Calypso n00b school


Jun 13, 2005
SPU ¦ Smart Professionals United
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Larios Semai Niva
Wren wrote this in another thread:

I was bating around in my head about starting the offical Calypso nuba school.
Like a Calypso vocational school. (unoffical mentoring)

How about the "Calypso Institute of Professional Studies".

We could have Professors and student. Hold classes and grad them.

Hell, I would even print of a Certificate of Graduation and Mail to them once the completed the course.

Anybody want to help develop a Curriculum?

I guess this is a pretty cool idea and I think this should be further developed...

It would be usefull to have some kind of School n00bs can join. The different levels of the society could be levels of graduation ... The top people in the soc could be the Mentors and PhD holders if you will. So you start of with basic lessons for a group of people in your soc and then you give them a group teaching. If that works you can then propote them to a higher class once they have reachead a basic level and so on ...

I guess this would be a good idea for a proper introduction to the game for N00bs ...

Upon graduation they could either become a Mentor or Professor themselves or they could just leave and join other societies.

What do you think ?
Great ideas.

/Kjetil :cool:
My ideas so far for classes.


The Calypso Environment:
How move around in the game.

So you don't want to deposit eh?:
The life of the non-depositor

Sweating 101:
How to get that sweet sweat goo.

Dug collecting and frut gather:
It is easier then sweating and much more boring.

To Hunt or not to Hunt:
Hunting basics

Mining 101:
How to blow stuff up

Crafting 101:
How to build stuff.


How the market is made:
Describing the calypso economy.

Well i hear often participants who just joined PE are called Noobs.

The word Noob means a person who is longer in game but still act like a newcommer and is stupid, annoying or acting in a destructive manner in some way.

Newcommer is not Noob :wise:

Just wanted to remind about this :tongue2:


People general use noob to mean people who act annoying, gay and can't play the game. This is to my best knowledge.

I like this idea but people would have to pay for lessons to get people to teach them. I would happily be your accountant/treasurer I charge 10ped/hour and can work out big sums!

We need an enforced uniform so every-one knows who the school are, I suggest full green with blue jackets for any-one not learning (People must provide thier own kit). We need a starting kit for out players, full pixie a man mph and a jester d3, only nessecary for pupils studying hunting.

I think using somewhere like a one of deathifiers houses would be good. Just get him to open one to the public then when we have the money we buy it. Teachers need 1k in thier main proffesional skill and full rascal mb nem. I think this could work well.
slightly off topic but still;

noob is an offensive term in many games, although seemingly not in PE, which is quite odd, but well, that's PE. ;)

newb is short for newbie, both of which are the only unoffensive terms for a new player.

noob, n00b etc... are all offensive, and can be applied to a player that's annoying, obnoxious, a pain in the ass, you get the point. Although most often used in conjunction with players who have recently started, it can still be applied to players who know the game, since it describes behaviour and the such instead of skill level and experience.

Just wanted to clear that up :dunce:
Well first of all n00b here is not meant to be a negative word, it means newbie that's all ...

Secondly, well I assume you could charge people for it but I don't think charging large sums for this is a good idea ... well there are 2 ways to go here.

1) make it a paying university for everyone, that could be a business concept for people who are beyond noob status as well but who would like to have some guidance in the game. That could include group trips to dangerous areas of Calypso...

2) make it a complete n00b offer out of pure ideology, just collect people off the arrival and invite them to join. Teachers could still be compensated for instance when doing group hunts, Items go to the teacher or similar ...
You could just make poeple join the soc right away, I guarantee you, if the teaching is good, people will come back. Once you realise people come more regularely you can move them up one grid in the soc ... I realise this will make the soc fairly big with time ... but also a lot of dropouts.

I guess I prefer the 2nd option. Although option one might well work ( I think it will) but ultimately option 2 will be more rewarding for the game. It can be fun to meet loads of new people and teach them... I could also imagine many people would stay in the soc... Professors and Teachers don't necessarily have to be from the Soc. Teaching could take place in Teams, so someone from the Soc needs to gather a group, a team is set up and whoever holds the class can teach... might be interesting to get some uebers in to share some of their secrets for the top classes for instance ...

Hm... I am starting to like this idea ... ;)
I honestly think the best model for this school is a combination of Pay and Free education.

We offer basic education free of charge.
They get a certificate of graduation. *look at it like Highschool/primary school*

We then offer advanced education. *look at this like uni/college*

I would like to offer the noob kits mentioned in another thread.
We would then have to make them register/ to kut down on scammers.

I think I want to be Dean.
gurkha said:
^^ dammit!

it's newb not n00b you noob!

noob , n00b and newb are the same thing.... you nub....

Ajack, that'd be wonderful but no-one would go for the advanced training. If you did free basic training you'd have to work it so you give them all the equipment ammo etc but when you went hunting the team was setup so the leader got everything. You have to trust them to hunt with you or just give them very little ammo.

I would be willing to be a test subject where i will accept ammo and give you all the loot.
The idea of advanced education ingame sounds good, if some one came up with a good way for it to work i would defanatly invest some of my peds into expanding the educational facilities(if thats the right word to use :laugh: )

Offtopic: newb,noob,n00b,nub??? what ever floats your boat :laugh:

Hey I would like to know where this school is located and if there are any costs involved in this for the participant of the school. Even if I am a newbie to you ingame, could I give some opinions. PLEASE read it carefuly.

Well I find this a great Idea of starting a school, makes me want to leave my non caring mentor right away.
I think that anyone that comes into the game will not have a clue how to start because there are many options to do that but what for those who don't have any money to deposit and are bloke and need to earn it with some hard earned sweating first. These basic things could be teached as a basic class with no cost, showing them the ins and outs of the game and how to make the first basic of money.

When they know that, classes could go onto a practical enviroment that involve sweat collecting, fruit harvesting, minning, etc. yet being suported by the profesors and teachers of the school in terms of defense and companionship. The schoolars gain in skill in a bit safer enviroment. Yet now hear the trick.

The basic here is trading too, which could be enacted after gathering materials. Tips given by the teachers and profesors could better that. And now the 5-10% tax comes into revenue for schoolaring help, like a overstandard fee. I would hold to 5% though, but hey, it's your school.

OR a more equivalent option would be, that 5-10% of the gathered materials and goods would be given to the school from each person after the practical lessons and you could use to make things or even sell them for the needs of the school.

Standard issue uniforms for the school should be the basic clothes that one gets at the start of the game, already showing he is new and needs help. Why toiler off the money for getting uniforms for each student? Unless you want to make a higher tax, which surely would repulse of new students.

The taxes shown could be altered when funds are needed or the market gets on a high rate. That's why I said 5-10% overstandard fund. This would be your basic funding for learning materials, like minning explosives or other harvesting tools.

The basic school program would look like this:

1.Movement and interface for those who never played a game of such caliber before.

2.The world around you and geography with places of interest and places that are dangerous to local travelers and basic pathways that would get the student in the least most danger possible. This would give the students some independence, and you won't need to loiter out escorts. Put a scouting expert in here.

3.Skills and how to make good use of them in basic tips, no advanced stuff here, just to show how it works particulary by theory.

-this one is NOT for those who have a rich daddy or are some business men with a great capitalistical company, because they could pay the 5-10% fee in an instant by reaching into their pockets. Yet they fend of a great learning oportunity.

The practical classes are mainly of showing how to gather sweat, fruits, mine, etc. with the deffense and observation of a profesor and 1-2 advandced schoolars who can give some aditional defense (mainly intended for sweat gathering classes).
This gives some practical learning on stuff and lets us newbies learn how to gain money.
I do think that the profesors though should give handy tips and tactics instead of loitering around. And a number should be defined on the materials to be gathered. That would then eliminate the question for lazy people who don't contribute to the practical lessons and so giving less to the 5-10% fee gain.

After this comes the 5-10% tax fee overstandard for schooling. I would rather give you this procent in materials, because surely you advanced players are able to sell it better with better contacts around the planet.

After this the student enters with a full basic diploma. The student can then choose to leave the institution to fight for his own OR do minor jobs for the school. It is like a "jedi" institution (sorry had nothing else to come up with).
The profesors would need a good contact to the people around the planet and make a buletin board for things to do and the student would not just gain in money, but skill.

The school should have advanced courses in things that need specialized staff. One thing under advandced would be hunting, which would cost as a course at 5-15 PED, but the price is yours to choose. Other courses would be like marketing, trading and bargaining, various advandced crafter courses, building, and other options which the student can choose.

If by your terms he is eligible for graduation, he gets a diploma and can after that, help the school with his newfound skills, go on his own, or even become a profesor of a institution himself.

I hope this helps.

interesting idea :)
A real nubcake's opinion

Being an extreme newb to this game myself, I like the school idea. I find meeting new people and learning the basic operations to be the hardest part of starting a new game for me. I logged in for the first time earlier this morning for about 30 min before I had to go to work, so I haven't had any time to familiarize myself with the game. All I saw was a few people trying to sell stuff and noticed that you start this game with absolutely nothing. If you haven't started the school yet, I would be happy to play the part of the guinea pig and be in the first class. Since I as of yet know next to nothing about this game, ANY help I get would be greatly appreciated. I also very much like the idea of the practical classes, teaching people about sweating, foraging, and mining. I would be very willing to give up some or all of what I find during these classes, for the chance to gain a few easy skills.
The Idea of a "Newbie School" Is totally appealing and a very plausible business idea. Just have like a rate of maybe 2 PED or less a week for tuition, and if you have many students, that'll cover the cost of ammo/repair money if you need to dole out while teaching them

Being a new person to game, but latching onto concepts fast has always been a knack of mine. So far, I've played since the friday before last, and already have 5 friends, a couple of which have helped me along the way with items they no longer need as I can't deposit any money <Broke, yah, I know, get a job you bum! But it's more then that, it's disability, and it only comes once a month>

And already, I have 300 in Longblades off a lent 1x0 axe, while this is not much, I managed to keep it repaired with the loot/hides I accumulate off the creatures.
Hunting is quite thrilling and crafting looks to be fun as well <as fun as pressing a button can be, I assure!>

But it still doesn't help the fact I'm new in many different areas of the game, like what drops what, what kills what, what armor is good, blah de blah blah.
So A school is quite a mentionable idea, and I'm sure "NEW PEOPLE" would flock to it as fish in the river to my floating body. Damn aggro fish!

But yes. If we can set this up, I'll openly participate, as my mentor currently only cares about me earning sweat so I can sell for PEDs so I can hunt. I know there is much more to the game then this.

Who Knows? We can call it E3: "The Entropian Educational Experience"

Never know. It can be done!
I had kinda put this idea on the back burner, but if you guys are interested in being the guinea pigs.

I would be happy to start the first class of the Calypso Institute of Professional Studies A.K.A C.I.P.S.

Maybe you can help me develop a curiculum completely.

I operate in GMT - 4.

PM me times you would like to meet up in-game. I should be available for most of this coming weekend.
I like to help out I have written a couple of guides and as I write this am currently working on a (n00b, newcommer, newb) website with all the information there all compiled without having to search too much

I wanted to be able to help newbs offline aswell as on and seing as we dont always play at the same time, if they cant access me through PE then they could MSN me or check the website out. Ill let you know when its finished and maybe I can adapt it to suit :)

So far I am liking the name "PE Mentor" what do you think :confused:

I even want to put some vid tutorials in there let me know your thoughts please

Regards Rotten ICE
Game is missing something for this to work

Mindark needs to make the economy more complex for this to work really well. Some kind of contract system built into the game strucutre would be ideal.. You could let a moneyless noob sign up for free if they sign something saying that a percentage of their gathered goods and ped would automatically tranfer to you, the teracher, for a set amount of game time. This would allow for many degrees of teaching to be possible, from intensive daily help, to one time instruction. The contracts would have to be enforcable at both ends, maybe through a rudimentary court that would allow the breaking of siad contract if the teacher failed to help. Basically look at the log, see if time was spent with the student, and if not give refund. It could be completely automated.
This would not just be good for the school idea, but for all aspects of the Calypso economy. Shit, why not also allow the creation of financial, interest bearing accounts, you name it...
Basically I want a more complex economy to allow for more stuff like the university.

This is a good idea.
I suppose it could be two or three schools and they can compete, something like colledge basketball league in kind of way. Each should have a special uniform.
All training should be divided in classes: Mining, hunting, trading, pvp, etc. All the loots, crafted items and made profit should go to the university. There should be exams for finishing the school. Class should be a group of people. Teacher gathers the group and does the training course it could be a densed 15-20minute course. Newb can attend the class as much as he wants until he is holding exam. Untill newb is a part of the school everything what he earns or loots goes for the school. Newb can choose whenever he wants to leave the school. If he graduates he can he can be rewarded with a PED's or other maybe special school item (gun, armor set or smth). If he decides to leave without exams he goes with nothing.
Teachers should be hired and baid for every class they hold. I gues this will be the right model for everyone to be happy

Yours trury,
A newb who is not able to acces PE somehow :(
Gaming University of Calypso

Hello everyone :)
Im very glad to see the PE comunity full of vibrant ideas on the topic me and my assistants have been into for months now.

The idea of ingame school is not new at all in the case u havent noticed...

Gaming University of Calypso has been founded a long time ago
It has been there for many generations of newcomers and is picking up speed quite quickly lately with a new staff of briliant assistants and a new website. We offer teaching for FREE because we like to teach and rather give some cheap (sometims even free) items to those promising students rather than charge them 5% or whatever ur ideas where :)

AJack10600 please check out the page i mentioned above :) maybe u will like our univerity organization described in "Soc Rules" and u will decide to join the Gaming University of Calypso :)

Also everyone who is interested in helping newcomers let me know :) we are looking for more skilled players to help out since we are only few now and cant take care of too many newcomers at once :)

We did a lot of thinking about organization of the society... so why not join us and benefit from that rather than start something from nothing and go through the same troubles we did and fall into similar traps...

Once again I invite all serious players willing to help in a university to contact me at or through a PM or in the game ;)

Ido Starlit Sunrider
WOW this is a very good idea :tiphat:
A few people have already taken the initiative to start schools...

Shop around and pick a school that is right for you.

*shameless plug*
Mataku said:
Well I find this a great Idea of starting a school, makes me want to leave my non caring mentor right away.

I agree. Schools sound great. Heck, i'll admit it. Im a newbie. I'd join!

EXCEPT: I think one should not have to change societies to be a part of it. Why should i have to leave mine? Just a thought. Thats the major reason I would NOT join the "Gaming University of Calypso".

Your right I think we should be able to join multiple socs that way you could mentor people but still be in your usual soc without having to leave it.

Wren I would love to join a school out there but need to make sure its the right one before I would dive head first, I plug COL whenever I meet people looking to join a soc (that is a newbie) ;) but Seeing as you aren't recruting for mentors or helpors yet I will have to wait for a bit :)

Id love to help out with the gaming university but dont want to leave my soc at the moment PM me if you would like some help. I would be more then happy to oblige

Be gd fun aswell maybe to organise a newb race, maybe even being two ways say from ithaca to troy or vice versa with to teams starting from each city :) They would have to meet somewhere in the middle :D. Could be fun

I know lots of these races are organised and this is not a first but I would be intrested insetting up a newb race so anyone else intrested in helping me let me know (or if your organising one already let me know)
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if anyone is interested , I run Noob school

noob is meant in an effectionate (sp) way not insulting btw.

I run classes and field trips for new players.

if you want to join just apply at soc terminal.
i'll let you know all about it from there.

also i do recruitment drives in atlas haven every now and then.
Yes leaving your soc to join GUoC is the biggest problem for most people and i understand it fully...

Why join to be a part of it you ask... well basicaly most of the teaching is done via Soc chat ... students can ask questions there nd any person who has enough knowlege can anwser... that is the quickest way of knowlege propagation... in the ideal a teacher would teach 2-3 people something and then they would spread the knowlege to those who were not currently online... its hard to organize classes for everyone since people from all over the world play and i mean all over like America Europe and Australia... ud have to stay online 24 h to meet everyone :p
So the best way to propagate knowlege is: talking a lot in society chat sometimes people listen even if they dont say anything stuff stays in their heds and some day they realize "hey i know that" and they can pass the knowlege to others... and writing Tutorials, which we do and post them on the website so everyone interested can readed it as many times as they like :)

Well we will be recruting students again after the 1st of december after we clear the soc from nonplaying characters... and we alway welcome people who would like to help as teachers or assistants :)
There's already a far bit of material floating around. I wrote an outline a few weeks ago for a beginning class.

It's here:

Along with a couple notes on logistics for a noob class:

RottenIce mentions his nicely written more fully fleshed out material fora noob class.

The Path of the Blade in the Sticky notes sections could be used as the basis for a blade class.

I haven't seen one on mining or crafting but I bet they're around.

I can help with the really fresh beginners. I've run a few sessions that came off pretty well.
there will be a mining tutorial on our website real soon... :)
lolz sounds like great fun and defiantely a good idea :) I am sure it will be alot of work, but i think you could attract a on of people!
mexxa said:

I like this idea but people would have to pay for lessons to get people to teach them. I would happily be your accountant/treasurer I charge 10ped/hour and can work out big sums!

We need an enforced uniform so every-one knows who the school are, I suggest full green with blue jackets for any-one not learning (People must provide thier own kit). We need a starting kit for out players, full pixie a man mph and a jester d3, only nessecary for pupils studying hunting.

I think using somewhere like a one of deathifiers houses would be good. Just get him to open one to the public then when we have the money we buy it. Teachers need 1k in thier main proffesional skill and full rascal mb nem. I think this could work well.

i do not like the idea of a newcomer going to pay maybe later like after the school thing but not realy cause i am a newcomer and do not like the idea of me paying i like the idea though and plus im not sure if i want to deposit i dont see the point realy and i feel non safe of MindArk cause of all that information you have to give i know im a bit (mabay alot okay i might be reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy parandoid but i cant help it). :wise: