1292 ped hof from this...


Apr 27, 2007
Global Alliance
I removed my friguite too from auction, i said to myself, "why not, get some skills before I go poor again..."

I guess not, note my exceptional crappy QR too.

At the end of the run, 132k residue...
Woh! Gratz man :D :yay:

Yey, I'm first to gz u :D
Nice one .. Grats :yay:

Was your society mate referring to you, before the UberHof? If so
I think I need them to call MA names for me also ;)
It seems everyone in my soc hears me whine and bitch, and when I do it. Something good happens, lol.

Once I looted a 232 ped ESI, and was bitching that no one wanted it and was gonna flush ped down the toilet from auction fees. After I hit the enter key, from my bitching, it sold.

Another time, I was bitching about an absolute crap loots for a soc mate. Like magic, he hofs and big one. This has happens quite regularly...

Weird but true...
It seems everyone in my soc hears me whine and bitch, and when I do it. Something good happens, lol.

Once I looted a 232 ped ESI, and was bitching that no one wanted it and was gonna flush ped down the toilet from auction fees. After I hit the enter key, from my bitching, it sold.

Another time, I was bitching about an absolute crap loots for a soc mate. Like magic, he hofs and big one. This has happens quite regularly...

Weird but true...

I had the power one night, I wished a 3-4 day Avatar 'Good Luck' and
within a minute he got a 1.2K ped Daikaba. Later wished a society mate
'Good Luck' and he got a Uberhof within 5 minutes. I now am very leary
of wishing anyone Luck, especially since it hasn't worked for me yet :laugh:

I think society mates like when I complain about loots, it usually helps
their loots, MA loves me :laugh: Hmm new conspiracy theories maybe ;)
Gratz nice one :)
well done mate!!!:yay::yay: