Santa's Scips - Hunting Event on Deino Island


Feb 2, 2011
Salt Lake City, USA
Avatar Name
Rachel MsPudding Hawkins



It was 2:05 AM on a cold night in Entropia. The moon was full. The water glimmered as the Calypsocods swam away. Even the fish knew something wasn't right. Not a Scipulor was to be found on Deino Island. Where were they all? Surely they had been fed, and the ground was fertilized just last week... But not a single Scip in sight.

"It's just over that hill, follow me" shouted Joda. Hijacker and H4mmer stayed close. One with their rifle drawn, the other with their all powerful all spectacular all sparkly rainbow sword. If anything dangerous were over that hill in front of them, surely it would get pulverized. Or so they thought...

Just as Joda crawled to the top of the hill his mouth dropped open. His voice, immediately lost. He beheld a sight so ghastly, so terrible, that his reaction alone stopped both Hijacker and H4mmer in their tracks. A thin, meaty yellow piece of flesh fell from Santa's mouth. This wasn't the jolly old saint nick that you're used to hearing about when you were a kid. This was an abomination. A half dead, grey skinned, monstrous mutation of what was once a man. Santa stayed huddled over the dead Scip's body, enjoying itself as it feasted upon the corpse. Blood was splashing around as Santa furiously tore limb after limb from this poor mobs body. The flesh was quickly devoured, bones tossed to the side. Even a BC-120 FEN was no match for this. And all three hunters knew it. Hijacker blurted out "But guys, I have a rainbo". H4mmer's hand reached to cover Hijacker's mouth. Hijacker was cut off immediately. "Don't start that shit again" said H4mmer.

All three began running for the teleporter but Santa heard their footsteps. He rose up. Leaping no less than 300 feet, he came crashing down in front of them. The dust settled. The weight of this creature somehow drove his legs and feet at least 2 feet into the ground. Strange, they thought. His frame was so skinny, yet he appeared to have the power and weight of someone at least 10 times his size. He towered over them, his shadow blocking all moonlight. He smiled. Cleared his throat and began to speak. "Ahhh.... have you been good little boys this year?"

No response.

"What brings you to my island? You know these Scip are mine! All mine!". Santa yelled.

"We can help you!" said H4mmer.

"Oh?" "How's that"? Santa replied.

"Well, you obviously enjoy eating these f$%kers, so why don't you let us hunt them and collect them for you? Let us do all the work while you relax!" stated H4mmer. Hoping he might take the bait and spare them their lives.

"Hmmmmm.... I hadn't considered having you do my bidding. You know, that isn't a half bad idea. I've heard the Sumima up North taste even better. Ok, ok, here's the deal you pathetic little rats." Santa said. Pausing for a moment while he looked up at the sky, and then back down at them. "I've got some gifts and presents for you good little boys and girls in return for preparing me a healthy amount of Scip to feast on when I come back. Why don't you all stay here, and enlist the help of your friends on the island killing the Scip while I take a few weeks up North. I'll return, and when I do, there better not be an alive Scip in sight. Else you'll all be killed, and I'll be known as the Worm Slayer Slayer". Santa said, winking in Hijacker's direction.

All three nodded their heads in unison, speechless, left fearing for their lives...

Santa's Scips - Hunting Event launches 12/7/2018 - no sign up required. Start time is according to EntropiaLife Tracked Globals. It is suggested that you run EntropiaTracker to track all your globals, as payouts will only occur if they were tracked and recorded on EntropiaLife.

Young: 1660 HP -> Danger level 31
Mature: 1720 HP -> Danger level 32
Old: 1780 HP -> Danger level 33

Stab 38%
Cut 38%
Impact 24%

2 spawn locations on the island - see the Land Area in game announcement for /POS
Dominant: 550 HP -> Danger level 20
Old Alpha: 610 HP -> Danger level 22
Prowler: 670 HP -> Danger level 23

Stab 50%
Cut 50%

Deino Island is running Santa's Scips from 12/7/2018 - 2/1/2019

How to claim prizes
Upon request, I can be available while in game to meet up and reward you your prize. A table with Hunter's current global count will be updated from time to time based off of EntropiaLife data. Ideally this gets updated once a day, but that is not guaranteed.

Santa's Scips Event Registration
Anyone can join this event at any time prior to the event ending. This is an open event to whoever wants to come to Deino Island and help keep Santa fed when he returns. The more Scip we kill, the safer off we'll all be. Teams are ok so long as they include the format: Santa's Scips: [Insert Team Name Here], the team captain will need to register on this thread for event payouts. Guidelines below.

