value of the mall and the shops drastically

Do you seriously think that because people land here, they'll go shopping and buy things ? :confused:

I agree, Athena should be where we land, no doubt about it. (It's where I take-off from, most time)

At the same time, make a real launch pad right next to the Athena TP, just a flat and big enough place where it's easy to spawn a Quad.
Or just report the owner for abusing ownership (I already did). He repeatedly was killing me at crafting machine.

Seems like im not the only one being attacked... how amusing! :laugh:

Starting to wonder if he realizes the TT value of his deed is 0 PED... and that the investment is only worth the potential it has.

WTB PA Mall, 5 ped.
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I'll vote no as this is not a simple thing to change and the change affects a lot of shop owners who have invested in the mall. PA mall has a lot of value because of the fact that it is a landing strip for every incoming traffic to Calypso. Changing that would change the value of the mall and the shops drastically.

I understand that this is a personal dispute that has been taken to another level, but i seriously hope this can be sorted mutually and the owner of the mall does not use PVP in the way that has been used above as it is borderline harassment as far as i am concerned.

That said changing of the Space Port is not an option as far as my opinion goes.

Disclaimer : I do not own any part of the mall or the shops in it. I have been an ex owner of the mall though and shops in it.

It is not MindArk who influences the market value of estates in the mall as long as they don't change anything, but the current owner with his actions. If he can't be trusted and is liable for causing disturbance, it is solely his fault. Shop owners whose business suffers as a consequence by his actions should hold him responsible, and him alone. Where MA might be affected is the possibility of players getting turned away from the game altogether by such antics, or decide to reduce their deposits. I don't know to which extent this is happening but MA will know their threshold of tolerance.

Yes for Athena Spaceport, for more than one good reason. (Please don't forget the televators...)
Athena Spaceport was built for that purpose and it is an amazingly beautiful place.

I vote yes for Athena Spaceport. :)
Totally unrelated facts. And yet, so connected. This is no personal dispute by the way, as I couldn't care less. This is simply one individual who decided he has a feud on myself, and thus griefs me whenever he feels like it.

My reference to personal dispute was not aimed at you alone. The actions point towards personal vendetta against people which considering the fact that its a universal landing spot on Calypso is not acceptable in my opinion.

Do you seriously think that because people land here, they'll go shopping and buy things ? :confused:

People landing there means they have the TP, especially for those avatars born on other planets. Whether they shop or not depends on a lot more things then just that, but everyone in game having the teleporter itself is a huge benefit.

It is not MindArk who influences the market value of estates in the mall as long as they don't change anything, but the current owner with his actions. If he can't be trusted and is liable for causing disturbance, it is solely his fault. Shop owners whose business suffers as a consequence by his actions should hold him responsible, and him alone. Where MA might be affected is the possibility of players getting turned away from the game altogether by such antics, or decide to reduce their deposits. I don't know to which extent this is happening but MA will know their threshold of tolerance.

Agreed but there are two sides of the coin and you do not want them to miss the other side of it :)
Athena Spaceport would be the best pick.

This has never been a problem so far. But these attacks are not random at all. They are targeted against certain ppl.
That makes it harrassment.

Kinda simple. Moving the forced point of entry is the best thing to do.
My reference to personal dispute was not aimed at you alone. The actions point towards personal vendetta against people which considering the fact that its a universal landing spot on Calypso is not acceptable in my opinion.

His actions. His investment. His consequences.

Fact still remains:
  • it's the only privileged Mall on Calypso with "free" traffic, specificaly from one of the guys he griefs (me);
  • There is no alternative to avoid landing there, should I be targeted by the owner or he leaves it in permanent PVP;
  • There's a place on Calypso called Athena Spaceport... that serves all purposes except the one that is implied in it's name. Spaceport.
  • Athena Spaceport is geographically optimal for spaceship landing.
  • It's a Spaceport;
  • Add to the fact that he can embargo all entries and exits from PA Mall, by placing events on the event system, since he can do that too.

Seems I am not the only one seeing the reasoning behind all of this.

Is this fueled by his attempts to grief me during my play sessions? It sure is. Could I have done this suggestion a long time ago? Yes I could, but for the investments sake and people who have investments there, I didn't.

Now? Couldn't care less... specialy knowing the owner doesn't either. Not to mention he was smug about the whole subject quite a few times, including berating me for "owning a mall" :laugh::laugh::laugh:
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It should move, not due to this incident but in general, Athena should even get more developed imo.

I'll vote no as this is not a simple thing to change and the change affects a lot of shop owners who have invested in the mall. PA mall has a lot of value because of the fact that it is a landing strip for every incoming traffic to Calypso. Changing that would change the value of the mall and the shops drastically.

I understand that this is a personal dispute that has been taken to another level, but i seriously hope this can be sorted mutually and the owner of the mall does not use PVP in the way that has been used above as it is borderline harassment as far as i am concerned.

That said changing of the Space Port is not an option as far as my opinion goes.

Disclaimer : I do not own any part of the mall or the shops in it. I have been an ex owner of the mall though and shops in it.

This is what I mean with that "MU keeps development as hostage", just because something had a
value when they bought something doesn't mean it gonna be like that forever.
Golden rule for the risc in "investments" in EU is that we should never ever buy something if we
don't understand that there are no garantuee it will be exctly the same forever.
Development for the better must always come in first hand, the times when it all was about
hyping EU due to high costs on certain things must go and be changed.
Non get impressed by the hyping anymore. Time for a new era with a development that
concentrates on high quality and a rich featured game.
Athena is beautiful and I never have to go there.. I wanna have to go there.. I vote Athena! =p
It would make so much sense to have people arrive at Athena Spaceport given the name , the fact that its the highest place on calypso with a tp to launch back into space.

Athena is also beautiful and that place should be the main center for Caly instead of Twins. It has everything you need there and I always take off there when leaving. Only would make sense you land there as well.
As long as no one stands in my spot. :whip:
Athena should even get more developed imo.
Please, any more "development" would only destroy it. It is great as it is.

Athena is also beautiful and that place should be the main center for Caly instead of Twins. It has everything you need there and I always take off there when leaving. Only would make sense you land there as well.
I also like it because it's quiet which means lag-free. It should be the landing spot, but not replace Twin Peaks with all the loitering. Ultimately ofc this is the players' choice but I hope not.
As long as no one stands in my spot. :whip:

Get in line! :laugh:

Suggestions has been sent to MA from my part, maybe if everyone sends their suggestion in they might bother with it.
Great Idea:wise: I am all for this. Traders to Twins and Taxis to Athena. :yay: Sorted! :smoke:

I always go to Athena Spaceport, to take-off, when I go off-planet with my Firebird. ALWAYS!
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Please, any more "development" would only destroy it. It is great as it is.

I also like it because it's quiet which means lag-free. It should be the landing spot, but not replace Twin Peaks with all the loitering. Ultimately ofc this is the players' choice but I hope not.

There are some parts that get extra sticky if we say so, this should be fixed no matter what. ;)