ATH: 41537 Proteron Young

Huge gratz Skippie :wtg:
Nice HoF, big gratz Skippie!
Gz, man!
Lol, I remember someone commenting about this ATH you got yesterday few days ago.. :laugh:
Nice one, gratz mate.
Very nice loot Skippie! gratz on the almost certain winning spaceship loot!
lucky bastard :)
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Gratz... So when can I hitch a ride.. ;)

Big gratz on your mothership! Lucky guy, can't wait to see it!
Lucky devil, now you will rule the night skies !

Lucky devil, now you will rule the night skies ! :yup:

first hit made it, good job on this victory
83k atrox stalker hit 2hrs too late, but I don't think he'll be complaining too much.

gratz mate.

Largest Loot: 82,857 PED
Total Loot: 85,471 PED

That is luck.

(or fucked up programming)

Lol - a bit like the recent rush of Shink Young hofs over the last couple of days - 1 which was a first hunting global
im with you on the programming side ;)
Nice one Gratz :yay: