Rookie Chat: What is the meaning of this?


Oct 20, 2013
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Avalon Butterfly Erupter
I hear Rookie, and to me that means a place where players can discuss things in game that they need help with etc.
They want to learn more or have a question about a mission etc. I'm sure I'm not the only person that noticed Rookie chat has turned into a cesspool of nothing but deragotory trash.

Take for example this typical conversation:


Is this really the environment Mindark is trying to portray to new players coming into the game who have Rookie chat enabled by default? Yeah I'm an adult and in my world adults dont go around talking like this, it's unacceptable.

You guys need to grow up.

If you must bring these conversations to the game at least do it in another chat room. Not here.
seems like a job for the community manager right?
I get the feeling - more of a realization tbh - there's agitators in the chats. I see it more recently perhaps due to the lockdowns, but I suspect more to do with the rioting. The things they are saying are seriously wrong and seems to me to have the purpose of agitating.

For the record, I am totally against this type of action and I equate it with the communist agitators we are seeing in real life. My purpose of stating this is to make people realize there are baiters on chat looking to make war with the intent of agitating you to do it for them.

So, calm down and get more fluoride if you need until this SHTF blows over.
this has been going on since the chat channels opened... of course Mindark doesn't do anything about it, but they should... and yes, you would think a community manager would step in... but well... more important things to do like recording a video of coworkers I suppose.
I hear Rookie, and to me that means a place where players can discuss things in game that they need help with etc.
They want to learn more or have a question about a mission etc. I'm sure I'm not the only person that noticed Rookie chat has turned into a cesspool of nothing but deragotory trash.

Take for example this typical conversation:


Is this really the environment Mindark is trying to portray to new players coming into the game who have Rookie chat enabled by default? Yeah I'm an adult and in my world adults dont go around talking like this, it's unacceptable.

You guys need to grow up.

If you must bring these conversations to the game at least do it in another chat room. Not here.
I agree, I seen that and it is a bit much.
I have asked a MA advisor to watch and they say they do..but who knows. :scratch2:
For a long time I've been asking to be able to unsubscribe from rookie channel. I have it muted anyway but occasionally want to search something in the chat file, and there all the stinking bloat is conserved for posterity. I'm not sure it is a good idea to task a paid employee with cleaning it up. Not that it wasn't necessary, but the job is just quixotic and the resources wasted on garbage which will never cease. Censoring is also always a double-edged sword, as every forum user knows. I'm for freedom as a matter of principle, but this implies the ability to walk away from a place you find unpleasant.
For a long time I've been asking to be able to unsubscribe from rookie channel. I have it muted anyway but occasionally want to search something in the chat file, and there all the stinking bloat is conserved for posterity. I'm not sure it is a good idea to task a paid employee with cleaning it up. Not that it wasn't necessary, but the job is just quixotic and the resources wasted on garbage which will never cease. Censoring is also always a double-edged sword, as every forum user knows. I'm for freedom as a matter of principle, but this implies the ability to walk away from a place you find unpleasant.

You nailed it!

I can uncheck it and not see it, but I know it is a mess. I look every so often and reply to see if some degree has changed but it hasn't.

I want to help them but it is usually over taken with nonsense or spam from Twitch players or services, TBH.
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I get the feeling - more of a realization tbh - there's agitators in the chats. I see it more recently perhaps due to the lockdowns, but I suspect more to do with the rioting. The things they are saying are seriously wrong and seems to me to have the purpose of agitating.

For the record, I am totally against this type of action and I equate it with the communist agitators we are seeing in real life. My purpose of stating this is to make people realize there are baiters on chat looking to make war with the intent of agitating you to do it for them.

So, calm down and get more fluoride if you need until this SHTF blows over.
This is true. It's part of how war works, and I suppose ultimately a chat channel in an MMO is a relatively harmless place to do it. But it does contribute to turning any allchat-like or newcomer oriented channel in an MMO into Barrens Chat all over again.

This example will no doubt get edited or removed due to naming. However, having seen OP's pic unedited, I will comment that this particular chat screenshot is a poor example of agitation because in my own past experience, the individual doing the baiting is especially prone to baiting both intentionally and unintentionally when nettled, which they easily are. Rather than interpreting this example as intentional agitating, I see it as someone saying the wrong thing out of frustration and anger, with the emergent result of baiting - plus, I'm sure, some baiting of the other individual, who has gotten under a few people's skin before.

