Scamming Prevention guides


rotten ice

Professional n00b healer
Apr 6, 2005
Entropia Directory
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Roger "Rotten ICE" Redhat
I am compiling some tips but while doing so came acros this awesome guide by sharpshot and with his permission have posted it here untill I complete my guide ;)
sorry it is very long so if (MB) you would like to move it feel free

Guide by Sharpshot Retrived from Entropia Pioneers with sharpshots permission

without further ado:


Just like in the real world, there are scammers, trickers, hustlers, and all varieties of of low-down cheating kinds of people. This guide was writen to help you avoid becoming the target of these scammers. I will discuss 7 of the main scams, but be aware that there are many more scams, some of which are a variation on one of these, but might also be a completely new scam altogether.

For each main scam, I will have the same setup.
Here is an example:

# the name of the scam
Explanation: A brief explanation of what the scam does
Target: who's usually at risk to be the target of this scam
Modus Operandi: A more detailed explanation of exactly how the scam is carried out
Consequences: The consequences you may face if you are tricked by this particular scam
Possible Solutions: Ways that you can fix or avoid this scam
Loss Range: The average amount of peds that you could lose because of this scam. The average high and low value is compiled from scams that I have been told of by other people. However, it isn't locked into these values, it could be drastically higher or lower.
Threat Level: A level of how dangerous the scam is, on a scale of *(nusiance) to ***** (crippling). It will usually be one of two or three levels, because many scams have a wide range, depending on how much the victim was scammed for.
Other: Any other relevant information regarding this scam.

The following are just the main scams out of a horde of many. So read on.

Explanation: This scam usually involves the scammer attempting to obtain either your account login and/or your password.
Target: Just about anyone, but more likely to be better, more well known players.
Modus Operandi: The scammer usually looks at your profile on EP or any other PE website. From this profile, they obtain your e-mail. They then send you an e-mail that sounds like MA being nice or giving you a free item, but tries to ask for you login/password. An example: "Dear Mr. Smith, we at mindark would like to tell you that we have found your missing item: Shadow Harness (male). You will be presented with your item by providing your login and password so that we can verify that you are indeed Mr. Smith.
Consequences: The scammer could gain access to your account. They could do whatever they liked with your money or items, including dropping them somewhere and picking them up with their own avatar. Also, if you've deposited before, its possible, though unlikely, that they could make a deposit of nearly any size from YOUR credit card.
Possible Solutions: Use a different e-mail on the forums than you applied to PE with. Hide your e-mail on the forums. Buy the PE Gold Card (this will only make it so the scammer can't deposit, they can still access your account). Don't trust e-mails from "MA" that seem to be to good to be true. Remember MA will NEVER ask you for your password. However, Scammers will.
Loss Range: 10-8000 ped, though this could be significantly higher.
Threat Level: ****/***** This is one of the most dangerous and devastating scams. Avoid it at all costs.
Other: Nothing of relevance

Explanation: The ingame scam is one usually used on, but not limited to n00bs, especially the ones who deposited. It usually involves the scammer selling you an item for an inflated price that can be purchased from an Trade Terminal (but also other specialized dealers, this is explained later) at a lower price.
Target: This scam is performed almost exclusively on n00bs and all types of relatively new players.
Modus Operandi: The scammer will usually be around Port Atlantis, often called "the n00b capital of Calypso." He/She will advertise certain items for "cheap" prices. They usually say that these items are good starting items for n00bs. Most people know what items the tt (trade terminal) sells, and are not fooled by someone trying to jack up the price on one of those items. However, some people (mostly new players) don't know about the specialized traders at Hadesheim, Fort Ithica, and Feffoid Traders. These traders sell items that are not purchasable from the tt. Scammers will often try to sell you these items for an increased price.
Consequences: You could lose ped needlessly.
Possible Solutions: Simply avoid buying items in the following list:
Note: items with a star (*) are not tt items, they are from weapons, clothes, armor dealers, or feffoid traders. See the "other" at the end of this particular scam description.


