Recent content by Shimus

  1. Shimus

    The Styling Stitcher

    What do you guys prefer to do "Crafting Wise" I mean, such as eletrical to parts. I'm gathering feedback for some diagrams im doing. I already posted in mining/hunting with other questions for my survey, so if you can leave me as much feedback as'd be great.
  2. Shimus

    Curiosity: Hunting types

    What guns and methods do you swear by? Meleeing? Sniping? What's your poison? Hit me back to chat, and btw, I swear by meleeing but it's super costly in repairs, guns is okay, and ammo is cheaper, but I like womping on something and then when it's low, run it around and snipe it. Fun =)
  3. Shimus

    Curiosity: EnMatter vs Ore

    Just curious which mining you guys swear by, and if you're trying to switch, etc. I've only just done ore mining, but EnMatter looks cool, and very tempting. Any feedback is great, thanks.
  4. Shimus

    Mining on logical locations: Urban Legend?

    I also <just yesterday> only had 1.35 PED, so I decided, what the hell, I missed mining. So I grabbed a 1 PED bomb, went out to where someone I know HoF'ed and I dropped one bomb, not expecting a return, and I hit a modest lyst deposit for 5.39 PED <in ores>. Not too shabby, a 439% increase in...
  5. Shimus

    TTs of a full set of Rascal/Pixie/Gremlin

    As I'm new, I know that suits go for TT+ But I'm wondering just how much TT is. Like I see TT+Soandso, but I never really know the base value. If someone can hit me back with the aforementioned prices, albeit through Posting or PMs, let me know =)
  6. Shimus

    Snarg Alpha Spotted!!!!

    I've seen them too I've ran all over hell and back, and I assure you, there ARE all types of levels on all different creatures. Hell, I've died enough to know them by first and last name. You know, when they hit you, "SNARG WHATEVER" does somuch damage. So yes, not only Snargs, but i've seen...
  7. Shimus

    The person below me.....

    Amen! you know it. I'd certainly retire!! TPBM is stark naked.
  8. Shimus

    To Quest or not to "Quest."

    I am sorry if this thread is somewhere else, in a distant form, so please be nice and don't flame me :P I was thinking if PE's interaction was more immersive then just "diving" in headfirst, it would be more rewarding. So here's a couple of "Ideas" although would be nice to be heard out, have...
  9. Shimus

    32k ped... whats to be done?

    WELL duh! Obviously this was meant as a way for PE to say, "PARTY-TIME!" Do whatever you want, host a party, meet some faces, <maybe even gamble! <GASP!>> or any other vices! Well As I Said PAAAARRRTTTYYY! :laugh: But really, do what makes you feel happy so...
  10. Shimus

    Prettiest spot in Calypso?

    Defin. Near Fort Zeus The blue combined with the soothing music, makes it superbly excellent in my opinion. Listening to this music under the influence of marijuana while running over blue's so surreal!
  11. Shimus

    Mining on logical locations: Urban Legend?

    So I was mining, and it appeared to me, on more logical locations, that mining on hills seemed to hit more often then on flat spaces. I wonder if there is any credibility to this? If I'm just daydreaming? I don't know. Urban Legends avast ye!
  12. Shimus

    How often do you dream about PE?

    I dream about PE and daydream about PE more and more since I'm addicting to it. I dream about areas to hunt, ways to make profit, different business venues, gambling, and whatnot. But yes. It's hard to keep your mind off PE when you're addicted like me! And more of us, I'm sure, we entropians!
  13. Shimus

    Statisticals vs Grouping and Soloing

    Wrong. Totalling profit is factored in when the loot is sold for TT or TT+ if it's plausible. Which means we all profit <because I trust all the members I hunt with to do the right thing> And if I couldn't, I be wary, but my friends and I hunt quite often. So the answer to your question is no...
  14. Shimus

    Calypso n00b school

    The Idea of a "Newbie School" Is totally appealing and a very plausible business idea. Just have like a rate of maybe 2 PED or less a week for tuition, and if you have many students, that'll cover the cost of ammo/repair money if you need to dole out while teaching them Being a new person to...
  15. Shimus

    The Economical Entropian

    I'm just curious, everyone tells me if I "want to craft anything" I have to invest <donate> into it. Well I don't believe it. I believe if I try and try, I can earn the PEDs I need to invest. So I also gather raw materials like wool, hides, and ores on an occasional mine. I still believe with...