Early migration? Daspletor?


Aug 30, 2005
The Netherlands
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Killahbee Killer Bee Killahbee
I would love to hunt eomon/longtooth with all this time :yay:

Or daspletor, atrox queen, RX, Mayhem, hussk, hogglo diablo :) Just spam us with "events" MindArk!
I think I saw a picture with a robot on the client loader. So I think they might do something with robots for easter mayhem. Or it was just a picture of a robot. Who knows. Would be cool to have something with robots for easter mayhem. You know like those big warlock type robots as bosses. Wouldn't that be the coolest? like super creative and not at all repetetive. And you could win tokens instead of real guns and tools. And these tokens would have no value at all, unless you win mayhem, then you get a special token. We all love tokens. Tokens are the greatest.
Smuggler Mechs? Gorgon? Epic missions & waves on Cyrene? Dragons on RT, NI & SI? Don't any of these fit the bill when there is a little break on Calypso?
I think I saw a picture with a robot on the client loader. So I think they might do something with robots for easter mayhem. Or it was just a picture of a robot. Who knows. Would be cool to have something with robots for easter mayhem. You know like those big warlock type robots as bosses. Wouldn't that be the coolest? like super creative and not at all repetetive. And you could win tokens instead of real guns and tools. And these tokens would have no value at all, unless you win mayhem, then you get a special token. We all love tokens. Tokens are the greatest.


Spawn, do you have inside information????

You seem to know more than us!!

Very fishy, this is! tell us more!
I think I saw a picture with a robot on the client loader. So I think they might do something with robots for easter mayhem. Or it was just a picture of a robot. Who knows. Would be cool to have something with robots for easter mayhem. You know like those big warlock type robots as bosses. Wouldn't that be the coolest? like super creative and not at all repetetive. And you could win tokens instead of real guns and tools. And these tokens would have no value at all, unless you win mayhem, then you get a special token. We all love tokens. Tokens are the greatest.


Yes please!
Not on Caly atm so can't see Caly's client loader deck, but IIRC isn't that the pic for the Robot Spring Offensive? I thought it said it right on the pic...
I would love to hunt eomon/longtooth with all this time :yay:

Or daspletor, atrox queen, RX, Mayhem, hussk, hogglo diablo :) Just spam us with "events" MindArk!

Would love way less events and for MA to focus on the actual game and it's gameplay. They just become annoying and it dumbs down the game. We can start by dropping at least 2 Mayhems then making the remaining Mayhems actually interesting or worth doing.
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Smuggler Mechs? Gorgon? Epic missions & waves on Cyrene? Dragons on RT, NI & SI? Don't any of these fit the bill when there is a little break on Calypso?

I have to agree! I went and explored a few other planets/missions as 'Events" are too close together and break was healthy.:D
I would love to hunt eomon/longtooth with all this time :yay:

Or daspletor, atrox queen, RX, Mayhem, hussk, hogglo diablo :) Just spam us with "events" MindArk!

This sounds like a LOT of fun. I wish the Calypso team would start to use Creature Control in different situations. I'll list a couple here:

- During normal robot attacks on towns, they could add a bigger "boss" bot towards the end to really challenge the community, OR RX Units could be dodging around the place.

- The fog over Lahar Swamp could extend to Lahar and Calamusoids could invade. The Caly team could play as boss Calamusoids running rampant between the carnage. Chirpies could have been caught up in the mix and become Mutated Chirpies.

- Towards the end of the migration, the Caly team could play Atrox Maurauders/Queens and go nuts on Shared Loot spawns, so as not to disturb solo hunters.

However, when considering this and reading Abomb's suggestion...

Would love way less events and for MA to focus on the actual game and it's gameplay. They just become annoying and it dumbs down the game. We can start by dropping at least 2 Mayhems then making the remaining Mayhems actually interesting or worth doing.

... I couldn't help but feel like THIS is the direction we need to be going in. Content makes us content :) I feel like Wave Events and these Robot invasions on towns are a great way to go and can be improved upon and expanded. Instances are also great (but could use a bit of modernising/spicing up).

I feel both newbies and ubers need some love. I feel like once people are in and past the newbie stage, they have enough to keep busy with up to around level 100. Of course general updates, upgrades and fun content and events are a welcome addition.

Newbies need to feel they're valued in the community (NI's addition of sweat to start instances was GENIUS! Watch and learn, Calypso!) and also need some engaging gameplay options which give them purpose.

Ubers need reasons to keep building their avatars, and challenging situations that test their gear and skills. They also need more weapons and equipment suitable for their levels. Level 100 is no longer an end-goal for many; it's where Entropia starts, so it needs to be treated as some kind of a new start. Level 200 (or at least 150) is starting to look like the level 100 of old.

MAYHEM does NOT feel like there's much Mayhem going on at all anymore. The competition has gone from absolute non-instance MAYHEM where people tried to take control of entire spawns of mobs in giant teams, to an extremely tame version; a solo grind with a luck-based point system.
The different modes (Survival, Defense, Assault) that were introduced as an alternative to Annihilation were a breath of fresh air and I can only assume that they boosted participation due to actual merit-based (rather than luck-based) results. The fact that these are now being removed is a tragedy in my opinion, and I hope it's only temporary.