Maria's Endeavors


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
Avatar Name
Maria Mesh
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Going to use this thread to house all of my personal avatar stuff that was previously in the Link List Thread (see sig) so as to 'clean up' that thread and make it more of a community type thing instead of a personal blog that it was starting to become (mods if this needs to be another section, let me know... was going to put it in the blogs section but really don't like the way that part of the forum works, so it'll be here for now)

Maria's New Endeavors:
Maria's Muse:
F.O.M.A. Shop # 22

:tprun:--->Maria's Moving Market--->:tp: ----------->

:tiphat:-------:monkey:-----Maria's Little Zoo-------:love::acid:

Below are hazmat mission waypoints on Arkadia Moon. When not doing other things in game I sometimes go there to do the daily mission..
Moon daily extractor waypoints. These can be pasted into the chat, and then made into a in game sticky note to assist with tracking.
/wp [Arkadia Moon, 10959, 10078, 107, Waypoint]
/wp [Arkadia Moon, 10793, 10059, 108, Waypoint]
/wp [Arkadia Moon, 10713, 10225, 112, Waypoint]
/wp [Arkadia Moon, 10479, 10430, 81, Waypoint]
/wp [Arkadia Moon, 9960, 10240, 110, Waypoint]
/wp [Arkadia Moon, 10027, 9971, 133, Waypoint]
/wp [Arkadia Moon, 9916, 9672, 112, Waypoint]
/wp [Arkadia Moon, 10042, 9151, 129, Waypoint]
/wp [Arkadia Moon, 10313, 9107, 115, Waypoint]
/wp [Arkadia Moon, 10392, 9280, 127, Waypoint]​

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Globals, mostly, but not all on Tracker:


Enough crafting for tonight. Now off to go burn some TT value off of these new items so they will be ready to go in to the shop at minimum tt.

Cinclar Global



Item Value Time

Hunnir Laser Sight61 PEDThu, 10 Jun 2021 14:24:43
Elkarr Precision Scope170 PEDThu, 10 Jun 2021 14:22:00

Dynera Laser Sight
59 PEDWed, 09 Jun 2021 04:55:11
Abrer Laser Sight 53 PED Wed, 21 Aug 2019 09:06:46
Mar-Peeker Davidov 287 PED Tue, 20 Aug 2019 01:14:46
Cinclar Precision Scope 53 PED Mon, 19 Aug 2019 14:03:56
Mir-1 EnergyGlove 702 PED Sun, 18 Aug 2019 06:33:24

MoB Value Time

Prototype Droka Gen 01
23 PEDWed, 08 Feb 2023 06:25:11

Foul Young
12 PEDWed, 21 Jul 2021 04:57:07
Sabakuma Provider8 PEDThu, 03 Jun 2021 05:19:37
Sabakuma Provider9 PEDWed, 02 Jun 2021 19:30:57

Berycled Young
14 PEDWed, 02 Jun 2021 10:57:01

Chirin Dragon Young
26 PEDSun, 11 Apr 2021 04:53:37

Chimera Young
193 PEDTue, 19 Jan 2021 07:03:35

Prancer Young
7 PEDFri, 28 Aug 2020 06:16:23

Prancer Young 5 PED Mon, 27 Apr 2020 05:56:48
Combibo Brood Mother 64 PED Sun, 19 Apr 2020 07:02:07
Argonaut Guardian 45 PED Tue, 18 Feb 2020 04:38:02
Argonaut Scout 28 PED Mon, 17 Feb 2020 05:32:38
Argonaut Gatherer 29 PED Mon, 17 Feb 2020 04:52:31
Argonaut Guardian 25 PED Fri, 14 Feb 2020 03:45:03
Oompa Mature 79 PED Mon, 03 Feb 2020 21:34:08
Merp Young 15 PED Thu, 14 Nov 2019 04:32:25
Berycled Dominant 27 PED Thu, 14 Nov 2019 00:24:31
Sabakuma Old 7 PED Mon, 11 Nov 2019 22:08:07
Armax Bull Mature 252 PED Wed, 06 Nov 2019 23:49:08
Feffoid Warrior 256 PED Mon, 04 Nov 2019 07:05:07
Feffoid Guard 55 PED Mon, 04 Nov 2019 06:44:11
Feffoid Raider 88 PED Mon, 04 Nov 2019 06:38:31
Feffoid Guard 127 PED Mon, 04 Nov 2019 06:27:41
Feffoid Berserker 55 PED Mon, 04 Nov 2019 05:58:27
Feffoid Warrior 55 PED Sun, 03 Nov 2019 02:46:10
Ambulimax Young 142 PED Sat, 02 Nov 2019 03:27:17
Shoggoth vicissitant 6 PED Sat, 26 Oct 2019 06:58:10
Shoggoth defiant 5 PED Sat, 26 Oct 2019 06:52:06
Shoggoth nestling 21 PED Fri, 25 Oct 2019 05:32:15
Foul Young 16 PED Mon, 14 Oct 2019 21:04:57
Foul Young 12 PED Mon, 14 Oct 2019 19:07:20
Foul Young 11 PED Mon, 07 Oct 2019 19:17:56
Estophyl Young 164 PED Sun, 22 Sep 2019 05:17:10
Foul Young 10 PED Mon, 16 Sep 2019 00:37:23
Foul Young 11 PED Fri, 13 Sep 2019 06:23:37
Foul Young 12 PED Fri, 06 Sep 2019 04:08:46
Foul Young 15 PED Sat, 31 Aug 2019 07:13:33
Foul Young 10 PED Mon, 19 Aug 2019 15:50:17
Foul Young 10 PED Mon, 19 Aug 2019 15:22:03
Sicarius Nurse 54 PED Wed, 19 Dec 2018 07:54:24
Drill Bot 1001 15 PED Sat, 24 Feb 2018 05:07:39
Gale Living Vortex 146 PED Wed, 31 Jan 2018 05:25:21
Bokol Young 22 PED Mon, 18 Dec 2017 05:07:52
Nusul Young 285 PED Sat, 16 Dec 2017 06:07:41
Arkadian Hornet 11 PED Mon, 11 Dec 2017 16:45:15
Nusul Puny 19 PED Sun, 10 Dec 2017 04:58:19
Nusul Puny 11 PED Wed, 06 Dec 2017 05:53:45 (actually 11.50 ped)
Arkadian Hornet 10 PED Mon, 20 Nov 2017 20:55:49
Nusul Puny 56 PED Mon, 20 Nov 2017 04:37:28
Berycled Young 16 PED Thu, 24 Aug 2017 04:55:20
Caudatergus Puny 13 PED Mon, 24 Jul 2017 15:38:08
Caudatergus Puny 6 PED Mon, 17 Jul 2017 04:17:42
Foul Adult 15 PED Mon, 03 Jul 2017 03:42:54
Foul Young 11 PED Tue, 27 Jun 2017 23:11:46
Foul Young 19 PED Mon, 19 Jun 2017 16:28:43
Foul Young 18 PED Mon, 19 Jun 2017 15:56:28
Kerberos Provider 13 PED Wed, 14 Jun 2017 23:28:52
Kerberos Provider 13 PED Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:44:58
Kerberos Provider 20 PED Mon, 12 Jun 2017 22:58:37
Kerberos Provider 20 PED Mon, 12 Jun 2017 22:39:19
Kerberos Provider 12 PED Mon, 12 Jun 2017 22:32:04
Kerberos Provider 48 PED Mon, 12 Jun 2017 22:08:51
Cornundacauda Mature 11 PED Mon, 05 Jun 2017 04:19:31
Snablesnot Female Young 6 PED Sat, 03 Jun 2017 00:20:36
Shinkiba Guardian 11 PED Sun, 28 May 2017 04:19:32
Argonaut Young 27 PED Sat, 20 May 2017 03:46:41
Prototype Droka Gen 05 35 PED Thu, 18 May 2017 00:48:16
Cornundacauda Mature 27 PED Thu, 04 May 2017 08:24:52
Berycled Old 14 PED Wed, 03 May 2017 04:06:10
Berycled Mature 18 PED Wed, 03 May 2017 03:44:40
Berycled Old 11 PED Wed, 03 May 2017 03:29:20
Cultist adherent 59 PED Sun, 30 Apr 2017 06:56:21
Yog scrub 13 PED Thu, 06 Apr 2017 04:14:35
Yog Scraper 12 PED Tue, 04 Apr 2017 21:35:37
Kerberos Provider 13 PED Sun, 26 Feb 2017 11:50:05
Kerberos Provider 16 PED Sun, 26 Feb 2017 11:22:33

boar 12/31/2018:
little global on boars tonight... (don't think tracker caught it since there's not enough folks logging on next island or secret island)

Little global on shared loot Zombie Kong mobs last night, 1/5/2019... was too small for tracker, didn't get it on video either... I think the global was actually on zombies before the big guy showed up.

Pretty good night hunting!

Feffoid Warrior 256 PED Mon, 04 Nov 2019 07:05:07
Feffoid Guard 55 PED Mon, 04 Nov 2019 06:44:11
Feffoid Raider 88 PED Mon, 04 Nov 2019 06:38:31
Feffoid Guard 127 PED Mon, 04 Nov 2019 06:27:41
Feffoid Berserker 55 PED Mon, 04 Nov 2019 05:58:27




Used a few untradeable pills, and stuff to up skill gains and health a bit... Found a decent combination of ArMatrix LR-15(L) as tagger and Shriek Offensive as main... Since the LR-15 has slightly longer range it pulls the mob out of the group... nice where I'm hunting these guys near north space base as I'm not currently on the Ambu mission primarily, just on the feffoid. Still about 10 more to go tomorrow to complete the 200 for the upgrade mission prereq.

There was at least one global in the amount of around 300 ped way back in 2007 too - about a month after I started playing that tracker won't ever see since it doesn't go back that far... ah the old days. That was one global I loved... new katsuichi determination purchased, and this was the first mob I killed up there by Billy's - it was a feffoid... didn't loot many globals after that since I lowered the amount of peds I dedicated to hunting massively shortly after that...

Nearly lost my avatar actually after that... since there was a 9 month period of time during which my old computer could not allow me to log in since specs were too low... but I came back, as most do, and just keep doing so, lol.



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update 7/19/20 - still have the Boxer but sold off the Oratan Axe a while ago... See above links in post #1 for the new zoo pet list, etc.

updated Pet Collection with recent acquisition... Have a hunch this little guy is gonna be eating a lot of peds of nutrio in the near future.

Probably will be buying a bunch more aud in the near future as I convert universal ammo in to other things to get back to descent aud levels after this purchase.

If anyone reading this has aud and is interested in buying ALL of the book III weapon BPs I have (will only sell in collection), contact me. (gonna be a while before I can use em decently anyways since I'm at 20% on em now)

Weapons (Vol. III)
Omegaton Bur Ning (L) Blueprint
Omegaton Caus Tik (L) Blueprint
Omegaton Flashfire (L) Blueprint
Omegaton Frostbite (L) Blueprint
Omegaton Jupiter (L) Blueprint
Omegaton Sunstorm (L) Blueprint

Say Hello to Whiskers



Got a couple of little globals today while out hunting... Love it when you actually consume some pills and get a freebie skill gain too, lol. Look at all those buffs. Wonder if there's a max number of buffs you can get or if it just keeps making the icons smaller and smaller as you get more of em. I know there is a max limit on how high each buff can go, but will the system eventually let you do 50 buffs at once if they ever create that many available?

Still a long way to go before his passives are unlocked, but inching up there slowly...





Oratan Axe has been added to the zoo! :)



Probably will hold off on upping his skill level until boxer's passives have been unlocked. Paid a pretty shopkeeper for this one, so probably overpaid... but a zoo keeper's gotta do what a zookeeper's gotta do...

so uh, in the future if any rentals are done on this collateral will be up there... probably in the realm of 5 -10 clds.
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Teleporter Notes

Teleporters Maria's collected already per Map screen/TP notes:

Aegis Mound
This is a teleporter which may be used to travel quickly between different areas

Akmuuul Island
Home of the Mul, Akmuul island is a lawless land filled with dangerous bandits - just the way the Mul like it.

