Info: EntropiaGold Website: New Event Platform


Feb 2, 2011
Salt Lake City, USA
Avatar Name
Rachel MsPudding Hawkins
Mission Statement


EntropiaGold turns apathy into action with the most exciting in-game events and awards available. Compete in our unique, interactive 35-day-tournament to score unbelievable in-game prizes! Our passion is Entropia. Our purpose is to bring excitement back to EU.

Everyone logs in trying to capture EU’s soul wherever they can find it. Sadly, somewhere along the way people lost sight of it. Many become jaded from grinding without a purpose, waiting for that next HOF to keep them going. We can change that. We know what it’s like to sometimes feel a lack of accomplishment and progression. We are here to provide a new purpose to your in-game activity. The sense of exploration and wonderment doesn’t have to die out, let us help you recapture the magic of discovery and thrill you once had.

EntropiaGold provides an Event Platform unlike anything you’ve seen. Lootius Mayhem offers you an opportunity to compete in that fierce and strategic tournament you’ve been craving, paired with an amazing prize pool rivaled by none.

Features a thirty-five day fierce competition, where the most brave, strategic, and clever hunters will come out on top. We’ll make sure to utilize both your mining and hunting skills, and with a little bit of luck, participants can snag a prize worth showing off to their friends. The prize pool is seeded with a very large sum of PED, and continues to grow larger based on global activity. Our software handles and displays a live scoreboard with current player standings at, with automatic updates so you know exactly where you stand.

Get rewarded for your efforts today. We offer meaningful participation, a unique experience, and the best in-game prizes around. Our Event Platform is the new Gold standard, we want to help make your EU experience exciting and fresh.

We are a small, tight-knit community with shared experiences. We’ve been up, we’ve been down. We’ve chipped out, and later come back. Over time, lessons have been learned. We don’t thrive unless you thrive. We promise to put in what you put in. Hands down we offer the best possible in-game prizes, period.

EU’s soul is brought new life by EntropiaGold, this is our mission. We dream big, and you will too when you uncover what's in store for you. Legendary rewards and incredible events lie waiting. Will you find them? Will you Rediscover Entropia?
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1st event hosted on my website,, will be launching in about 6 hours at 00:00 UTC

Can't wait... :wtg:
When will the Leaderboard be live?

Edit: Ooops nvm, I just realized the event hasn't actually started yet :duh:
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If you haven't seen the site check it out!