Santa's Scips - Hunting Event Rules:
1. You may solo hunt or join a team -- follow the team guidelines below
2. All globals must be scored on Deino Island to count for this event during the time frame stated above.
3. Any individuals attempting to abuse the system may be banned from Santa's Scips.
4. Only Hunting Globals on Scipulor and Gokibusagi count for this event
5. Each Global is worth 1 point
6. The lowest amount of points that can be turned in for a prize is 5
7. Points can be accumulated and spent on different prizes Santa has in his bag. Once a point is spent, it is gone. It is possible to purchase the same prize multiple times. It is recommended that you save up points and cash them out in larger amounts, as the prize structure was created to reward a higher number of globals
8. Participants must contact me in game stating they want to cash out their points -- or send me a PM here on PCF.
9. All prizes must be claimed within 60 days after the event closes on 2/1/2019.
10. Points are cumulative. They do not reset unless you spend them on a prize. If there are leftover points after claiming a prize you keep the unspent points as your new balance.
11. If I think of anything else that was an oversight I will add it just because. First event, so meh. Deal with it. I'll be fair :p But this is my "oh shit I f%#ked up clause".

Team Guidelines:
Teams are perfectly okay so long as they follow this format:
1. Team name needs to start with Santa's Scips, example:
Santa's Scips - [Insert Team Name Here]
2. Leader needs to register on this page, just make a post stating something to the effect "My in game name is Rachel MsPudding H

5 Points = 30 PED
10 Points = 1 AUD (Arkadia Underground Deed)
18 Points = 2 AUD (Arkadia Underground Deed)
30 Points = 4 AUD (Arkadia Underground Deed)
30 Points = Santa Pill Pack (Contains 1 Modified Neurostim, and 30 x 10mg pills of your choice of available pills in the Mayhem Token Trader)
48 Points = 1 Complete set of Armor Plating Mark.5b Plating (full tt) - 7 plates

Prize Notes:
Armor Mark 5.b stats CLICK HERE
AUD Arkadia Underground Deed CLICK HERE
HyperStim, DevaStim, AccuStim can be seen in the Mayhem Token Trader in Twin Peaks
Modified NeuroStim has: reload 20%, crit 4%, crit dam 20%, run speed 35%, regen 70%, HP gain 20 hp duration is 3600 seconds
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Hunter's Name​
Chenghis LuisArkadov Pandoran1
Andrew agalvayne Galvayne5
Leana Del De Lugana3
Jar Jasis Sismondi37 (paid 35)
Ricardo Ricky Laginha2
Greg Greginho Lacrimosa2
Sin Yeetza Dionat3
Peter PN Northman3
NOS Missile Express2
Jay VeNgeNce Spitzel2
-Saphire of Dark-1
white psycho beast4
Danielle YourMom DeathBringer1
H4mmer 4nd S1ckle5
Georgi Inqubus Sveshtarov2
Special-A Special-V Special-C2
Lamia Majora Pechunter5 (paid 5)
sir lance lancelot1
Rock Enne Rollband2
Mr Crighund Crighund12
Sungam Sun Nosskire0 (30 spent)
Bazyr Bazyrov Jein1
Janis janku Gaisonok2
PutYa Petal ToDaMetal10
Zeipher Treithop Prodiq1
Popa FATIMA Aurora1
Simeon SteeL-4o Yankov1
Granny Rowan Render1
Bagutta chesta Bonestorm5
Adi Biliwen Wen5
Franky Franky Baumann1
Stella Bella Mella6
mg Joda VVV VVV1
Keepers of Secrets1
Dingus Optimator Khan1
mitje polly jelence1
Axis Dragon Lionheart5
Paul Ray Spinn1
Phillip TheTank J-Fry2
Juha jussi Hurja1
Shadow Punisher Dark2
Mateusz Mefju Zwiadowca8
Maya Lethall Stormborn2
Joao Executioner Fidalgo1
cezar Luc eugen2
slupor slupor slupor4
Corina Carny Haynes12
Terrr Krrrr Phe1
Timothy Timson Sonnel2
Ole-Andre Ole1234 Bratberg2
Thomas Miska Laky2
Jordan Arkon Fultz1
apallo sincros neverweave7
yoyo yaya nono1
Pavel PAS Sikorskiy3
argo arx1 nommik1
Major Legggzzz Canuck1
Rob KeTa Criss1
Robold Rummbolzer Rammbock1
Norian Norian Xx4
Safe set er1
Magnus Svarog Henriksen2



Team Name
Team Captain
Santa's Scips - Lighthouse RatsCunning Haruto Rat1
Kuo & Eddric1
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List of FEN items you can loot hunting Scipulor on Deino Island from now until the end of January 2019:

FENtropia Gold T-Shirt (F)
FENtropia Gold T-Shirt (M)
FENtropia Platinum T-Shirt (F)
FENtropia Platinum T-Shirt (M)
Malachai Ash FEN Edition (M)
Malachai Ash FEN Edition (F)
Urban Nomad Black Boots FEN Edition (F)
Urban Nomad Black Boots FEN Edition (M)
Urban Nomad Black Slacks FEN Edition (F)
Urban Nomad Black Slacks FEN Edition (M)
Urban Nomad Black Jumper FEN Edition (F)
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Nice story good luck with ur ewent m8 :wtg:
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One dumb question here but will the points be reset at the end of each month or is it cumulative for every global from now until Feb 1st?
Deino Island, is that Medusa TP?

Edit: Nvm, yeah just saw your other thread. Cool.
Awesome - I think I will be here after MM
Hopefully some MU in Scip loot!!
One dumb question here but will the points be reset at the end of each month or is it cumulative for every global from now until Feb 1st?

Great question. Rule #10 was updated to address this. Thank you for the question!

10. Points are cumulative. They do not reset unless you spend them on a prize. If there are leftover points after claiming a prize you keep the unspent points as your new balance.
gz miss pudding! nice story and nice mobs!
Event began today. You can join at any time, points will be updated daily.

Good luck!
ohhhh now i feel dumb... started as soon as i saw the thread lol, gl everyone and nice event

Ricardo LAginha
ohhhh now i feel dumb... started as soon as i saw the thread lol, gl everyone and nice event

Ricardo LAginha

No need to feel dumb, you were just practicing and warming up for the real event :D

Thank you, and best of luck!
A lot of new faces over the last two days, points updated.
Up to 90tt Evade Skill awarded when you complete the Scipulor Iron Mission.
List of FEN items you can loot hunting Scipulor on Deino Island from now until the end of January:

FENtropia Gold T-Shirt (F)
FENtropia Gold T-Shirt (M)
FENtropia Platinum T-Shirt (F)
FENtropia Platinum T-Shirt (M)
Malachai Ash FEN Edition (M)
Malachai Ash FEN Edition (F)
Urban Nomad Black Boots FEN Edition (F)
Urban Nomad Black Boots FEN Edition (M)
Urban Nomad Black Slacks FEN Edition (F)
Urban Nomad Black Slacks FEN Edition (M)
Urban Nomad Black Jumper FEN Edition (F)
Points up to date.
1. This is a solo hunter event, no teams.


(your direct competitor is the spawn in non-lootable pvp; a solo hunter can avoid shooting into air in pvp if they care, for a team it's nigh impossible; therefore, teams would rather choose tax over pvp)

(your direct competitor is the spawn in non-lootable pvp; a solo hunter can avoid shooting into air in pvp if they care, for a team it's nigh impossible; therefore, teams would rather choose tax over pvp)

Thanks, that's a solid suggestion. Let me see what I can arrange, I'll follow up with you.

(your direct competitor is the spawn in non-lootable pvp; a solo hunter can avoid shooting into air in pvp if they care, for a team it's nigh impossible; therefore, teams would rather choose tax over pvp)

Teams are now possible in the event.

Team Guidelines:

Teams are perfectly okay so long as they follow this format:
1. Team name needs to start with Santa's Scips, example:
Santa's Scips - [Insert Team Name Here]

2. Leader needs to register on this page, just make a post stating something to the effect "My in game name is Rachel MsPudding Hawkins, and my team name is Destruction, I am the team leader of Santa's Scips - Destruction"
register(team(name="Santa's Scips - Lighthouse Rats", leader="Cunning Haruto Rat"));
Points updated, and noticed a new team out there tonight that isn't registered: "Rick & Jim tripped &"

If you are the captain of this team let's get you guys registered, and best of luck :)
Points updated as of 12/19
If you're a little sick of Mayhem, why would you be?! But, if you are, you can make a quick trip out to a beautiful island :D
A few new faces this weekend - #'s updated.