Scopes / Lasers sights


Mar 2, 2007
Edmonton Eh
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Darcy Aeris Wood : was Darcy Aeris is Back Wood
Looked around on the site a little but was unable to find exact information on scopes and laser sights concerning the bonus suffering diminishing returns with lower TT. In other words are they more like UL armor where they have to be at 100% repaired to function 100% or are they like a fap where the TT value is irreverent. I have seen people making statements claiming both so far.

I had similar concerns with mining equipment way back prior to (L) and played around with two new accounts to find out my concerns where unfounded. Sadly both of my noobs are now locked and I don't want to risk the wrath of MA to ask that they be unlocked just to test this out. here's hoping one of you already did and if can you say how long ago you did this testing?

its to bad MA wont let us see a numerical value for every skill gain I could have a answer in 45 sec!
Find out over what amount of ammo spent you get a consistent skill return, then:
  1. spend it again ( this is the baseline)
  2. repeat with one high skill gain attachment on

Needs to be on same mob & maturity. And no, even if you got exact skill gains in log you could not have the answer in 45 sec as the gain amount fluctuates, much like loot.
So you want to find out if an attachments TT has any effect on its abilities?

Let me ask you a few questions then to find that out.

Does the decay rate of an attachment change when the TT changes? No. They are not UL armor's.

If decay rate doesn't change, would the skill gains also change? It does not. Skills gained are in direct proportion of decay generated, with a few minor flux's up/down while in use just like loot.

If this were not the case the item's own specifics/info needs to be changed to reflect that.
The interesting question really is if there is a supra-TT benefit to using attachments, that is, if all the effect you get is simply proportional to extra decay or if higher level attachments actually give a larger benefit.

Laser sight			skill bonus	decay	bonus/decay
Seizzt Laser Sight 2000L	0.4		0.020	20 
Terrus Laser Sight SE900	0.8		0.040	20
Abrer Laser Sight		0.9		0.046	19.56
Beacin Laser Sight		1.4		0.069	20.28 
Gargul Laser Sight		1.8		0.090	20
Hunnir Laser Sight		2		0.098	20.4

And also, for the "other" attachement:

Scope				skill bonus	decay	bonus/decay
Seizzt Ranger Scope 1800RS	0.4		0.02	20
Alekz Precision Scope		0.6		0.029	20.68
Bjornir Precision Scope		0.8		0.039	20.51
Dacascos Precision Scope	1		0.051	19.60
Elkarr Precision Scope		1.2		0.059	20.33
Hanzor Precision Scope		1.4		0.072	19.44
Ikamar Precision Scope		1.6		0.082	19.51
Jzar Precision Scope		1.8		0.088	20.45

There is obviously some variation to this in a more detailed picture, for same skill bonus, attachments with higher skill mod have more decay. But overall as things stand, all Calypso attachment will give you pretty much the same skill bonus per pec. Which hints that there is no supra-TT bonus, regardless of what the item description and MA communications have claimed.

However, even if the skill bonus is strictly TT based

To get a constant skill bonus from attachments, you would need to match attachments (or combinations thereof) to your gun and / or your skill progress. Otherwise the attachment effectiveness will decay, as it will be contributing an ever-decreasing part of the skill gains as you go up weapons.

Oh, and Arkadia attachments seem to be based off a different scale, and strongly couple low skill bonus to high skill mod.
Wow Rem learnt something new in your post :D. + rep. Never thought to do a bonus/decay check.
Find out over what amount of ammo spent you get a consistent skill return, then:
  1. spend it again ( this is the baseline)
  2. repeat with one high skill gain attachment on

Needs to be on same mob & maturity. And no, even if you got exact skill gains in log you could not have the answer in 45 sec as the gain amount fluctuates, much like loot.

I thought of that but the best way to get a clear result is with two new accounts each hunting the same puny mob with a weapon that kills with a single shot, never using any other item in game and not taking any damage.