Achievement: 500K Skill all Natural & 14 years Spawniversary


Vampire Princess
Oct 19, 2007
Nova Scotia
Avatar Name
Kara RavenJade Summerwind
I had a goal this year of hitting 500k skill all natural before my spawniversary of August 31st. I met that goal thanks to hatchlings and 100% pills with a few days to spare. :)


I know that there are other avatars with far more impressive skills in a shorter amount of time played in EU... But I can't walk in their shoes I can only walk in mine.

I will (try) to give a brief little summery about my 14 years in Entropia. This is my story... thus far.

14 years ago I was dating a guy that was heavily into mmorpg's. I had never played one before.. I had only ever played nintendo games. (don't judge!) I really didn't understand the allure but one night I was watching a news program and they were doing a story on 4 different types of mmorpg games and Entropia was one of them. They were doing a story on Neverdie and how he bought the astroid and it fascinated me. So I downloaded the game..

I really was so wet behind the ears... I had no idea what I was doing. I have major anxiety issues in real life so I didn't want to ask questions and get laughed at or taken advantage of. So I read the forum alot and the version of the wiki that was available at the time.

I spent alot of my time on an island that used to be across from PA mall ... killing combibo's with my tt claw. One day an avatar by the name of Darth Skippie Boobie started talking to me as he was out there healing noobs. He asked why he always saw me there and did I really like combibo's that much? I sheepishly admitted that I was scared to leave the area because I wasn't sure if I would ever find my way back. I didn't want to get lost! so he said I needed to expand my horizons a bit and he offered to take me on a tp run. (yes back then we had to run and find our tps) He taught me the basics, fruit, dung etc along the way. He became my unoffical mentor and I will always have a smile on my face when I think of him.

Because of my love of vampires and all that goes with them I created the personna of being a vampire. With my anxiety it helped me to be something else... to step out of my timid shell and be fearless like I wish I could be irl. It may sound silly, but for me it's really helped. I love playing the vampire so much so I've had people say you know you're not really a vampire right?

I became much more social and when entropia radio stations were all the rage I became a dj... It took me forever to talk myself into applying. It was a big step for putting myself out there. I flourished playing the vampire on my show. I made friends, I felt a sense of community.

Through the radio stuff I went to 3 different real life entropia meetups/parties. I didn't think I could do it... I was freaking out in my head.. my anxiety nearly got the best of me.. but I did it..I had fun... I made some life long friends.. some that don't play the game any more but we're still in contact on a very regular basis.

In 2010 I entered the (at that time) yearly beauty contest Miss Calypso. I never thought I had a shot at winning, there were so many more fashionable avatars than silly old vampy me... but to my surprise I won first place and was crowned Miss Calypso. Though there a mixup with the prizes and my first prize sceptre was awarded to another player. I felt sad at my bad luck... and it was again my unoffical mentor Skippie that told me to make a support case and ask for my rightful prize. It took about a couple years or so but one day out of the blue a prize window popped up with my sceptre.

I started a youtube entropia channel so I could help others, or at least entertain them with my silliness. Because of my anxiety I have good waves and make videos on a regular basis, and then I get the not so good waves where my channel doesn't get updated for awhile. I really am working on my anxiety, but it's an uphill battle.

I wrote a parody song about being a noob in Entropia .

I discovered that I love owning shops and I love trying to give them that vampy touch.

I wanted to continue with my vampire legacy so when neverdie started selling player owned instances I asked him about making a custom one for me and to my delight he agreed...(money talks) I was able to rename the shop that I had bought (it was originally called the gastro pub) to the Vampire Tomb and thus my instance would be named that as well.

Of course during all of these things that I've done in game I shoot alot of stuff. Vampires are killers after all... So while most people just chalked me up to being a silly girl obsessed with vampires, I was out there constantly out shooting, and shooting and shooting. I know I'm still not really up there with the "big boy's" but I still want to hold my own. I still want to be the best that I can be within my budget and play style. I'm very proud that I've been able to get to 500K skill all naturally. Believe me it's so tempting to chip in sometimes. But I get a sick thrill out of doing it the hard way I suppose.

I could write a book about all the things I've done in game and what I'm proud of, what I'm not so proud of, but this is already gotten to long. Just know that while that boyfriend that I mentioned at the beginning of this story is long gone, my love affair with Entropia is ever lasting.

For fun I've included my parody song that I wrote (don't worry it's not me singing... your ears wont bleed)
and I recently stumbled on a video clip that someone made for one of my radio parties. It's not the best picture quality but it really captured the spirit of parties I used to host.

Than you for unveiling the Woman behind the Fangs :)
Awesome Raven, well done!
Huge gz Princess <3


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Well done RavenJade :yay:
Thank you for spicing up PE with your presence for so long now!
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Simply one of the greatest! Gratz and thanks for sharing.
Here is what I can tell when I read your story , you enjoy this game as much as I do and I can appreciate that.