Settler Armor (either Male or Female)
Arms: 3.7
Harness: 5.55
Gloves: 1.85
Mask: 1.85
Shins: 1.85

*Pioneer Armor (either Male or Female)
*Arms: 2.0
*Harness: 6.0
*Mask: 2.0
*Shins: 2.0
*Thigh: 4.0


Castorian Survival Enblade-1: 13.0
Castorian Survival Enblade-2: 16.0
*Castorian Survival Enblade-3: 21.0
Castorian EnKnuckles 1: 18.0
Castorian Combat Enblade-1: 15.0
Castorian Combat Enblade-2: 19.0
Omegaton M2200: 2.0
*EWE EP-13 Galactica: 15.0
*EWE EP-16 Protector: 23.0
Sollomate Busho: 4.0
*A-3 Punisher mk 1: 30.0
Ammo: Both laser and blp, light, medium, heavy: 0.01 per round=1.00 per 100=10.0 per 1,000, etc.


Chikara Mineral Refiner MR10: 2.0
Chikara Energy Refiner ER100: 2.0
Goot Tailoring Material Refiner TMR1: 15.0
Omegaton Colorator CCT-1: 2.0
Omegaton Distrator DD-20: 2.0
Omegaton Decoy: 1.0 per 4= 10.0 per 40, etc.
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-5: 15.0
Omegaton Detectonator MD-1: 2.4
Omegaton Enmatter Detector ED-10: 3.0
Genesis Star Earth Excavator ME/01: 2.0
Genesis Star Energy Extractor EE/01: 2.4
Omegaton Seismic bomb: 1.0 per 1= 10.0 per 10, etc.
Omegaton Survey Probe: 1.0 per 2= 10.0 per 20, etc.
Chikara InvestaFoe ES100: 12.0
Payn-Inc Implant inserter: 15.0
NeoPsion Aa Mindforce Implant: 21.99
Anti-Toxic Shot: 5.1

*CLOTHES: (all both male and female)

*Urban Nomad Slacks (Black, Green, Brown, Red, White): 5.0
*Urban Nomad Jumper (Black, Green, White): 5.0
*Renegade Fashion Chasm Shirt: 8.0
*Renegade Fashion Citadel Shirt: 8.0
*Urban Nomad Strider Shoes: 4.0
*Urban Nomad Mist Shoes: 4.0


(purchased from a technician)
(note, these are only the blueprints, not the items themselves)
Settler Arms blueprint: 0.01 ped
Settler Harness blueprint: 0.01 ped
Settler Gloves blueprint: 0.01 ped
Settler Mask blueprint: 0.01 ped
Settler Thigh blueprint: 0.01 ped
Settler Shins blueprint: 0.01 ped
E-Amp11 blueprint: 0.01 ped
Alekz Precision Scope blueprint: 0.01 ped
Basic Relays blueprint: 0.01 ped
Basic Filters blueprint: 0.01 ped
Basic Bearings blueprint: 0.01 ped
Uncolored Basic-pattern shirt blueprint: 0.01 ped
Uncolored Basic-pattern pants blueprint: 0.01 ped
MatterFinder 101 blueprint: 0.01 ped
OreFinder 101 blueprint: 0.01 ped
Jester d-1 blueprint: 0.01 ped
Mann Mph blueprint: 0.01 ped


(purchased from a technician)
(note, these are only the blueprints, not the items themselves)
Beginner Blueprint Book:Armor: 0.1 ped
Apprentice Blueprint Book:Armor: 5.0 ped
Beginner Blueprint Book:Attachments: 0.1 ped
Apprentice Blueprint Book:Attachments: 5.0 ped
Beginner Blueprint Book:Electronic Eq.: 0.1 ped
Apprentice Blueprint Book:Electronic Eq.: 5.0 ped
Beginner Blueprint Book:Mechanical Eq.: 0.1 ped
Apprentice Blueprint Book:Mechanical Eq.: 5.0 ped
Beginner Blueprint Book:Metal Eq.: 0.1 ped
Apprentice Blueprint Book:Metal Eq.: 5.0 ped
Beginner Blueprint Book:Tailoring: 0.1 ped
Apprentice Blueprint Book:Tailoring: 5.0 ped
Beginner Blueprint Book:Weapons: 0.1 ped
Apprentice Blueprint Book:Weapons: 5.0 ped
Beginner Blueprint Book:Tools: 0.1 ped
(note, there is no apprentice blueprint book:tools avaliable from the tt)

Loss Range: 0.1-100 ped (the 100 ped was a friend of mine who was seriously taken advantage of by a scammer when he first came into PE)
Threat Level: */** minor, not really much of a threat. But be sure to warn your disciples and other friends who might start playing PE.
Other: 1.Always avoid the TT items, because its never a long walk to a trade terminal, they're everywhere. However, the items marked with stars (*) are not out of the question. If you are new to the game, or simply haven't collected many/any teleports, but still desperately want one of these items, you may be able to cut a deal. By saving yourself the LONG (even longer thanks to Version 6.1 Smile) walk to one of these specialized dealers, you may be able to have someone who has those teleports, go there and buy the item for you, and have you pay them a small tip (I wouldn't recomend over 2 ped at the most, but go ahead, be generous, it's your money Smile). However, once again, avoid buying TT items and don't hesitate to yell at someone who's trying to scam others with tt items.
2. Some of the specialized trader items can also be looted. This creates some people trying to sell an EWE EP-13 for example, who aren't scammers, but are unaware that this can be perchased from a specialized trader. However, be suspicious if they are asking for an extreme price, and don't hesitate to at least inform them that their item can be purchased at a specialized trader.
3. Sometimes you can buy a tt or specialized trader item for more than its value if it's damaged. For example, if you only have 5 ped, but you REALLY want a FAP-5, but you can't afford it from the tt (it's 15 ped), you might buy a used one from someone for 5 ped, even though it's only worth 4.5. Still, don't go ballistic using this strategy. I would recomend saving up and just buying the item without the middleman.


Explanation: The scammer basically tricks you into dropping your item on the ground rather than just trading, allowing it to be stolen
Target: Just about anyone, but usually aimed more towards newer players.
Modus Operandi: The scammer may often advertise around Port Atlatis, or other major areas that He/She is buying anything that you have to sell. You go up and tell them that you have ______ to sell. They say that their trade window is bugged/glitched/broken, but they still want the items you're selling. They say to go to a less crowded area. They say that you should drop your items on the ground, and they will drop their payment. As soon as you drop your items, they either immediately grab them, or have a friend rush by and grab them. Either way, they give you know form of payment.
Consequences: You lose any number of items or money
Possible Solutions: NEVER accept to do a drop trade, I personally have never seen one that isn't a scam.
Loss Range:10-100 ped (most people haven't been scammed for much more money using this particular scam)
Threat Level: **/*** -medium-low. Once again, this scam isn't usually used to steal large amounts of items or money.
Other: 1. This trade may also work the other way, example: The scammer says that they are selling an item worth ____for much less than that value. As soon as you drop your payment, they or a friend grabs it and leaves.
2. Sometimes the trade window can "break" or be buggy. This isn't anyone's fault, and isn't a scam. However, instead of trying to continue trading, this problem can always be solved by having both people re-log. This is much easier, as well as much safer than a drop trade.
3. If you feel that you may be in danger of being scammed in this way, ask the trader why you can't just re-log. If they get uneasy or come up with excuses, they're probably a scammer.

Explanation: This scam involves the scammer "borrowing" an item of yours and not returning it.
Target: This can be targeted towards many people, but often it happens in loose, careless societies.
Modus Operandi: The scammer will ask if he/she can borrow an item of yours. They say that they will return it and will repair any damage that is done to it etc. To make a long story short, they don't return it.
Consequences: You lose any number of items, of assorted values.
Possible Solutions: Don't lend people items of yours unless you know them very well. If you are going to lend them items, try lending them small, cheap items before lending them that mod merc Wink. Also, make sure the person you are lending to is on your friends list.
Loss Range: 1.5-1000 ped (1.5 being a n00b "borrowing" a Jester)
Threat Level: **/***, but sometimes *(If you lend a n00b a Jester), and even ****(If you lend someone that Mod Merc)
Other:1. This scam is often performed in large, loose societies. The scammer will join the soc and then ask you (a soc member) to borrow an item. Most people trust people in their society at least a little more than just some random person.
2. If they get away with the scam and won't return your item you should A. file a support case with MA, and
B. PM them a million times asking where's my item , where's my item, can i have my item, until you drive them insane, at least it's some payback. Twisted Evil
3. Sometimes this is not so much of a scam, but a n00b who really wants a gun and says they'll give it back when they're done...uh huh...yeah right.

Explanation: You give an item of yours to someone who claims they will repair it for free, but you never get it back.
Target: Mostly aimed at, but not limited to poorer people who have less money to spend on repairs themselves.
Modus Operandi: The scammer will sometimes advertise publically, or come up and personally chat or trade with you. They will say that they are being nice and are repairing items for free. They ask you to give you an item, and they will repair it and give it back to you fully repaired. However, once you give them the item, they quickly leave, and often log out.
Consequences: You lose any number of items, of any number of values.
Possible Solutions: Don't give people stuff for them to repair unless you really trust them. If you really want to try, just give them something that's not very valuable first. You can also file a support claim with MA.
Loss Range: 5-100
Threat Level: **/*** medium. Though unlikely, it the loss could possibly exceed 100.
Other: Don't be easily fooled by this type of scammer. Even if they look or sound nice. A person I know got repair scammed because he figured that a person in full vigi and with a nice gun wouldn't bother to rip him off of 10 ped.....he was wrong.

Explanation:A middleman or hired trader of yours takes your items but doesn't pay you back.
Target:Just about anyone who has items, but not the time or effort to sell them.
Modus Operandi: Hired traders or middlemen are valuable assets to major traders. The trader gives them any number of items to sell. Once the middleman sells them, they give a set amount of money back to the trader and whatever else they make is profit. However, sometimes scammer middlemen, simply won't pay back the trader who hired them.
Consequences: You could lose any number of items
Possible Solutions: If you are hiring a middleman, check to see if they're reputable, talk with them alot before risking your items, and start them off on items that aren't worth too much. Or you could always just sell the stuff yourself Smile
Loss Range: 20-5000
Threat Level: ***/**** high. These scams are dangerous and often hard to detect (see other)
Other:1. Just to clarify to excess, middlemen are not all scammers, many of them are regular reputable traders, I'm just saying that some of them are scammers and should be avoided.
2. These scams can often be difficult to detect. Sometimes the scammer will sell your items for you and give you back what you asked for. They will continue to do this, as you give them more and more valuable items. Then suddenly without warning, they can take 100s, even 1000s of peds in item value away from you and never return.

Explanation: This scam involves the stealing of skill chips under the guise of a skill transfer.
Target: The main target of this scam will be someone who isn't a n00b, clearly has money that they're willing to spend, and most importantly, is looking to buy skills.
Modus Operandi:The scammer will seek out the "victim", being someone who wants to buy skills in a certain area. The scammer says that they have tons of levels in the desired skill that they are willing to sell. The scammer usually includes something too good to be true, such as VERY low prices, free service, etc. The scammer says that their deal is avaliable, all the "victim" needs to do is to bring them a generic skill chip to load the skills onto. However, when the item is given, the scammer flees, logs out, or finds some way to simply run away with the chip.
Consequences: The main (and really the only) consequence of this scam is that you lose a skill chip. Although the market is offering lower and lower prices on these, they are still worth a significant amount.
Possible Solutions: Be very cautious when initiating these skill transfers. Try to know the person a little beforehand. One discussed or initiated on Entropia Pioneers might be a safer bet. Another safe bet is scanning (see "other"). If scammed, file a report. Most of the solutions are standards ones that can be found in the next section: General Advice.
Loss Range: 100-300(when they were worth that much Smile )
Threat Level: **/*** medium (depending on how much 200ish ped is worth to you)
Other:1. A good way to avoid at least some instances of this scam is to scan. Yes scan to avoid a scam. Though not always the case, this scam is sometimes used by n00bs or relatively new players. By using a scanner, you can see the professional ranking of the scammer. If they claim to have many skills in a certain area, but their ranking is "newcomer", they are most likely a scammer. You should ask them about this and tell them to show the ranking that reflects their "true" skills. If they become uneasy, or refuse to comply, they are almost certainly a scammer. Also, this is especially effective because you can get the TT scanner for only 12 ped, but it could save you hundreds.
2. I have been informed that some scammers attempt to sell you a "genetic" chip, not a "generic" chip, hoping that you aren't reading carefully. Avoid this variation as well; make sure you read the item name...really read it Smile

General Advice
-If you don't trust your gut, don't do it. Over time, you will develop a natural idea of if someone is a scammer.
-Be cautious and don't jump at a deal that seems too good to be true.
-Be sure to thoroughly question anyone who is performing any of the actions listed in the above sections to determine if they are a scammer. If they are not, they probably won't mind you asking questions and verification. However, if they are a scammer, they might become uneasy or flustered if you ask certain questions.
-Don't be fooled by appearences or motives. Some of the most effective and deadly scammers are far from n00bs. Sometimes victims are fooled because the scammer has an expensive gun and/or armor. Just because someone has 5000 ped doesn't mean that they're not low enough to scam you out of 5.
-Another common pull of a scammer is that they're "About to leave PE and I'm feeling really nice and generous."
-In terms of retribution, if the scam is any kind of scam involving the trading of items from one person to another, add the other person to your friends list. That way, you can remember them if they scammed you, and you can flame pm them every second to drive them insane. It's at least some payback.
-Perhaps most importantly: FILE A SUPPORT CASE. You may not get your lost item/money back, but the scammer is likely to be locked. It's helpful to have a screenshot program so that you can take a screenshot of both the scammer, their name, the time of the scam, and the items stolen.
-Just like for saving the enviroment Smile , there are 3 Rs of avoiding or dealing with scams:
Read this guide, and look out for scams you might have fallen for
Remember the scams, and especially how to avoid them
Report the scammer, even if you don't get an item back, do it for the good of the community

For the help of the community, as well as this guide, I would appreciate if you inform me of any scams that happened to you, especially if they are different than the specific ones described in this guide. Hopefully I can use this information to improve the guide, and better inform the community of new scams. You can contact me by Private Messaging through Entropia Pioneers.

Thanks for reading my short anti-Scam guide. I hope you find it informative and helpful. Hopefully, it will assist you in preventing all types of scams, both minor and major, from happening to you.

Suggestions, revisions, and pointed out typos are all welcome-Posted in thread is ok
Instances of scams that would benefit this guide are welcome-I'd prefer this in a Private Message rather than in a post
Flaming is not welcome. Smile

Coming Soon: 1. I may move the tt scam list to a separate page with a hyperlink for considation purposes


To see the original post and posts
My Guide :)

Ok this is a first draft, please provide feedback as my scam prevention guide is only my opinion. I would like to hear any of your hints or tips you feel I have missed :)

Most games involve cheaters who will lie or cheat to get an advantage over others and these cheaters are unfortunately a part of PE life. There are various methods tips and hints to help prevent scammin these are just a few of my ideas

Because PE uses a real cash economy you are susceptible to scammers. These scammers will try to get items or PED/PEC for free from you the problem is new comers and even older more reputable avatars have been scammed and lost out because of this.

This guide aims to provide a few tips and hints to help prevent you from being scammed so if you reading this let others know about it or spread the word and help make PE an uncomfortable place for scammers 

General Tips
1. Scammers will can sometimes clear the trade window at the last second so always, ALWAYS check the confirmation window this is your last chance to view the trade if the items have been cleared you will see they have offered nothing. Then you can just cancel the deal 

2. Take screenshots if you think you are being scammed these can help assist in proving that you were scammed (GrabClipSave is a great program for taking screen stills)

3. Report it to MA (using support cases) you can include links to images aswell these will help. You may not get your item back but you will help in the process of getting the scammer banned. There seems to be a 3/4 strike system in place to remove scammers (Not sure about this though)
a. Warning
b. Final Warning
c. Temporary avatar and IP ban
d. Full avatar and IP ban

4. Scammers may use separate accounts from the same computer MA can detect this so it is IMPORTANT to report scammers. To help show MA multiple scammer accounts. You may not get your item back but by reporting you help remove the scammer to prevent it happening again.

5. If the scammer is a member of a soc inform the soc leader most societies don’t want scammers in their societies, get them booted

6. If someone is scamming on your screen SHOUT out, get there attention (walk in front of them while they are in trade this normally gets their attention) let everyone know if they are a scammer.

7. Never drop items on the ground unless you are willing to LOSE them. If you have problems with the trade window re-log and get the trader to do the same. If they wont re-log or say it still does not work WALK AWAY.

8. Always make sure they have insurance don’t hand over items for nothing. If you are offered a great deal it may be genuine but they should be prepared to give some sort of insurance.

9. If a deal sounds to good to be true it normally is. Repairing items for free, giving empty implants for cheap skill transplants.

10. Ask for referrals from other avatars ppl that can vouch for them. Well known avatars vouching are much better then a list of ppl you may never have heard of (Again they may be legit and just giving you names that you don’t know but be careful)

11. Use scanners when dealing with skills the higher the skills the less chance of being a scammer ( This is not always the case but many scammers will not use their good avatar for scamming they use a newer avatar and scammers with multiple accounts will often have multiple low skills avatars.)This is not to say ppl with low skill lvls are scammers. If a scammer was to use a highly skilled avatar they risk losing their avatar and all their items, skills everything ;)

12. Know the market price of an item before selling it look about ask questions. One of the biggest scams for new comers is the mis-understanding of the trade terminal values and end up being heavily underpaid for items and not even knowing it. So if you see someone offering to buy for very low price let everyone there know they can get more money if they hold on to it and maybe the price an example would be of sweat someone at Camp Phoenix was trying to buy sweat at 1pec per bottle now since 7.4 sweat is selling at over 2pec per bottle (I have seen 2.5max) 1 pec is well under priced. So I shouted out SWEAT SELLS FOR 2.0-2.5 DON’T SELL FOR LESS. You get the idea, I have heard of rumours of new comers being scammed out of shadow armour this way.

13. Ask questions find out how long they have been playing if you can use a scanner to confirm scammers will sometimes say they have been playing longer then their stats suggest. Be Cautious

14. If something seems to low or high ask the audience  many other ppl will be happy to help confirm or deny.

15. Sometime it can be worth adding the trader as a friend not always needed on small purchases but if they are legit and a regular trader it can be useful to be able to get hold of items again or if you are scammed see when they are online

Ok this is only a first draft any mistakes or missing information let me know and I will make some changes. Any thoughts or changes on it are more then welcome as I want to try and help prevent scamming from occurring in PE so let others know about this guide  or just tell them the relevant stuff.

For types of scams and more advice about what to do see ‘Sharpshot’s anti scam guide’ can be accesessed from the post above including the original guide

Scamming, Together We Will Stop It :handgun: :sniper: :cussing: :whip:

Regards and hope this helps
Rotten Ice