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  1. T

    Polite and nice übers

    Sloe is always very helpful for me and the rest of the soc!!
  2. T

    Pre Score Board Merry Mayhem 2011

    updated score i wanted to update my score to the correct score since somebody scored really close to me. when i originally posted my score I didn't quite know what the exact score was so just gave a score of 19.5k this is actually 19337 points, if we could please update that accordingly...
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    Pre Score Board Merry Mayhem 2011

    from what I remember I did about 19,5k points on feffs..
  4. T

    tier upgrade

    it would be nice to have the option of tier upgrade on VSE (sweat thing) and be able to get different kind of items on different kind of tier levels, with of course the appropriate enhancer on it. Just to give a nice twist to sweating and maybe somehow make it more profitable for new starters or...
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    Help: Can't Log in

    my loot was lagging and ped flow center kept showing a loading bar so i thought lets relog... time out as well server does show now that it is currently not available.. hoping that i'll be back up soon
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    Wave events schedule

    What time? At approx. What time will the sand king be there?? On my way home now and would like to be part of it :)
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    Client loader wont start

    just a quick update, i was reading some other threads about repairing EU and there it said something about running it as administrator, works apparently as well for updating.
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    Client loader wont start

    are there any other solutions already since i'm experiencing the same problem? I had it with the previous update as well and someone posted a link to download it manually which worked perfect. I tried to find the website (i could only read and for the rest a lot of...
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    How many Dutch people in EU?

    looking for active soc Uit harderwijk, woon nu 6 jaar in London...
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    don't know what to hunt

    thanks for the replies. I'm using EMT Kit Ek-2600 for healing. Plating wise I could either use plating mark 5b or 6a I liked the missionmatrix which I'll follow as well!!
  11. T

    don't know what to hunt

    hi people, atm i'm a bit tired of hunting atrox, levi and argos and i want a challenge.. i want a mob that i can kill fairly easy (please less health then levi) something that does the same damage as trox guardian.. any suggestions? i'm using isis lr53 and gremlin set armor ty