Feedback to the start of updating space

Jul 9, 2007
Titans of Space
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John Black Knight
Thank you Mindark for finally addressing space and having started with making some long needed important changes :)

The recent update introduced non-lootable pvp areas on planet adjacent space servers, these changes allow for many players to experience space hunting as well as travel in the local areas (please watch your lootable pvp warning led when traveling and check the updated spacemaps created by your fellow (trusted) explorers).

These changes should decourage pirates from camping space stations as the new 'frontier' has now been moved much further out and over a far wider area.
In 3 dimensional space these changes give a fair balance between safety and some needed risk for traveling to another planet. However many of the existing warpgatepoints are still on their original position which means that some of them now reside in lootable and others in non-lootable space - this creates an imbalance for warp flights between planets as some warps will now never enter a lootable area while others do.
This could enable equus/firebirds to transport lootables in some areas 100% secure (please be aware that there is still much testing to be done as warpflight patterns for passage of gatepoints could have been changed, it is not recommended taking the risk until this is properly testet).
I hope mindark will be looking into the 4 dimensional balancing of flight risk vs reward as has been done for 3 dimensional space.
One option could be to relocate existing warpgates into positions that are deemed balanced.

Furthermore the non-lootable hunting grounds will likely inspire many more players to give space hunting a try - Mindark please make sure to look into mounted laser/blp and gunner professions to assure that these professions do provide an impact for a fair hunting environment that rewards skilling up in said professions and doesnt leave them on the sidelines (eg gunner professions have had no impact on gun turret dmg/hit for the past 5 years).

With the borderservers done and many more lowlevel mobs in space (which are mainly geared towards quadwing hunters), i hope the next step will be to introduce highlvl mobs(lvl100+/lvl1000+/lvl5000+) in lootable space for privateers, motherships and fleet battles, please also consider to offer a landgrab style space la in lootable pvp to encourage some 'conflict' in pvp ;)

With non-lootable pvp now encompassing about 50% of space, please consider to add a feature similar to planetside pvp for the winner to loot back ammo spent (by both sides) in an encounter - there should still be a reason to fight in non-lootable pvp.

I hope these balancing changes are the first step towards introducing space transport missions, please consider to balance ship transport capacities when you do and be aware that to this date anti grav containers can still be stacked inside one another indefinitly for essentially unlimited transport capacities with next to zero weight increase.
solid analysis of the new space system, still a lot to explore too.

3 cheers for the death of spawn camping as a profession, don't let the door hit you on the @$$ on the way out :wtg::smoke:
I have forwarded this thread to the dev team.
I have forwarded this thread to the dev team.
Two great suggestion. In these zones where you can find creatures in space - why not make it not PVP zone? Or at least remove wasted shots when u miss?

Also please add items that allow you to heal your quad whilst in flight (solo) this will surely motivate more ppl to hunt in space. :)

I've already spent my first 200 peds in space, lost 120 ped but i'm still happy cuz it's 82 ped of loot pirates never going to get :D
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Two great suggestion. In these zones where you can find creatures in space - why not make it not PVP zone? Or at least remove wasted shots when u miss?

Also please add items that allow you to heal your quad whilst in flight (solo) this will surely motivate more ppl to hunt in space. :)

I've already spent my first 200 peds in space, lost 120 ped but i'm still happy cuz it's 82 ped of loot pirates never going to get :D

try cosmic horrors, their attack range is about 0.05AU, and your range is 0.0925. Cosmics are so slow you can start backing up after a few shots to stay out of their attack range. Careful though, you can literally back up faster then they move forward so you can back out of range and miss shots. Also dont use auto-tool, just use left click when you see your cross hair go red.

GL hunting! if you need any advice shoot me a message ^_^
Haven't found the time to check it out for myself yet but already liking a lot what I can gather here. Especially the end of getting r4ped at spawn points. Thank you! I only hope important fixes (chat bug, unfinishied controls) aren't falling down the ladder because of this.
try cosmic horrors, their attack range is about 0.05AU, and your range is 0.0925. Cosmics are so slow you can start backing up after a few shots to stay out of their attack range. Careful though, you can literally back up faster then they move forward so you can back out of range and miss shots. Also dont use auto-tool, just use left click when you see your cross hair go red.

