Members Photo Album



Apr 20, 2006
Avatar Name
Donald "Don" Cleveland
Dear Friends,

First I'd like to offer my sincere thanks to Ultimababe for starting the 'Show Us Ya Face' thread. It has certainly proven to be one of the most interesting and fastest growing threads on the forum. I also want to encourage everyone who hasn't posted their RL pictures yet, to upload it and post it in that thread. Below is an alphabetical listing of the members pictures from there.

The Entropia Forum Members Photo Album:


Abee #1, Abee #2, Ace Durlamar, Airedale, AkiranBlade #1, AkiranBlade #2, Alfhild #1, Alfhild #2, Alfhild #3, Aliana, Alicia Corthall, Allarm (on left), Alpha Geek, Amavenn, ampi90, Andi, Andji #1, Andji #2, Andyzammy #1, Andyzammy #2 (on right), Angel, Angel Durlamar, Angela1982, Anthalas #1, Anthalas #2, Archetype, Aria, arieas, Arokh, Ask Landrup #1, Ask Landrup #2, Asse #1 (male), Asse #2, Ast, Asurada, Atlan Leticron, Aveena, Avery, Aviril #1, Aviril #2, AzureMoon and AzureSun

bablfish, Backblade, Beautygal (on left), Bianca66, Binary, Binx, BlackMagicWoman, Black Widow SpideriK, Blake Seven, Blob #1, Blob #2, Bloodlustian, Bloodstreaks, Blue #1, Blue #2, bluetail, Bond, Bruce #1, Bruce #2, Bruud, bullet #1, BubbleBlip (aka Bubbles), bullet #2, burnsey, Buzz eric Lightyear

cacail, Caesar, Cal, Camilla, Cassie #1, Cassie #2, Cay #1, Cay #2, CBB (adult), Centech, Chainfire (male?), Chaoz, Chaz, chefen, chielsen, Chimp, Circle Breaker #1, Circle Breaker #2, Claire Bunting, Clam JBoy Jamfrie, combo22, Count0, Count Dracula, Count Joe, Crag, CrazyGirl #1, CrazyGirl #2, Creature, Crille, Crystal, Cycokick (on right)

d'Angelo #1, d'Angelo #2, d'Angelo #3, DJ-blunked, Daedalusxxx, dakusingh, Dannei #1, Dannei #2, Danni Brooks, dargonstar, Darkaner, darkfire, Darky, DaveyDave, davlui, dawnhunter, Dem, Denizu, Dergin Skellig, DeusDeOnis #1, DeusDeOnis #2, Digit #1, Digit #2, Dilly, Dinivan, DKmoko, Doer, Dom_sufc/Johnny Proud, Dolores, Dominatus, Donald, DoNotPause, DooMiNaToR #1, DooMiNaToR #2, Draggger, Dr FeelGood, dub, DuDy, Dusk

Eceri (the female), e-lite #1, e-lite #2, e-lite #3, e-lite #4, EarlVonKippler, Echo, ElanorPL, Enum #1, Enum #2, ElanorPL, ElbryanWolf (the male), Encicra #1, Encicra #2, eps #1, eps #2, Eron2, ESTd1862, Ethar #1, Ethar #2, Euhura, Everman, Extent #1, Extent #2

Fade, Falcon4½, FIRE, FireWolf, Flamedancer, Fluke (on right), Force Majeure, Forgo, Freezypops, Frenchthug, Friction #1 (on left), Friction #2, frisca2004, fylraen, fyraen

Gabriel #1, Gabriel #2, Geekman, Geothermalcat, geten, Ginger16, goldpython #1 (male), goldpython #2, goldpython #3, Grimar, Grossman #1, Grossman #2, Gruye

habu, Hansi, Hellfire, Hewger #1, Hewger #2, Hector Lavare, H0n3y, Hoffy, honorman, Hou Shian, Hubris #1, Hubris #2, Hubris #3, Hulyss, Huskie

Igorl, ikonoklast, il, iNfusioN, Ireland, Irona #2, Irona #2

Jackfree #1, Jackfree #2, Jack JC Collins, Jak, james phatal error, jayce, Jamhot, Jamira, Jayjay, Jenga, Jetboy, Jhereg, jhonny, Jihad #1, Jihad #2, Jihad as Elvis, John Critchon, JohnnyBravo, JohnnyQ, jojomaleiro, Joser, jw350

