Exarosaur strong's prereq bar is stuck? What needs to be done to move it?


Apr 21, 2007
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Maria Mesh
Exarosaur strong's prereq bar is stuck? What needs to be done to move it?

Skill Gain - Pet and Taming criteria prereq bar is stuck on 50.1% on one Exarosaur Strong, and on 50.4% for another.

According to support this 'is not a bug,' even though it seems an awful lot like one to me since this is THE ONLY pet type I've come across so far in all my taming that needs for something more to be done than simply taming more pets to move this particular type of progress bar up higher towards Completed.

I moved a regular exarosaur up to completed between upping the bar on these two strong ones, so it seems to only be the exarosaur "strong" varient of the pet that has this extra criteria?

According to support "The criteria progress and the level of the pet is not correlated. You can have a level 1 pet and still fill the criteria bar to 100% for a higher level buff. If you are unable to fully fill the criteria bar, and it is "stuck" on for example 90%, you need to find the right activity to do with your pet in order to fill the last 10%."

Anyone that has recently successfully moved the criteria bar to completed have an idea on what needs to be done to move this along? Is it just feeding it more, or is it some combination of feeding it, hunting with it, or doing some action combo that will move it on up? Do you have to have it dancing as you tame x amount of critters, or something silly like that?

Seems interesting to me that one is stuck at 50.1 and the other at 50.4... you'd think they'd be at exactly the same point on the progress bar before getting stuck?... that makes me think it's more kills needed while pet is spawned, but not really sure on this?
9 times out of 10 when these queries pop up, it's 'greet' not done enough.

Because you get both greet and dance at the start, greet is of often over looked.

Try that first
