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  • OMG ... now I have to go make me one of those, and it's 2am here ... I'll NEVER sleep tonight. Thank you my dear, MUCH appreciated. DAMN that looks good ... only because I know how delicious they are! ;)
    Hey Buck ... your question is something you might want to post in the open forum area so the majority of the community can see it. I haven't been ingame today, so not sure what the deal is. Sorry I couldn't be more help. :)
    Is the game off line for maintenance or upgrades? If not - any ideas why I might be getting this message when I am trying to log in? Thanks!
    To MD ... yup, had to stay true to my fav color, but didn't want it to be TOO overpowering. That's why I went out looking for the background pics to give it another dimension and make it fun. Wanted to keep it space-like, while providing something a little easier on the yes. I have a challenge with the really bright profiles without my shades too! :eyecrazy: We definitely have some major talent in this community, and these profiles were an awesome feature to implement. It's fun to interact more without creating a full-on thread, or doing a gazillion PM's. :silly2:

    To Moonie ... glad you like the space, and once you completed yours, I really like it a lot. I see you kept the space theme too, along with being true to the Blood Moon colors of black and red ... it totally ROCKS!! ;)
    I was expecting to come away blinded by an explosion of purpleness, but am pleasantly surprised to see it's all worked exceedingly well.
    Nice job MindStar :)
    Now, where's my sunglasses? I'm off to look at the pink sites next...
    To Ogi ... welcome to my purple inner sanctum. And ya, when I ran across the pic of the EGG adrift in a purple sea, I couldn't resist having a little fun with it. :silly2:

    To Wild Bill (RR1) ... glad you like this purple space, thanks. :D And perhaps after I finish finals week with my students we can connect and maybe come up with something cool for your profile area ... that's if you haven't already mastered something cool. ;)

    I feel it my duty to let you know that I discovered the EGG adrift in a sea of purple ...

    gold luster.  NOW ... I wonder what's going to become of it. :rolleyes:  Even if there's a possibility it turns purple, I'll wait till MA takes my breath away before I hold it (my breath that is)! :silly2:
    WOW 9 this looks Sweet I need help getting my page to look so kick ass
    Oh ya, Virgos RULE :laugh: ... (there may be some exceptions though). :smash: And yup, that's my man in the moon (aka Moonie), and he's been smiling since the day we met (7/15/05), so it's ALL good. :silly2:

    Wait ...
    Some real improvements... since my last visit here luv! You even got this fella smiling! ;) Keep up the good work sister, I reckon purple will get you there eventually! :)


    //jim (fellow virgo ;) )
    ... aww purple is already taken ... back to the drawing board :D

    (jk ;) purple is you...)
    Hey D-Low ... nice of you to stop by to say hello. You might want to use a different text color though, because the blue is not easily read over the dark background. :)
    Hey Simon ... welcome to my purple place. Out in the wild indeed, and that's right where my purple self will be over the 7-week break I have from teaching after I give my students their finals this week. :wtg: I'm going to finish the "Bar Brawl II" and "Capital Crafting Contest II" videos first, then I have a CND event in mind, along with some filming there for a video, and then back to Calypso for some other cool stuff, so I'm really looking forward to it. Oh, and I will be adding more to the Entropia Gateway EU Blog as well. :D

    I'm about to get busy ... and where else can busy mean SO much fun than in our virtual world ... it's an amazing playground. So, catch you out in the wild for sure Simon, because I WILL be at your future events ... thanks also for joining ours when you can. ;)

    To TOAST ... you n00b indeed! :laugh: Hey, no problem dear heart, Moonie did the same thing to my first post when he discovered his profile ... although, all the red he had in there at first made it feel like my eyes were bleeding! :silly2: I think this new profile system has made it an even more fun way for everyone to connect and enjoy our time at the forum. I love that 711 is constantly looking for new ways to enhance our experience ... this forum ROCKS. Ok, glad you got it sorted out, now I'll go back to your place and leave another love note for you. ;)
    Hi MS9! I'm such a noob at this, I deleted your message thinking it was just a "p.m." message. lol Love your page! Great job! :)
    Thx MS9!

    Yes I also have a passion for purple! It is the color of spiritual fullfillment, nobility, fantasy, and dreams; plus it is just plain pretty! Toss a little bit of yellow with it for a sharp contrast and you have a treat for the eyes!

    Your profile looks great btw, I love the astronomical background ;)
    hi MS, yes was a great party, i got quite excited, and there were many more good times than bad, still are, good luck with everything - your page looks great, Im still pondering on mine.. Always friends, take care, Moonfish
    These profiles are amazing ... we even get treats (thx for the cookie Jorael) :D ... and toys ... yes, "whips" are toys :silly2: ... but I'm still waiting for the purple one from Marco ... even though he knows he'll be the first one I use it on. :laugh: You aren't laughing, are you Marco? ... I WILL get it past security! :nana:

    To Johned ... I can imagine you do my dear, and that's some sexy hardware you got up in there! ;)
    Thanks for the comment - I know the routine at the airport than most of the TSA folks.
    To mjukis (Stoikow) ... I'm really going to give that some thought my friend, because I remember back when it was first done and how much fun it was to watch you and others battle it out to get a global in each of the 20 domes at CND in the shortest period of time ... AND, I enjoyed writing the soap opera story with regard to the activities. :D This might be a "mining event only" that I produce, so stay tuned. I've already told ND that I'd like to do another event, so that very well could be on the horizon. :wtg:

    To Dex ... oh SURE, bring your wacky monkeys to MY profile to make MY visitors dizzy. :rolleyes: Oh, and somehow your cure for dizziness escapes my logic! :scratch2: You are a total nutbar, and I think it is YOU who need to be medicated. ;) (total fun ... thanks) :silly2:
    Yea that'd be fun. Haven't mined in a long time now though so I'm a bit rusty. But if there is one I'll be there of course.
    Yes, I'm sure "T" ... my brother keeps me posted with regard to the crazy-ass weather you guys have been having up there. This Winter sure has been an unusually long one ... for you guys anyway! :silly2:
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