KABOOM, Kaeya, Kaine, kalanen #1 (the adult), Kalashi #1 (the male), Kalashi #2, Khalim16, KASSAD, Kat-napper, Katie, Kay-T #1, Kay-T #2, kennge, kerbox #1, kerbox #2, Kerham, KikiSand #1, KikiSand #2, Kimmi, King Buzzo (the adult), KING Kjobaa (Mayki (KING Kjobaa) and Martysia (Elide)), Kira-red, Kitty #1, Kitty #2, kjetil, klirr #1, klirr #2, Klod, Knightofni, Knoop, Kpeters, korpser, KrAzY #1, KrAzY #2, krAzY bG #1, krAzY bG #2, KrAzY-BoY, Krissy Love #1, Krissy Love #2, Krissy Love #3, Krrk, Kya

la aurora, Lady Juliette, Lady Trisha, Lakisha, Lan, Lanksia #1, Lanksia #2, leafren, leemcumiskey, Legion, Leo DellaNeve, Leviathan, levithanikos #1, levithanikos #2, Lighterthief, LightStar, lilpunk, Lily #1, Lily #2, Liridon12, Logan Striker P, Loki, Look, Lunar_PL, Luu, Lykke #1, Lykke #2

Mace (swe), Machman #1, Machman #2, MackBrich, Maconu, Madman, MadMikeHoare, Makrocow, Major, Major-Rage, Manda #1 (bunny), Manda #2, Mandragon, Mango, Maniac, Manon Hyperion #1, Manon Hyperion #2, Marco,Marius_Whiteber, MarlaSinger, mathayus #1, mathayus #2, Max Proteon, Mayansis #1, Mayansis #2, Mayansis #3, Medokin, Meg, Methodologyx, Mia, Mice, Michyblueyes #1, Michyblueyes #2, Mikah #1, Mikah #2, Mikeemoo #1, Mikeemoo #2, Miller, MindStar9, Minoa, Mirandax, Missq and Geode, Mit (Male), mjukis #1, mjukis #2, MKdesign, Moki #1 (dark hair), Moki #2 (On left), montague, Molly, Morbiddragon #1, Morbiddragon #2, Mossemeez #1, Mossemeez #2, MrProper, MrSmith, Mudkicker, Mumin, Mynx, Muppis, Mzilikazi

Nadia and Maverick, Nadira, Naifas Anaconda, Nakia #1, Nakia #2, Nea #1, Nea #2, Nebu #1, Nebu #2, neoMaven, Neon NC Crystal, Nergal, Nerishimo #1, Nerishimo #2, Nichole (both), Nimrodina, NoBion #1, NoBion #2, NoLimit, NOR Ken, Nostrop, Nozzy, Novacula,
Numa #1, Numa #2, Numpty #1, Numpty #2

O Viajante, Ona, Onica (the Woman!), onyx oZ Zombie #1, onyx_oZ_Zombie #2,
Orange #1, Orange #2

Pablinchi, Palio #1, Palio #2, Panther, Paralyser (on left), Parasiteone #1, Parasiteone #2, PE Freak #1, PE Freak #2, Phaser, Pheonix, Phoenix #1, Phoenix #2, Phobia, Photon, PinkPcP, Pinky, Pirx Danford, pitiku, Polynices, Poisonhearts #1, Poisonhearts #2, Pretender #1, Pretender #2, Protoklos (on left)

Qyan (the male), Queenie

rabagast, Ragethecorp, Rainman #2, Rapido #1, Rapido #2, Rave, Raven Art, Raziak, Reason, RedBlack, refixeq, RexDameon (the adult), Rooney (the male), Rickychamp #1, Rickychamp #2, Robotek, Rockchick #1, Rockchick #2, Rollo, Roth #1, Roth #2, rstock, Rumble, Runt

Sabino, Sacklitch, Safara, Sammy2004, Sarah, sbloodworth, Scatha, ScorpionLance #1 (the male), ScorpionLance #2, Scourge, Semdog #1 (male), Semdog #2, Serinity, Shadow-Ale #1, Shadow-Ale #2, Sharyn, Shifty #1, Shifty #2, Shinobi C #1, Shinobi C #2, Shorty #1 (Tuur 'Bona' Bonaventura), Shorty #2, Shurie (on right), shoockis, Shurikan, SIBUK #1, SIBUK #2, Sidney #1, Sidney #2, SilentPuma #1, SilentPuma #2, Silver, Silverbane, Silvernight, Sionkiewicz (on left), Sir Odd, Skam #1, Skam #2, skanzZz, Skippie, Slick, Smoking Holland, sob #1, sob #2, Solaxe, Sonne #1, Sonne #2, Spider, Spin Rep Pitt, Sp00ne #1, Sp00ne #2, Sp00ne #3, Sp00ne #4, Squiglet, Spug, Staffas, Starfinder, Status #1, Status #2, Stefanovic, Steveborg, Stinky Family, StrategicJasmin, Striker Nabi, Stryker, Studley, STYRM, subraian, Suicide #1, Suicide #2, Susars, Svarog, Svetlana, Swazer (on right), Sweetthang #1, Sweetthang #2

T3h plonker, Tamara #1, Tamara #2, Tangine 'Garb' Garbender, TanMan, Teranoz, Terra, TheClansman, The Distant one, The Mighty, ThePope, The Ripper, Thug Life, Tidesong, Tigerbuz, tigor #1, tigor #2, Timmy85 #1, Tip (for real?), Thunderfist, Tina, Tom, TommyDaGreat, Tom theBuzz Chr, Toolman #1, Toolman #2, Totaltwist #1, Totaltwist #2, TuFFKiD, Tungur, Tyler, Tyson #1, Tyson #2

Uana, uberdude90 #1, uberdude90 #2, Ultima, UltimaBabe #1, UltimaBabe #2, Ulv, UmbraWolf, Usurper

ViagraFalls #1, ViagraFalls #2, Violet #1, Violet #2, Victor1st, Viking, Viper81833 (on right), ViperGTS_01, Virnai Saal, Vixen, Vixen78, Von Steuben, Vortexy and daughter,
Vortexy and Mrs., vYxOr #1, vYxOr #2

warmdogg #1, warmdogg #2, WedgeGold, Whitestar, Winterborn, Wiseman, Wizard #1, Wizard #2, Wolf #1 (the male), Wolf #2, Wraith #1, Wraith #2, Wren

Xantonia, Xen, Xpl0jd, Xtr3me

yeldarbj, yokto, Ysa #1, Ysa #2

Zapforker, Zee (dont know which), Zhorgul, Zoe, Zyie

If I have mis-identified any pictures, or if you want your picture removed from this listing, please PM me and I will make the changes as soon as I get your message. Also, please continue to post your pics in the other thread. They will be added in here from that thread.


P.S. Thank you, 23am, for necessitating the creation of a new category. ;)
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good job donald, this is nice, big +* rep :)

(*if u could rep in here)
That's some hard work you've done. Thank you. It indeed makes things much easier :D
The Devil Doll pic was a joke. ;)

Btw, nice work.
Wow!! That's a lot of work! I will +rep you on another thread for this!! :thumbup:

Edit: Apparently I must spread a little rep around before handing it out to you again!
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Nice work Donald, well done. :)
wow, what lvl is your *Organise EF Member Pics* skill at now Donald? must have been doin some major skilling :eek:

ill rep ya if i can for that, u deserve it!
Dear Friends,

First of all, thanks for the kind remarks concerning this photo album. I am also very grateful to MindBuster for giving me my very first sticky thread anywhere.

Devil Doll has been removed (because it wasn't really her!). In fact, unless I am mistaken DD is actually King Buzzo in disguise... I could be wrong about that. Anyhow, this is exactly the sort of information I require to make this listing as accurate as possible.

As for all the offers of +reps, let's leave off that. I can pursue my course of shameless, self-aggrandizement elsewhere. This one is for the community.

One last note, please do continue to post your pics in the 'Show Us Ya Face' thread. That is the first place I look for new ones- there, and the Member Real Life Picts. gallery. If you have uploaded to any other spot, you will need to direct my attention to it, if you want to be included in this list.

Congratulations Donald for some very well deserved stickyness :)
Thanks alot, Sir.

I can't speak for others, but I keep forgetting the others are humans too (ok, it DOES sounds hillarious :) ). This, making easy browsing the pics, helped me refreshing a bit my attitude toward the game and others.

I'd like to attract ur attention that e-lite#1 link is in fact Lunar_PL, as shown in the filename.

Also, best regards to Fluffy. I have yet to see a cat uglier than it :dunce:
Yes, I'm the male in that picture :laugh: see

Gonna have to find one of your other threads to +rep ya I guess :)
Thank you, Donald. I only see one thing wrong with your index. It seems that DONALD is missing! :cool:
Airedale said:
Thank you, Donald. I only see one thing wrong with your index. It seems that DONALD is missing! :cool:

Uh... no Sir, I just now took a look and I am still in there. You had me scared for a minute.


P.S. If you do go back and look, I can't be held accountable for any trauma you might suffer.
Silly me! You are there.

The mistake I made was looking for the name "Donald" on the list. That is not there. I see you linked your photos under "Me".
Hehe, I couldn't find you either til Air mentioned you were linked under 'Me' :D

What surprises me is that so many people look exactly like I had imagined them! :D (and some not at all, but most...)
Very nice sir! Very nice indeed!

One thing i would like to bring to your attention. I have uploaded my pictures onto the 'Show us ya face' thread, but you seem to have missed me out on the photo album ;)
Not to worry. In you're own time my boy....keep up the good work!

