Love hunting - the movie!

LOL nice- any film with the Pulp Fiction soundtrack is good with me :girl:
hehe funny :silly2:

I like the 'Oops' to the Molisk the best :tongue2:
:laugh: :laugh: Great stuff!
Dang Yall!!!!

Aint gonna HoF THAT way! LOL!

Nice though....
Wow....coolest Pe related vid i ve ever seen ,the music Rocked too.. :D
Dam....some of u guys are truly Artists...
Me is too stupid to even upload a pic.. (and write proper english):mad:

Never gave Rep before..but the Swedish Eminem look-a-like is getting it all.. :laugh:

Ciao a tutti.. :cool:
I didnt get it :dunce: ...was cute though....great panning and cinimatography.
My only question is what happened to the mullisk:( is he lost did he find what he was looking for. Did he find his mommy? those answers left me perplexed. and why did the evil man not help the poor mullisk. and why oh why did he leave the poor mullisk without the answers it needed. THE HUMANITY OF IT ALL!!! :scared: :umn: And while those two are doing god knows what you know where and how. that poor mullisk is left abandoned and loosing all hope cause he just wanted to be part of something bigger and the man oppressed him. I just dont understand!!.. But other than the sad part about the mullisk a very enjoyable movie:)
yeah its a great Movie indeed, hope you make more of them if possible :)
vemon said:
My only question is what happened to the mullisk :(
Hehehe, the cute little molisk... Maybe we can solve that enigma in the sequel?!?! ;)
It won't load for me. :(
Nice, especially the music. Surf rules!

Nice, when does part 2 have it´s premier?

:banana: Jungle Boogey! Jungle Boogey :dance:
lol.... prolly went to a bit of trouble for that, em... reps. it was neat :)
Thanx for the nice words u guys! :)
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October said:
Im sorry for being the critic but that movie was terrible!

Please be, and spell the critic out! Just saying it is terrible won't do much good :dunno:
That was the worst 2 mins of my life.

No plot. Nothing. Just a bunch of crap. I hope you didn't waste too long putting it together......of course you didn't!!!
Shiver said:
That was the worst 2 mins of my life.

No plot. Nothing. Just a bunch of crap. I hope you didn't waste too long putting it together......of course you didn't!!!


Nhaa, guess it makes more sense for my soc-mates than for u Shiver.
This was my first try ever making a movie. I had fun making it, thats all that matters. :laugh: