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  • You are a very good man bags, I too value your friendship and effort over the year. Merry Christmas and a fantastic new year.
    Hey Bags :)
    Thanks a lot, I wish merry Xmas and New Year to you too.
    I`m more proud to have you on my FL :)
    All the best in 2009 mate !!! ;)
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years to you too bagman! Have a happy and safe holiday and ill see you in game.
    Merry Christmas to you Mr Bagman :) Looking forward to catching up in the new year...

    All the best

    Merry Christmas!!!
    Best wishes and luck for 2009.
    Hope you have a wonderful time with friends and family.

    All the best

    The Team @ SFE
    Cheers mate Merry christmas ,

    May all the happiness be with u and your family all along, and for the happy new year coming.
    Cheers Bags - Merry Christmas to you to - glad to help out anytime. Hope you have a great '09 and i'll catch you in-game with some '09 projects. Enjoy.
    Hey Bags thanks for the Christmas wishes. All the best to you and family too and may 2010 bring you everything you hope for and more.
    Thanks for the very nice msg mate ;)
    All the best to you and your family mate,Hope you have a great one.

    Strap in for ' could get bumpy :D
    Merry Christmas my dear Bags! :hug:
    Merry Xmas mate from all of us including my family, kin contacts and GA :)
    Hi Bagman,
    im so so sorry that i could not be online the last 2 months.
    The one day my internet connection was gone an my provider did not manage to put it up until today.
    I wish you very nice christmas days.
    Hope to see you again soon.
    Yours Lara
    Hey man,

    Best way to get the vids to me is just email them to, and then maybe a dummy email after with the subject "the last email I sent you was called blah" so I know to look for it or tell you it didn't work or whatever... (just in case size gets it).

    Thanks for getting back to me mate!

    As for Bearlover, we're already in talks with him - I'm really liking what he's getting up to.
    Hi Mate,

    Sorry, been away for a while due to work and stuff. I am good... how are you doing?

    It is Sunny like the Sunny Coast here...on the Gold Coast LMAO :)
    Hi Mate,

    Hope all is well :)

    Your doing some great work here on EF in bringing the aussies together. :thumbup:

    Roaming around the forums as usual each day while I work on some other non EU based research projects as time allows :)

    Sup Bags! Hope you pulled up ok mate. Enjoy your weekend with the family and don't work hard bro. Such a blast meeting you all. So hope they do it again next year and you guys can come back. :D

    Will have to think long and hard about what joke we can nail you with :D:D

    Need to catch up with you in world at some point too.
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