Ashi Outpost

Athena Spaceport
Athena Spaceport is not only a new port of entry to Calypso. It is also the new site of the Colonial Administration as Hadeshem was flattened by the Wart Titan Typhon. Set in the high peaks of the south, the new capital blends smoothly into the terrain, becoming a showcase of the bright future of Calypso.

Atlantis Archipelago
This is a teleporter which may be used to travel quickly between different areas

Atlas Haven
This is a teleporter which may be used to travel quickly between different areas.

Billy's Spaceship Afterworld
Billy's Spaceship Afterworld was a burial ground for old discarded spaceships, until it was swept away by the shockwave of the impact of the War Titan Typhon. Nowadays it is famous for the intense boxing events taking place in the ring there.

Boreas Outpost

Camp Caravan
Camp Location in the northeast, acting as a secure adventure point for journeys north- and westbound.

Camp Enchinda
Camp Enchinda East Hangar
Camp Enchinda North Hangar
Camp Icarus
Camp Phoenix
Cape Corinth
Chimera Canyons
Chugs Hideout
Corinth East Hangers A

Corinth East Hangers B - for Berycled, this is the best place in game. Lots of young are near the outpost and if you want more mature varities, Sharpclaw Ridge is right here. (I was previously hunting berycled up in the Blue areas around Fort Zeus prior to this, but don't like that place so much as here since it's mixed in with lots of plumi and Corn, and is not a very dense population up there)

Corinth West Hangers A
Corinth West Hangers B
East Scyllia Mountains
Emerald Lakes Mall

- used to love this place for foul, but not any more...

Fort Ares
Fort Argus
Fort Fury
Fort Ithica
Fort Lahar
- new missions at Lahar were fun. Wish more mini-missions like that tied to the iron missions existed.

Fort Medusa
Fort Pandora
Fort Sisyphus
Fort Troy

Fort Zeus - One of my favorite TPs in game. I love the blue landscape in the area surrounding this location. It's a very calming spot because of that.

Genesis Amethera Headquarters
Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Cove
Isle of Troy
Jason Centre
Jurra Plateau
Lindamin District
Livas Heights
Medusa Teleporter
Nate Valley
Nea's Place
New Oxford
North Space Base A
North Space Base B
North Space Base Docks A
North Space Base Docks B

Omegaton West Habitat
- I got burned out on this place, so try to stay away from it a lot of times. I used to own A1 shop, Booth 3 in the hallway behind the shop, and a few apartments upstairs in the Delta Building including 1A, and a few on other floors. After Vu 10 the booth stopped working for about a year, which lead to many frustrating forum posts, and support tickets that went unanswered a long time... I was going to have Mindark upgrade the shop from 50 to 70 points but never officially met with the Mindark avatar to make that official. Eventually, out of pity I believe, due to the booth issue, the shop magically got updated to 70 items... Didn't matter though because the place never got any foot traffic other than the occasional buyer once every few months, so I eventually sold all of the places in that building since I had some major unforseen taxes I had to pay in real life that year due to circumstances beyond my control... so ended up taking around a 3k ped loss on the shop vs the price I paid for it, and a lot of loss on the sale of the apartments in the building to the same reseller...(You are welcome Anyzteoz)...

slowed down playing a lot after that (during my 'dark times' both in game and irl - saw a bunch of the criminals in game for what they really were (one of the main reasons I usually TT stackables instead of trying to sell em), and had a bunch of family deaths and medical emergencies irl around the same time, driving me in to a depressed point where I saw death and evil anti-life literally everywhere as every corner of the virtual and real world locations I was in were locations where there was recently major losses ) ... until the end of 2016 when I started depositing a lot again since I had cashed out a real world retirement fund that I needed in order to pay off a large part of my real world spouse's educational loan (best investment I ever made since I'm now married to a licensed massage therapist. :) )... actually 2014 is when the depression mainly lifted, after my child was born, but the funding for Entropia didn't happen til 2016...

