Search results

  1. electriccastle

    Show us your Top 10 Hunting Loots

    Here is my list, i am most proud of Sabakuma Young 70 PED :yay: 137 PED Maffoid Bandit 12/8/2008 133 PED Atrox Mature 11/8/2008 112 PED Drone Generation 01 12/6/2008 105 PED Longu Guardian 11/29/2008 96 PED Drone Generation 03 8/31/2008 91 PED Longu Mature 3/27/2009 87 PED Drone...
  2. electriccastle

    Help: Is there a SIB for Evade?

    When i was about at your level, i skilled evade on Tantillion.
  3. electriccastle

    GenX000's The Sweat Price Is Right!

    Lisa Liza Electriccastle 36363
  4. electriccastle

    How long since your first ever login to EU/PE

    I am Lisa Liza Electriccastle and I landed on Calypso 18 may 2007. Entropiaforum account created Jul 2008, but i was reading the forum some time before I created my acount.
  5. electriccastle

    Change in Dodge Skill Gain?

    All this give dodge acording to entropedia: Attacker Bristlehog Cersumon Daspletor Defender Droka Drone Drone Communicator Drone Coordinator Globster Legionaire Lisa Liza Electriccastle ;) Oculus Spider Bomber Tantardion Tezlapod Thorifoid Trilomite Trooper TskTsk Warrior
  6. electriccastle

    Ukash planned maintenance

    unreachable for...
  7. electriccastle

    Achievement: Power Catalyst

    Unlocked Power Catalyst. :yay: Hunting and healing more with MF now when you can bye that ammo from TT. I am not used with that have been very inactive since vu 10.0 Click to enlarge
  8. Power Catalyst

    Power Catalyst

  9. electriccastle

    entropia forums - myminicity

    Population is 515, parks unlock. (Environment). To improve environment, lower Pollution, klick.
  10. electriccastle

    entropia forums - myminicity

    Population is 495. Only 5 more to unlock parks (Environment).
  11. electriccastle

    Challenge to community: Entropia Universe vote

    Voted, and repped privious voters!
  12. electriccastle

    Compiled help for issues or errors installing VU10.0 client

    thank you very much now the clientloader works! +rep
  13. electriccastle

    Sugestion: Armor Set bonuses

    Voted IF other. Not a bad idea with some bonus with full set. I like timmers idé + rep for that. Having a full set able to be equipped in one click. /Liza
  14. electriccastle

    Societies by Country

    Society: The 3-Toed Sloths Is International Many from Netherlands and also from for example: Australia, Canada, France, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
  15. electriccastle

    Health Poll

    Voted 131-140. + 1 Health yesterday so 131 from 2/8. :) Stats Highest Skill: 4892 Total Skills: 93340 Health: 131 Skill date: 02-08-2009
  16. electriccastle

    Question: A tricky one about chipping

    I doubt that you Coolnes actually contributing towards anything while it's red. You have to unlock it before it starts contribute towards HIT profession and HP.
  17. electriccastle

    Challenge to community: Entropia Universe vote

    Voted, now some + rep.
  18. electriccastle

    Question: What would you do wit 103k?

    Withdraw what I have deposited or 50%, depending on RL. Bye a Beacon mission and invite the soc to celebrate. Bye a house in game, the rest I'll bye a UL SIB weapon and ammo. Maybe the Isis LR48 with Omegaton A204. Hm, I'll also want to bye weapon I have low skills on like firestorm and...
  19. electriccastle

    Self scanning

    How about press K, to se your skills. ;) But then you don pay decay, maby best to self scan. :scratch2:
  20. electriccastle

    "Where on Calypso is Simon" - 071109

    Twin Peaks
  21. electriccastle

    Question: your globals in a day

    Voted 3-5 My personal best globals in one day is 3 so fare according to entropia tracker. Longu Mature 58 PED Friday, March 27, 2009 20:11 Longu Mature 58 PED Friday, March 27, 2009 19:31 Longu Mature 91 PED Friday, March 27, 2009 19:15 GL out there. Liza
  22. electriccastle

    What would you like to see stocked in booths and shops?

    Hi, I voted. L Rifles - Reply with which ones... why? 9 64.29% GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) GeoTrek AL22 Lupus (L) GeoTrek AL24 Scorpius (L) L Shortblades - Reply with which ones... why? 4 28.57% Kesmek Vass (L) L Longblades - Reply with which ones... why? 4 28.57% Rutic Kil (L) L...
  23. electriccastle

    What is your favorite item?

    One of my favorite item is my Jacket. Because it was little special how i got it, read below, and because its purpule witch is my favorite collor. Here is a old picture: Click to enlarge The Jacket was bought from auction in the middle of the night, had alarm watch waking me up to go in and...
  24. electriccastle

    Show your brute!?

    Now I also have a brute.
  25. electriccastle

    Win a Thousand EFD per day

    :yay: I run to your apartement and looked. :ahh: Thanks alot for the EFD. :) Click to enlarge