Bruce said:
Very nice sir! Very nice indeed!

One thing i would like to bring to your attention. I have uploaded my pictures onto the 'Show us ya face' thread, but you seem to have missed me out on the photo album ;)
Not to worry. In you're own time my boy....keep up the good work!


I know that Donald has spent many hours on this but I think there were just too many pictures for him to go through . Maybe you can send him the link to your picture.

As I said before, great work Donald! :)
Bruce is in there now, but thanks for the kind words, your Mynxness. The best way to get in the album is to do what Bruce did and just mention it to me. A PM works too. I'm just glad people care enough to want to see their pictures in there.

Great work m8 :) keep it ;)
WOW Nice work M8 :clap: thats AWSOME!!!!

+REP :)
Way to go Donald :D

will see if I can update my pixie laters :)

must have taken a loooong time to sort all those images out.. damn...

Well, since you asked...

I recently took a day off from work- a Monday, I believe. As my wife was still working at that time, I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to put together this little photo album. It began, on that day, as an entry into my diary, my daily log, page 4, item #32...

On that day, I went to the Off-topic, Members Real Life Pictures sub-section of the EF Gallery. It was here that I began. I viewed all entries in the 228 pages that comprised this section on that day. I just want to state that it actually was quite an arduous task. I did not get up and take enough breaks, as I ought to have done. Rather, I focused on 'making hay while the sun shined' so to speak. I felt that if I stopped, I would not continue.

So I sat, and page by page, photo by photo, attempted to identify who was who among those pictures. Within that section are also quite a few screenshots from the Entropia Universe, and various other odd and interesting pictures as well. You really should give it a look-see!

As I progressed from page to page, I copied and pasted links to the photos along with information as to who I hoped they were, based on who posted the photo, the filename and other attendant comments. After this process was completed, I switched to Notepad and sorted the entries there, alphabetically. Then I composed that text into it's present day, diary entry format. (Donald's Diary, Page 4, Item 32)

To maintain the listing, I rely on new posts in Ultimababe's 'Face' thread, and the Members Real Life Pics gallery section as well.

All that being said, if anyone posted their picture in the 'Face' thread and it does not appear in this Members Photo Album, please let me know and I shall add you. It is inevitable that I have missed many photos that ought to be there.


P.S. I would like to add- as though I haven't said enough already- that I sincerely wish to thank all that have shown an interest in this little project.

And to all those who have not uploaded their pictures, I do so wish you would. You might think that no one cares, or that you are less than handsome, or that it is none of our business really. The last opinion is the only one that's valid, as far as I am concerned. Some folks cherish their privacy, and it is to be respected. Otherwise, upload and take your lumps along with the rest of us! If a geezer like me can chance it, so can you!
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Nea said:
good job donald, this is nice, big +* rep :)

(*if u could rep in here)

Damn, that's a shame. Maybe this could be moved to mmm, EntropiaForum > General > Galleria McCormick...

This way, we could give Donald his well deserved +rep, for putting together this great Photo Album!

It's alot better than sifting through over 200 pages of member pics in the Gallery... most arn't even 'people', and are in-game pics or whatever :rolleyes:
Donald said:
Dear Friends,

As for all the offers of +reps, let's leave off that. I can pursue my course of shameless, self-aggrandizement elsewhere. This one is for the community.


What he said...
I just went to another post that Donald made and gave him a +rep there. I just put in the comment that the +rep was for his photo directory.

Anyone that spends so much time creating something to benefit the entire EF community deserves something.

Too bad we sent our cash to MindBuster for the new server. ;)
Ok. This is not really on topic, but would someone please explain to me or point me in the direction of an explanation as to what this "+rep" is? Thanks in advance. :)

The Reputation at the bottom of most posts allows the reader it either approve of what a poster has said, or disapprove. In your information, to the left of the screen, is a reputation field. Also, below your avatar is a series of little buttons, dark green, light green and orange (or brown?). These also reflect the quality of the reputation you have. A single little red button is not a good sign.

Some folks give out negative reps when they disagree with what another member has said or done. It is a personal decision. I stopped giving them out a long time ago. If I disagree I will either write a post about it, or a PM to the person.

Also, donating money to the forum artificially increases the rep. So, when someone has that 'Premium Member' banner under their picture, it means their rep has been inflated to one degree or another.

Aha! Enlightenment; what a wonderful thing! Thank you very much Donald. :)

I replied to the original Show us your Face thread with my pic, so you can add me to the list too.
Nice initiative btw!
Sir, I will get right on it. Sorry for the delay. I am slightly behind in my album update so expect several new additions through out the day. Thanks for your kind words and interest in this little project.
