Achievement: 500 hp


Oct 24, 2013
Medusa Bazaar floor2, shop3
Avatar Name
Gaina "Messi91" Cristi

I am almost there.
The reason I've decided to post this was to collect some energy from our beloved community in order to reach one of the impossible goals which is in the same time on of my highest goals.

If you have something to say spill it here so I can recharge with more energy/ambition/determination.
Note that negative comments are very well appreciated.

Good luck !
another proof he is insane :p
If you have something to say spill it here so I can recharge with more energy/ambition/determination.

Give us the names of the people you hired to play your avatar 24/7, so we can congratulate them. :thumbup:

Note that negative comments are very well appreciated.

It's typical of narcissistic phsychotics.
They don't care if we talk about them for good or for bad, as long as we talk about them. :wise:

Good luck !

Good what ? :confused:
Congrats on 500 HP man, that's huge.
Gratz, that is a lot of time invested. Hope you had and have fun.

I wonder how much hp those demo avatars have they use at their conventions? with 20k in every skill and 200 in attributes?
I also wonder how much it would cost to have MA give you an ava with stats like that?
Only 500? That's like half of what an Atrox Young has...what a noob. :p
. Keep on skilling :)
Gratz! Is that the highest in-game? How much does DAN have?
Gratz Master Messi :)
Thats a nice achievement to share, only a hand full of people will ever reach that number. I wish you to preserve that spirit and drive to commit all this time and energy into entropia universe and hope you can enjoy this place for many more years to come and maybe add one or two another remarkable personal achivements to that list.

Next stop looter profession 100 ? :smoke:
Nice one ... you are hp # 3 now... and I think next achievement is for you to be #1 and than... unreachable.
Anyone can do that, with an unlimited ambition, determination, pleasure for the game, a clear understanding of Entropia mechanics. And last of all, and, more important, money and the time which none from this game didn't make it for hunt profession as u did.

The most concerning part is that MA seems to have no plans for players with such determination and involvement in game. There is no skill unlock, in order to make others to struggle to achieve high profession and unlock those skills. I bet many think that after level 100 is pointless to hunt anymore.
!I think MA are overwhelmed by this situation,! and I really want to know what they have to say regarding their strategy to keep higher level player involved in game regarding skills mechanics, cause in the current system they are focused only on new and medium players, and they don't realize that the high level players are a live example for the others when they look in the future to see how their avatar will look .
So..Messi,you are a big donkey, as the rest of other players above level 150 because MA doesn't care about high level players.