No, we don't need another example... there is plenty of agitation that happens on our very own Barrens Chat (Rookie) often. The thing is, to provide a game-wide or even world- or area-wide newcomer channel in an mmo is to get this stuff happening in it. All I know in the way of solutions is don't feed them yourself.
For a long time I've been asking to be able to unsubscribe from rookie channel. I have it muted anyway but occasionally want to search something in the chat file, and there all the stinking bloat is conserved for posterity. I'm not sure it is a good idea to task a paid employee with cleaning it up. Not that it wasn't necessary, but the job is just quixotic and the resources wasted on garbage which will never cease. Censoring is also always a double-edged sword, as every forum user knows. I'm for freedom as a matter of principle, but this implies the ability to walk away from a place you find unpleasant.
^^^^^ I'll just shamelessly repost what I see as the best available solution we have, to bump it as it were.... trying to fight this sort of thing is indeed quixotic, very much so.
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Turned? It has been like that since day 1. I'm sitting on rookie for 10 hours a day for 6 years and can tell you that on the mayhem & insanity scale from 1 to 100, what you posted is maybe 5. There isn't even one of a dozen of the habitual lunatics in chat, no religious or politics or racial wars, no walls of deranged narcissistic monologues. Surely it's one of the calmest hours on rookie chat.
When the cat's away, the mice will play.
I find rookie chat entertaining at times, but it does seem to be getting more heated lately, it should stay game related, like at work I do my best to avoid politics and talk only about work or basic life things like children and homes....

When people write online mostly anonymously, then tend to be nastier and more full of themselves than they ever would be in person... I've delt with this at work with some coworkers who sent nasty emails by going to their office and talking to them face to face... I found they were much nicer to me when I was a couple feet in front of them... maybe I am just scary in person, but whatever it is, it proved to me online behavior tends to be much nastier than in person communication and as such needs to be avoided with those who can't conduct themselves as if the other people are sitting in front of them...
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I'm not condoning this type of behavior, but is this your first time online or something? This shit isn't unique to EU or even MMOs. This type of trolling is present in every multi-user communication platform ever created, since the BBS days and even before that. Ancient Romans were shit-talking each other like this in the baths. There's probably as-yet-undeciphered cuneiform tablets out there with shit like "come at me you Sumerian trash, i'll 360 no-scope you" written on it.
Not at all. This isn't about me or my feelings. It's about the community and the message it sends to our new players coming into EU. One of the first chats they're introduced to is Rookie Chat and from their day 1 experience of the game do we really want them to have this impression?
The first thing I say to my disciples is to mute Rookie chat on all their tabs and forget it exists.

I tried to be helpful there but it's impossible, so I suggest the same thing to experienced players.

The true meaning of rookie chat is actually rocky chat :tongue2:
Not at all. This isn't about me or my feelings. It's about the community and the message it sends to our new players coming into EU. One of the first chats they're introduced to is Rookie Chat and from their day 1 experience of the game do we really want them to have this impression?

I think the only impression it gives is that EU is no different from literally any other multi-user platform that has ever existed. Unless these new users have never communicated with humans before, I think they'll understand and just ignore the trolling. I would be more concerned about them getting the impression that this game is an insanely overpriced buggy unstable mess run by amateurs who can't deliver on any promises or control the constant manipulation/cheating. If you think rookie chat is bad, maybe steer them away from PCF.
Rarely I ask something on Rookie-chat mostly because I'm unsure if I remembered something correctly or I'm looking for a spawn. It may happen they I'm ignored because they are comparing the lengths of their penises (not always a figure of speech).

Similar to common chat rooms (Twitch, IRC, ...) that channel needs moderation where users may get banned because of overstepping boundaries. I mean that channel still can and actually should be a source of information. I've seen Svarog trying to add some quality there, but sometimes that just ends up unnoticed.
I think it's cute. I did the same as Avalon when I first watched it go sideways and in the gutter a month ago..

I was just watching for a moment and I was like!!!!!!!! :eyecrazy:

I can only peek at it now or it does my head in. :ahh::laugh:
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[Rookie] is like the sea, sometimes it is calm, sometimes it is threatening, sometimes it is stormy!

Whatever the weather, right click / ignore fixes what the Mindark Official's seem not to be able to.


Just try to avoid the crazies as much as you can and you'lll be ok. ;)
Agreed. I have seen worse last year. Also a problem is people love to feed trolls then say hes trolling and irritating. i mean just leave him be? why feed their ego and give them attention.
Find myself turning of rookie more and more lately. Clearly needs some mods. I dont mind a little sillyness but there is a lot of crap in rookie that has no place in any online game public chat. Some times it even feels im back in barren chat. Assign some trustwhorty mods if that is technically possible and maybe we can look at the channel whitout wanting to go take a shower after.

Ps. Creds to Svarog he saves the sane side of the channel