Orthos West Mound
Oshiri Hearts
Port Atlantis

Port Atlantis Mall
- my old Friends Sarubabbon and Nihilist's hangout... Nihilist still owns a shop here. Saru sold his many years ago.
The mall is one of my favorite tps in PA since it's closest TP to the puny and the beach tameable little bristlehogs that reside there. I also like it since the mall is a nice place to browse various items, and/or just use the auctioneer and terminals that reside in the same room as the auctioneer on each floor.

I also like PA Mall TP since it's next door to a nice little spawn of tameable bristlehogs, and quite a few harvestable trees.

Rogue Plains East
Rogue Plans West

Sakura City - Home sweet home for the present time. My apartments in Yuujou 17H. Swing by to visit the petting zoo! :)

Shinook Jungle
Silver Ridge
Solfais Crater
Southern Ithica
Treasure Island Castle
Treasure Island City
Treasure Island North Hangers A
Treasure Island North Hangers B
Treasure Island Northern Shores
Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks Mall
Wolverine Hope
Zychion Citadel

Club Neverdie - This is Neverdie's Club. The vixen and AI live out in the parking lot. The Dragon that can transport you to Secret Island for a few bananas lives out next to the pool here. There's a lot of neon signs here... There's also one of the loveliest stables in game here (it's one of the animated vixens next to the building)

Panta Ridge - This is where the tameable panthers live. The TP is a helecoptor surrounded by a sea of red dots... the revive is luckily down the hill a bit, so if you die near the chopper, it's no biggie since you'll be in a location where the red dots are spaced out a bit more. With little 20 hp mobs like this I typically take out some graduation armor and plates, a heal tool, and a couple of whips... usually using either the cobra or moccasin for first hit, and then viper to lower the health bar down to where the critters are tameable and attempt tame quickkey can be utilized.

Tangerine - The U is located here. This is 'my home' base in the virtual Universe since I now own two apartments next to one another in the U on Floor 1. I love the British theme and GTA type vibe to this town. Feel free to visit any time. I'll keep the front door open for folks to take around at "The U Zoo" and the "One of Everything Project" next door to it. If you don't see too many pets in the zoo it's probably because I'm out getting the pets you don't see more experience points, etc.

*** May add the descriptions to the others later***
***May add coordinates for each later***
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note: need to clean up some of the links since they may point to somewhere that doesn't exist any more.
unlocking passive criteria...

Criteria for Boxer's passives have been unlocked already for a while now:
(Passive itself is not unlocked yet, but I'm working on upping skill level to get there)

Decrease Critical Damage Criteria unlocked

Acceleration Criteria unlocked:

I think these were unlocked when I bought him... so no big accomplishment there really, lol.
Oratan Axe's Skill Gain - Pet and Taming Criteria's unlocked:
(this one took a little bit of taming to unlock since each successful tame appeared to up his criteria .03%... so approximately 300 successful taming attempts to unlock this critiera)
(still working on upping his level to meet requirements too)

Still got a long ways to go to unlock criteria on auto loot for him:

When I deposit some more I'll test this one out more... eating auto loot pills seems to be the way that you up the criteria bar on this one. Some have told me it is done with auto looting after pill is eaten, but the last time I tried that only the actual act of eating the pill seemed to up it, not the auto looting while pill's buff was on. I will test this some more in coming weeks... I hope that auto looting while pill is active is how it works otherwise this could take a while since each pill is one hour long buff, which you have to actually be logged in for since the timer just freezes on log out... I'm hoping it really is the something done by just looting stuff as you are buffed up with the pill.. (and they say Mindark doesn't encourage use of drugs?)
Since the 300 tames unlocked the Oratan Axe's Pet and Taming criteria, now working on upping that criteria on Hogglo... gonna take a little time, but should be easy to do.
1 success tame:

3 success tame:

so again, this one is 300 tames I believe, which is .03% roughly per success (probably some rounding in there)...

Gonna have to watch Hogglo's bar on Decrease regen criteria since I'm not exactly sure if actually taming or using actions is what ups it?

Since the successful tames is what ups the pet and taming, I'll likely unlock criteria on every pet in the 'zoo' with that one as it doesn't require any real food consumption to unlock it, just having the pet spawned as you tame. Will work on upping skill levels on boxer and oratan as I do that, spawning them to do a few tricks when others like hogglo aren't out.

The .03 ups appeared to be the same amount of criteria bar increase on both dragon and kanin. Haven't watched the bar on other tame attempts. May go try little guys around PA or Icarus to see if they do it .03% too or if they are lower. You'd think dragon, being level 7 and kanin level 2 would be different affect on the bar, but doesn't appear to be the case (yet). I'm not sure if avatar skill level plays a role in this or if it's just a flat .03% across the board for every successful taming attempt.
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Yep, seems that the Level 1 bristlehog pups with their 20 hp on top of the hill near the tp at Camp Icarus have same impact on moving the prerequisite bar for the unlock of skill gain - pet and taming passive as the 320 hp chirin dragon do... may not offer as much xp to the avatar but for the unlock prerequisite on the pet itself, it's all the same, roughly .03% per tamed mob... so you can guess where I'll be for a while. ;)

(gives me a use for that Unlimted viper whip)
up the bar we go...

Bristlehogs are a lot cheaper than the taming over at archipeligo, but they die too fast... about half of the time they die instead of ending up tamed.

May get around to feeding the little guy one of these days.
taming the bristlehogs at the beach near Port Atlantis sweat camp with adjusted pixie and it's low level electric protection appears to be the 'best' location for doing this type of low level taming just to unlock prerequisite bars. Fed the hogglo a bit and working on upping his skill level a little. Will slowly work on upping skill levels on the full 'zoo' over time. The hill near icarus tp is ok, but they swarm you too much. I was using some other adjusted armor and plates to do there earlier but that's too high cost in armor decay costs, etc. That and the view at the beach is just better imho... Back before taming came back I upped my level on whip hitter up to level 12 just hitting low level mobs along this stretch of beach, so it's like I'm 'home' again from adventures out there in the universe after all of these months.



I'll probably keep depositing via webshop box purchases, and as I get loot from that will slowly convert the shrapnel, muscle oil, and eye oil type junk over to repairs on viper whip over the next few months...

I'm kinda hopping between taming and 'watching over the zoo' as I do that' and just doing random low level iron missions these days... when I'm in iron misison mood I typically use the shrapnel type stuff to sell to the TT and then reapir my S.I. items for small hunts since the combination of skills in doing that is upping my avatar's attributes over time as she is slowly becoming a 'well rounded' avatar...

Bought a 2x0 off auction the other day just for nostalgia mostly... back in the ancient days, I followed The Path of the Blade - This thread is actually the reason that I started out using Melee, lol... at one point in 2007 I owned about 30 2x0s and one Katsuichi Determination that I would hunt with... Got my first global back then doing that... perhaps this new one may eventually lead to another...
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Probably overpaid, but #23 has been added to the collection...


Current collection:
Maria's Alpha Core Card Collection:
(Info on Alpha Core Collection on Arkadia Forum)








(still cheaper than he, or that other guy selling the other one, had it marked at last week. Spouse is gonna hound me on this since I 'deposited' to do that - upping my deposit level to my 3 week allotment in this last week... guess I need to stop depositing next couple of weeks if I want to get back on goal with that 5 buck a week goal.)

so... still missing these to complete the collection if anyone's selling them cheaply:








Still not sure if I ever do get the complete collection if I'd trade it in for the estate or just keep em to say I got one of the few full collections in game. (might buy full set of duchev logs, and other type logs back again someday if anyone's selling them for cheaply... last time I paid 300 ped for full set, I probably won't pay that much this go round unless possibly there's 'something special' in the deal like full set + some other event items included, i.e. the 'paper' etc. I love logs and event items. They make apartments worth visiting sometimes. Also may work on buying back some of the various holiday items from the past to increase my collection - still need to update that thread with post 2008 items someday (I do own a lot of stuff from 2008+ just haven't updated the list there yet).)

still Slowly upping prereqs for the unlock on Hogglo. Not focused on autoloot much lately, just the taming bit for now... Once that's at 'complete' stage I'll probably get other pets in the zoo to that level of unlock too before continuing to progress with this insanely crazy 'unlocked passive zoo' idea.



It's always funny seeing that visual bug with unimversal ammo before you drop a probe... Wish I really did have that much Universal Ammo! :)

Mindark, if you are reading this, allowing us to change colors in the font and background of the pet status window, similar to what you do with chat text color would be nice... Being red/green color blind partially that criteria progress bar is kinda hard to read, have to squint to read the numbers and even then it's still hard to read sometimes.
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note to self - updated a few links in op to link to this thread instead of to the old stuff in link list thread that was moved here a while back... will update the rest later when I have time...

note to others - if you got ideas on what to do with shoot me a pm. I've not been working on it lately, but going forward may work on it a lot more in coming months. Was thinking about creating a copy of the link list there that's more organized, but we'll see... If I can figure out how to make the host there work with wordpress I may do that, but not sure if it is doable as it is now or not.
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3 peds...

calculating this...
Started with full tt whip, i.e. 204 ped.

Burned off 3 peds to get it down to 201.04 taming the bristlehogs at Sweat Camp beach tonight...

Skill gain - pet and taming unlock started at 47.7% on the prerequisite bar.


at the end it was at 54.7%.

so 7% raise in 3 peds of whip roughly... not exact science since a few of them did die, but on average most were tamed.

Getting all of these pets to unlock could take a while and cost a bit... not just in nutrio, whip decay, etc. but in time.

As far as the autoloot unlock on the oratan goes, it's going up roughly .03 % or so on the bar for every loot pill popped... and it only seems to go up when your avatar eats the pill, not in the act of actually auto looting when the pill is active... I have several pills from buying webshop boxes, but from tt each pill is 50 pec... so unless there's some 'trick' to it it's roughly 3 pills per percent (at .5 each that's what, 150 ped or so for 300), and will cost roughly 300 or more hours of in game time since each pill lasts an hour and you have to be logged in to burn it off since timer freezes on log out.?... Support says that it's acting correctly?... and that's just to get past the prereq bar, not counting actual time in leveling up to meet level requirements. I guess you could log in eat pill, and walk away, but that seems like a waste of ped and time... if you eat the pill you may as well go down the rabbit hole.

I'm grinding the hell out of puny with the auto loot pills around icraus. No idea if it works 'faster' on higher level mobs, but I don't think it does based on my few tests so far. Pretty soon that 10k iron on puny is going to be gone if I keep going at this rate. (the loot pills do seem to piss off other hunters in the area, especially if you use something like a webshop gun and a101. :) Each mob goes down in roughly 2-3 hits and you got 50 foot radius with the gun, so you become a automated turret for an hour essentially - especially if you pop a pill and nurobiotic at the same time like I've been doing to up your skill gains and reload speed on top of what the rings already do)... lots of overkill, but not sure if that's balanced out with the loot by killing more at a faster dps, etc. Seems to be, but not sure if it is really or not. (the waves still seem to exist for stuff like the puny guns, at least it seems so to me... not sure if it's testable, but definitely seems to be a wave type thing when you get em)
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Ancient Daikiba

Ancient Daikiba has been added to the zoo.



spent more time trying the auto loot pills tonight... look at all those buffs active at once, lol I think I've hit 12 buffs on at one time once or twice when the auto buffs hit and I've got skill pills, auto loot pills, rings, etc. going.



At least the axe is rare enough that the stables won't allow you to juice him.

Looks like pet and taming prereq goes up .3% per successful taming attempt on the ancient daikiba too so I think that's an across the board amount for any pet with that passive.
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for your global list.. I noticed you are still missing turp. You can easily global on that one at the maffoid village.
Exosaur Pet

Ancient Exarosaur (Legendary) - Level 1
Exportable: YES (does not require leveling to export)
Training: Average
Rarity: Legendary
Passive Effect: Skill Gain - Pet and Taming 15% @ Level 20



Back to Zoo Index
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Miggobar you are welcome for these last two purchases. Unfortunately I probably won't be buying too much from you unless you start stocking in your shop some of the critters I don't have yet, and/or lower your prices a tad. Bought this little guy and the Daikiba from you since I like the idea of your shop, but a few more purchases in the near future will be coming from another source that has some pets you ain't got in your shop and at decent prices.

(would love to buy more from your shop if you do start stocking what I need)

(really wish I'd kept my old pre-vu 10 snables but ended up TTing em about 6 months before taming came back... those will be some of the next acquisition targets)

Got all buffy again to get the peds freed up to buy this one too.

50+ ped return on puny and one global in the process isn't a bad return... not great, but not bad. Inching closer to getting this iron finally done.

If you use loot pills, I'd suggest sticking with low range pistols instead of longer range guns... kind of a pain if you got a webshop gun with 55 meter range or so and the loot pool only extends 20-30 feet... the auto loot is supposed to lower your number of times to have to run to the mob to loot it, but longer range weapons than your loot radius is doesn't keep that from happening all of the time, especially if you 2 or 1 shot kill the mobs around you.
on a more personal note:
Happy 5 months til Xmas! :)

Uploaded a bunch of old entropia jpg files here
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inching our way up the prerequisite bar on this little guy... bit by bit...

Each tame success is .3% so should be there at 100% on this one shortly. Then I'll probably go through and unlock this prereq on every critter in the ol zoo that has this buff
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well, that prereq bar is complete... now just have to up his level 28 levels, lol.
for now Hogglo's been put back in to the apartment to rest up a bit with the other critters. Next little guy to up the bar on is the Atrox. He's already up to level 6 so he's a little under half way to the passive unlock level requirement...



Choosing to work on him since he does have a nice passive bonus even if there's only one of them, and it's not super high level required to get to it. Back to the bristlehog taming. CU at the beach.

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Card #31 has been added to the collection...

Price was probably too high, but that's the way that things are with these types of items.

Now just got to find these 10 more:







I will be buying another set of mark.5b soon...
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up the prereq bar we go...

Started using the Moccasin more instead of just the viper on the bristlehogs. One hit with Moccasin and about 4-5 with viper seems to usually work, unless a hit crits, then it causes too much damage and I got to get another bristlehog started to let the one I was working on heal up a bit. Still end up killing quite a few, but it's faster than trying to do it all with the viper alone.

Cleaned up storage with the purchase of a pitbull, and got inventory down a bit to 50 free slots, so I basically now am doing 50 successful tames every mini-run and then running back to the stable before I'm 'heavy.' Seems to work fairly well here at PA mall using that storage bin out there by the stable. It's still a little bit of running back and forth, but not nearly the lengthy run or flight it was from Archipeligo TP to that revive out in the middle of nowhere where the dragons are that doesn't have all of the terminals/auctioneer.

Most all of the Bristlehogs are being converted in to animal essence... so if you are interested in buying a pet bristlehog find me before I get to the stable. I can probably make it very cheap if you want one - lets say somewhere around 5 pec (just 2 pec more than the stable can potentially pay for it).
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Oratan Axe made it to level 10!




Burned an hour of 50% skill pill, neurbiotic, and loot pill on more puny... probably one or two more hour of this type of hunting and the iron mission for puny will be done.

Long ago I accidentally TTed some of the bones, so may need to buy some more as I've only got 1.5k or so on me now.

Using the skill pill on longblade seems to be logical since I'm about 1 level below where I can start using the philosopher sword... so that may be next mini-goal.

I keep telling myself to not TT the shrapnel, but end up doing it anyways, either to repair armor or weapons... or buy some little upgrade here or there... When will I learn?
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Atrox pet is up to level 7!



One thing I really like about the atrox as a pet is that he's considered a universal pet, so you don't have to get him to level 7 before he can be summoned on other planets... Of course, this particular critter already is up to level 7 since he's one of the first pets I started training several months back...
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Pandi Pup

Pandi Pup - Level 1
Metabolic Rate: 10.00
Exportable Status: NOT EXPORTABLE!
Training: Eaxy
Rarity: Common
Passive Effect: Skill Gain - Pet and Taming 10% @ Level 14




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Paneleon: Level 3
Metabolic Rate: 10.00
Exportable @ Level 7
Training: Easy
Rarity: Common

Passive Effect: Skill Gain - Pet and Taming 10% @ Level 14






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Lofven Papoo

Lofven Papoo


Boxer made it to level 10! :)

Boxer Pet:

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Blonde Android

Blonde Android Vixen:

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