Search results

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    Search engine failure?

    Anyone else noticed that the search function is really really bad nowadays? what happened?
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    Remove 95% of all auctioneers!

    Hello my suggestion is, as title says, to remove 95% of all auctioneers! I believe this will bring the community closer together inside the game and create alot more active hubs!
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    Question: Quick Crafting question

    Ok so I'm not a crafter, I do think its very interesting though. My question is; if I can build something with materials of 110% MU and then sell the product for 130% MU. Doesn't that mean that, in the long run, I will break even aslong as I get 80% TT back each run? (Is 80%~ return a dream or...
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    What happened with eco?

    Just came back and saw pretty much everything dropping in eco ( Mod Merc had 4.4 or so, korss had 4.1~~ and now it all dropped. Does this have to do with the tier thingy? I haven't quite understood that either (if anyone is willing to explain it...
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    Buying: Buying Omegaton A102

    - Bought one
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    Selling: Full Rascal (M)

    As title sais, I'm selling Full Rascal (M) TT+55! (TT is 53.82)
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    Price Check: Full Rascal (M)

    Hello, how much is full rascal (M) worth :)?
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    Confused, most economical?

    Ok I'm fairly new to the game even though I gave it a try a year or two ago, but my computer couldn't handle it. Back then I skilled rifle with a Jester-D1 but I know that Opalo is better now. Anyways, my question is. Isn't it more economical to use RepEdge2x0 than Opalo even with those a101...
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    700 PED short.

    Yah so.. I got roughly 300 PED and my computer which is 4 years old (some parts are 7 years old) is getting worse by the day ^^ Needless to say I can't enjoy Project Entropia anymore. So I sold of everything except some dung ^^ Ended up with 300 PED and I never realy understood how I was...
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    Extracting ores

    Uhm ok, I've tried mining a little.. Never got more than like 300 minerals in one deposit though.. So I'm curious.. Lets say I found an 1k PED Iron deposit or something.. How long would it time to extract that?
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    Could you guys tell me alittle about amps..? Which one is the absolute best? Which one is best if you only got like 100 PED to spend on it? Whats the difference between the different kinds of amps? Can you use amp on 1 gun and then take it of it and add it to another? Is the prices on it...
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    I'd like to hear your thoughts about the future of the pet market and pet prices. Although, I do not realy know what it costs for a pet tamer to tame a pet. But I'm rather sure that if you'd buy a pet now.. you'd earn on it when they're able to fight (and it IS most likely that they will be...
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    Trade Center

    I would realy love if we get a trade center... Looking something like this: Click to enlarge It should be like ... the auctioneer: In almost every town. You "log on" and choose what category you'd like to trade in and state your buissness, then someone might want to buy your goods and you...
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    Group hunting..?

    I've been trying to find some hunter partners for a couple of days now and haven't found a single one.. Except those who sais "I just ran out of ammo so give me PED and I'll hunt with you". So I'm asking here.. Where should I look for them?
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    Whats EFD :$?
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    Mature list..?

    Hi, could someone tell me the "ranks"..? Young Mature old and so on..?
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    Account, locked?

    Why is it locked :S? And how do I unluck it?
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    ALOT of questions

    Hi, I haven't started play but I will most likely do.. Questions: 1. What is sweating? How do I do it and where do I get to it? 2. Will I manage playing if I deposit $10? And what should I do with them to survive and get going with the game 3. You can actually withdraw PED from the game..? So...