GL hunting! if you need any advice shoot me a message ^_^

It was those mobs I tried before ;). Problem is I'm finding it difficult to get to used to the range of mobs (visible range) without team to make team target, thus many times i took decay and died 4 times because of not targeting closest mob when hunting in 3 dimensional or is 4th dimension idk. I started feeling motion sick after 1.5h hunting :flip::flip: :flip: :flip: they gotta make it hunting in space with quad less wonky imo :D

Maybe one gets accustomed to it eventually, but still it wouldn't be a bad idea if they made it more stable. and maybe option to use next target with F key as on planet. Ppl can then hunt much faster and avoid wasting shots.

For perspective took 1.5h to burn 200 ped ammo. And several deaths.
My only negative comment is that when I click on location on the map and Create Waypoint, it does NOT apply the correct Z-value like it used to - it uses your current Z-value as if you were creating a waypoint in open space.

I am super psyched about getting back to Quad-hunting! I always enjoyed it but it was unsustainable due to bad loot and bugs. With Loot 2.0, Range-detection, Non-lootable hunting zones and good spawns, that equation should change significantly.

I love the new zoom views - you can see space stations, etc., from very far away.

I love that you added more asteroids.

Looking forward :D

Peace, Miles
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Another idea/fix: Make the lootable pvp zone area RED on map all the time just like on planetside.
And remove the msg you get when u enter space you have entered lootable pvp zone, which is false now.
Almost gave me a heart attack a few times. JUST A VERY SMALL STEP...but we can be happy...MA now have make the first space step...:yay:

Anyway...for current update and this contents, i believe MA need to work and soon to implement new spaceships variants (bigger from Quad...) and new weapons ...otherwise all this is useless:(

Also to get Iron Missions and other type for this mobs to attract more ppl in space...from planets...:(

To attract more ppl in game u need bigger space and contents and connect planet economies to a solar system x 6 planets so is 6 solar systems and expand to universal space...damn...wrong game...:(

Anyway...have fun...
Please make the dropships from the Oratan payback mission space worthy.
Another idea/fix: Make the lootable pvp zone area RED on map all the time just like on planetside.
And remove the msg you get when u enter space you have entered lootable pvp zone, which is false now.
Almost gave me a heart attack a few times.

I would prefer if there was a toggle to switch pvp/lootable layer on spacemap on/off.
And there needs to be a fix for the messages when entering lootable / non-lootable - currently all messages warn about lootable even when its just normal pvp.
I'm surprised to see this feedback, because paying for warp transportation is almost obsolete with this update..
I'm surprised to see this feedback, because paying for warp transportation is almost obsolete with this update..

That's funny. Sounds like something a Pirate would say.. oh wait a sec... :lolup:
But pirates often say sensible and interesting stuff.
And what Priest said was spot on - he did say "almost"
I mean.. I'm being serious. Everyone is talking about how this affects pirates, but I would be quite a bit more pissed off if I owned a Mothership. Just sayin...

Anyway, so the game has changed. No biggie :). Tactics change too.

I'm surprised to see this feedback, because paying for warp transportation is almost obsolete with this update..

I guess that would depend entirely on why people use the services in the 1st place. Personally I think peoples time is important too! With very busy irl schedules they don't want to blow an hour of playing time or be late for events or meeting up with they're friends. I'd have to say more than 50% of clients are more concerned with time than safe transit. Our perspectives very much depend on services offered. Clearly my service is more about time being VIP but there's definitely solid reasons to continue warping via VIP or scheduled not to mention its still lootable in large sections between planets.
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True, and agreed. It changes the game for both of us, will be fun to see how...much
I had this comment in another thread, where it was off-topic. This is where it belongs:

After some more hunting last night: My biggest issue with space hunting is still targeting - the hit box on Cosmic Horrors and others is so sensitive that is still very difficult not to waste shots as the target indicator flickers between red and white. (This was difficult with the old UI as well. I've worn out a couple of Quads hunting - I'm not inexperienced)

Peace, Miles
I had this comment in another thread, where it was off-topic. This is where it belongs:

After some more hunting last night: My biggest issue with space hunting is still targeting - the hit box on Cosmic Horrors and others is so sensitive that is still very difficult not to waste shots as the target indicator flickers between red and white. (This was difficult with the old UI as well. I've worn out a couple of Quads hunting - I'm not inexperienced)

Peace, Miles

Weird I can cycle 200 to 500 ped in a quad on comics and not take any damage and maybe miss only a few times at most. Few being less then 10 shots over a 500 ped run.

If anyone aside from my enemies wants help learning quad hunting feel free to message me for some free lessons.

I know many players that have more experience in game than me, but very few with the amount of hours quad hunting space mobs as me, so no insult intended to anyone with this offer :)
Weird I can cycle 200 to 500 ped in a quad on comics and not take any damage and maybe miss only a few times at most. Few being less then 10 shots over a 500 ped run.

If anyone aside from my enemies wants help learning quad hunting feel free to message me for some free lessons.

I know many players that have more experience in game than me, but very few with the amount of hours quad hunting space mobs as me, so no insult intended to anyone with this offer :)

Thanks. I understand how to hunt without taking damage from small Horrors, but wasted shots has always been the worst part of hunting in space. When we could see if a shot was a "miss" (on target) or not, that helped, and now with an in-range indicator - that helps even more.

Horrors seem to be particularly hard to target - much worse the Skyflail or Hermit. If I'm patient, I can hunt a long time (2-300 ped) without taking any damage from small Horrors, but I'll still have way too many off-target shots while the cursor is on the mob and in range - often the cursor is is red when I click/press and flickers white as the shot still goes off target. Often I end up taking damage when I lose my target mid-battle and I take too long to reacquire it.

I guess my main question/point-of-interest is how you stay on target to avoid misses? Take this scenario. I come up on my target, get in range, slow or stop and take my first shot. The mob reacts, moves slightly as it goes aggro and is off target. When I adjust my aim, the the cursor flickers as I am on/not on target. In a worst-case scenario, every shot seems to fire at the wrong moment and go off as a total miss. By then the mob may have moved into its range of me and a simple kill has become a mess.

You can see how this situation snowballs into taking damage on an easy mob, or getting pounded by a bigger one. Each time this happens, the potential length of the hunt drops and losses go up.

In the past, once I'd taken some substantial damage and was carrying loot, I'd usually start risk-taking and force the run to end quickly, so as not to get looted by a stray pirate as a sitting duck (and I never did) but now that we have non-lootable hunting I'd like to focus on more kills per hunt - more discipline.

If you have any pointers on targeting I'd love to know how to improve.

Peace, Miles
Anyway...i send to devs a suggestion, is this:

History for support case 373475:

2019-06-15 19:37 You wrote:

Starbase Shipyard / Space Economy...

Hi devs...just an idea to give ya and maybe help to improve the game...Starbase Shipyard...
As we have see (AMA) many players/investors cares for the space future in Entropia and after the new contents u have released in last good but :

a. very small ship for hunting this mobs...even horrors not worth it exept u create a module to replace passengers weapon with ships repair station in seat who used from passenger...
b. Starbase Shipyard : MA owner or depends how many docks/pools to break in smaller parts or and sell to investors/crafters or like Crystal Palace share model...:)
c. Bigger /armored versions of Quad or new design multirole ships where crafters can build them only in Starbase Shipyard !
d. New ship modules and weapons to upgrade for old ships designs and for new also : for example the a.” , new weapons for MS/Privateers and can only replaced in Starbase Shipyard or new Shield modules to replace 1 or 2 existed places of weapons in MS and Privateers , new ships AI module with Turret /ECM/Radars capabilities and only can replaced /builded in Starbase Shipyard !!
e. All transport ways to Starbase Shipyard !!
f. New ships can be mostly L and very few variants UL same as the rest items in game and also the same limitations of use ...for example a Quad dont need : Recomended level 0.0
Privateer : Recomended level 20.0
Mothership : Recomended level 40.0
….so every skillful pilot can use efficiency ships electronics/computers and can fly faster or to can purchase nad put/replace new modules in ship ...ect...
...and more ,more , is in ur hands to create and bring them in Entropia so someday to can say we have a real Universe!!!

Take care all...
Chris Faceof Trimitzios

Maybe u agreed or not...this i believe is the next best step for EU...;)
Awaiting for ur ideas/answers...:yay:
