Compets get your own forum!



Apr 13, 2006
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Forgo Forgorth Lundain
This is lame as hell, I hit the recent posts to get the latest info on this game Entropia....

Not some shitty app that wants every piece of personal data you can give someone permission for.

In case you didn't realize, by downloading that app, Mindark knows everyone you call, everyone who calls you, every picture, every data file on your phone. There is a specific request for permission to access these things, and there definitely should not be a reason to give out this info for a game.

Now all I see is a page of Compets crap....which guess not Entropia...or even related.

So please do us a favor and add a forum button to so we don't have to see this crap every day here, and sort thru just to find the info we came here for.

Surely with the cash they ran off with in Compet deeds they could afford to start a free forum on that already registered site? or are they really that incompetent/cheap?
I second this....Compets F*ck Off :wise:
Yes, since we found there really is no link to EU and Compet, then I second this. Compets needs it's own forum before all hell breaks loose.

BTW Welcome back Kim! Hope to see you back on EU real soon.
Yes, since we found there really is no link to EU and Compet, then I second this. Compets needs it's own forum before all hell breaks loose.

BTW Welcome back Kim! Hope to see you back on EU real soon.

There are links..
For instance, we got a compet server(s) meltdown few hours after compet beta goes live.

It's the first big link.

Also to be fair, rumor around is that there is at least hogglos and trox in compet.

Also looks at the dogs, cats and Pandas. It's so Entropian ish (for a year or two at least).

Heretic ! :p.
There will be a dedicated forum for ComPet soon enough, until such time feel free to stay out of this section if it bothers you so much. Also, if you want a link between EU and ComPet how about the fact that it is a project that was crowdfunded through EU, mostly by Calypso players.