Thank you for taking the time sharing.
Congratz, also awsome story.
I had a goal this year of hitting 500k skill all natural before my spawniversary of August 31st. I met that goal thanks to hatchlings and 100% pills with a few days to spare. :)


I know that there are other avatars with far more impressive skills in a shorter amount of time played in EU... But I can't walk in their shoes I can only walk in mine.

I will (try) to give a brief little summery about my 14 years in Entropia. This is my story... thus far.

14 years ago I was dating a guy that was heavily into mmorpg's. I had never played one before.. I had only ever played nintendo games. (don't judge!) I really didn't understand the allure but one night I was watching a news program and they were doing a story on 4 different types of mmorpg games and Entropia was one of them. They were doing a story on Neverdie and how he bought the astroid and it fascinated me. So I downloaded the game..

I really was so wet behind the ears... I had no idea what I was doing. I have major anxiety issues in real life so I didn't want to ask questions and get laughed at or taken advantage of. So I read the forum alot and the version of the wiki that was available at the time.

I spent alot of my time on an island that used to be across from PA mall ... killing combibo's with my tt claw. One day an avatar by the name of Darth Skippie Boobie started talking to me as he was out there healing noobs. He asked why he always saw me there and did I really like combibo's that much? I sheepishly admitted that I was scared to leave the area because I wasn't sure if I would ever find my way back. I didn't want to get lost! so he said I needed to expand my horizons a bit and he offered to take me on a tp run. (yes back then we had to run and find our tps) He taught me the basics, fruit, dung etc along the way. He became my unoffical mentor and I will always have a smile on my face when I think of him.

Because of my love of vampires and all that goes with them I created the personna of being a vampire. With my anxiety it helped me to be something else... to step out of my timid shell and be fearless like I wish I could be irl. It may sound silly, but for me it's really helped. I love playing the vampire so much so I've had people say you know you're not really a vampire right?

I became much more social and when entropia radio stations were all the rage I became a dj... It took me forever to talk myself into applying. It was a big step for putting myself out there. I flourished playing the vampire on my show. I made friends, I felt a sense of community.

Through the radio stuff I went to 3 different real life entropia meetups/parties. I didn't think I could do it... I was freaking out in my head.. my anxiety nearly got the best of me.. but I did it..I had fun... I made some life long friends.. some that don't play the game any more but we're still in contact on a very regular basis.

In 2010 I entered the (at that time) yearly beauty contest Miss Calypso. I never thought I had a shot at winning, there were so many more fashionable avatars than silly old vampy me... but to my surprise I won first place and was crowned Miss Calypso. Though there a mixup with the prizes and my first prize sceptre was awarded to another player. I felt sad at my bad luck... and it was again my unoffical mentor Skippie that told me to make a support case and ask for my rightful prize. It took about a couple years or so but one day out of the blue a prize window popped up with my sceptre.

I started a youtube entropia channel so I could help others, or at least entertain them with my silliness. Because of my anxiety I have good waves and make videos on a regular basis, and then I get the not so good waves where my channel doesn't get updated for awhile. I really am working on my anxiety, but it's an uphill battle.

I wrote a parody song about being a noob in Entropia .

I discovered that I love owning shops and I love trying to give them that vampy touch.

I wanted to continue with my vampire legacy so when neverdie started selling player owned instances I asked him about making a custom one for me and to my delight he agreed...(money talks) I was able to rename the shop that I had bought (it was originally called the gastro pub) to the Vampire Tomb and thus my instance would be named that as well.

Of course during all of these things that I've done in game I shoot alot of stuff. Vampires are killers after all... So while most people just chalked me up to being a silly girl obsessed with vampires, I was out there constantly out shooting, and shooting and shooting. I know I'm still not really up there with the "big boy's" but I still want to hold my own. I still want to be the best that I can be within my budget and play style. I'm very proud that I've been able to get to 500K skill all naturally. Believe me it's so tempting to chip in sometimes. But I get a sick thrill out of doing it the hard way I suppose.

I could write a book about all the things I've done in game and what I'm proud of, what I'm not so proud of, but this is already gotten to long. Just know that while that boyfriend that I mentioned at the beginning of this story is long gone, my love affair with Entropia is ever lasting.

For fun I've included my parody song that I wrote (don't worry it's not me singing... your ears wont bleed)
and I recently stumbled on a video clip that someone made for one of my radio parties. It's not the best picture quality but it really captured the spirit of parties I used to host.

Great story and gratz!!

Btw, ever happened to play Vampire the Masquerade?
A table top roleplaying game my friends and I played for over a decade!
We loved vampires as well!!

Interview with the vampire, still one of my favorite movies.

So, keep up your vampy looks!!! :vampire:

Loving it! :swoon:
I'm not far behind you 2010 partner :)
True Legends .... erh... vampires never die :D
Thank you for sharing and still being here
Gratz, great archievement you got there!
Loved reading your story. I also love vampires so understand the fascination and I also love EU. Huge congrats on your achievement :)
Thanks for Celebrating Spawniversary!
Gz on a great achievement 🍾