Search results

  1. S

    Challenge to community: Entropia Universe vote

    i voted for all the other games except the one you wanted me to :P
  2. S

    EF Competition: The Last Man Standing!!

    keep it going down ;)
  3. S

    Challenge to community: Entropia Universe vote

    i didn't vote ;)
  4. 14 -rep Bars

    14 -rep Bars

    - rep
  5. -4762 Rep

    -4762 Rep

  6. S

    Question: Whats the max number of red rep bars?

    woo hoo, thats my second incentive offer to get to - 10k, so thats 100ped and 5k efd so far, ill be rich by the time i get my red star lol. keep the -rep comming
  7. S

    Question: Whats the max number of red rep bars?

    woot im up to -4682 now just -5318 to go before i win 100 ped :yay:
  8. S

    Question: Whats the max number of red rep bars?

    wow there are some very powerful -reppers in here :yay: keep em comming 6 more bars to go? before i get a star?
  9. S

    Question: Whats the max number of red rep bars?

    just a little update -4252 and 13 red bars still
  10. S

    Show me yours, I’ll show you mine...

    dude you got rickets!
  11. S

    Question: Whats the max number of red rep bars?

    lol you should konw better mr senior member ;)
  12. S

    Question: Has anyone found the highest point in eu?

    1st post says you need a screen shot with coordinates to claim the prize!
  13. S

    Question: Whats the max number of red rep bars?

    thanks, for your continuing support with my quest for the red star. just a little update to say i am currently at -3741 rep with 13 red bars. start the speculation on when the next bar will be added.
  14. S

    Question: Whats the max number of red rep bars?

    what do yoy mean? would it be ok to bump up everyday or do you mean make a few posts updating -rep points and no of bars because i have just been updating the first post. thanks for you continued support and keep the -reps comming :yay:
  15. S

    Selling: Gulladr Shades (M)

    if you want to make them worth something buy as many sets as you can for cheap and start tt ing them. then when there are not enought to go around there will be more demand for them :laugh: also if you are thinking of -reping me please do...
  16. S

    Reputation Rankings & User Titles

    glad to be of assistance, - rep appriciated :yay:
  17. S

    Ban the Above User!

    banned for not -reping me to help with this:
  18. S

    Question: Whats the max number of red rep bars?

    i see you only have data up to the light red bars though! it is my aim to go beyond that :silly2:
  19. S

    Question: Whats the max number of red rep bars?

    that would be a disaster, after all the hard research im doing. hopefully that doesnt happen and i get my red star. :yay:
  20. S

    Happy Xzion-Loves-you-all-day!

    so is this gonna be every year?
  21. S

    Question: Whats the max number of red rep bars?

    yep that was a good 1 it got me from -1320 to -1380. need some more uber - reps from people with yellow stars. :yay:
  22. My - Rep

    My - Rep
