Uber: 534 Ped ESI/ ISI BL1300 Proteron

Nice Proteon :yay:
Big gratz!! :wtg:
Gratz awsome loot :yay:
Uber gratz Farmer, u really deserved this :D
Dude, that's awesome!
What are the tier speeds? Out of all the BL1300's I've looted, only one had tier speeds higher than like, mid twenties - although I've seen higher :).
COngratulations mate, that is a nice Proteron for sure. :D
congratz, nice lootwindow :D:D
:woot: Nice loot window there!

Uber gratz :yay::wtg::yay:
That's an uber alright :yay:
Congrats Farmer!!! Glad you got it.

Nice one gratz ;)
dairm nice one! gratz