Uber: 21K trox hof!!!!!!

Gefeliciflapstaart! Gratz man, that is great!
Will congratulate you in (virtual) person again next week when I'm back ;)
but.. IT WAS OURS!! YOU STOLE OURS!! GAHH!! xD just joking, but It was this one we were hunting for, lol
Hehe nice!
Caramell is the best ;P
Reminds me of a few months ago I was wearing my gremlin after a long run mineing from Billys and ended up at sweat camp.I was digging an oil claim and some jaggoff trained me with 5 combibos.Pulled the khorrs 400 out and started blasting.First one coughed up 2788 ped.I like trains now :yay: