ATH: 79k oa104 :D

Hahaha Very nice one mate :)
and i know you diserved it, and i hope you'll get some more of these :yay:
keep it up
regards Sine Fozz Metu :wtg:
Oy! Very nice! gg
Gratz! U should complain to MA u get bad loots lool
I'm more impressed by the quantity of materials ;D

Gratz for a nice ATH :cool:
Hehe, one thing to note! If you hit an ATH, don't stop to party! Keep pluggin' along til you're either out of money, can't move from the weight, or something breaks! :laugh:

THEN stop to party! :beerchug::dance::shots::tux:

yup i see that now if my time comes a quick change of shorts and back to hunting for the remainder of teh day i guess:ahh:
gratz but what supprised me was 5 minutes later you were back to getting globals i think i would have logged off and went and got drunk for a bit

Thx all :wtg: next a real mining one ? dream dreamm :>

btw, u cant stop crafting, ath or not, when u are in the middle of run with 300 item in inventory, otherwise, if u log off you get some problems after because when u relog u get half stuff missing and gotta lose time to storage amp etc for exemple till ressources and stuff apears so then u better keep going after it to avoid that just so u know, but had a nice celebreting beer and some deaf neighbours after it happened :D

THX :yay:
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Huge one gratz ;)
very nice ath m8 :) gz :wtg::)
Because clearly you didnt have enough ped allready lol gratz :)
Hm, so ATH is like 10% of whats in the crafting window?

Didn't know it was counted like that :D

Jee jee Gratz !

Now go back to hunting and be the first (?) one on all 3 lists :)
:yay: very nice amp you got there ;)

Grats! :wtg:
I just noticed something which I find funny in squalls pic:
Could not execute.
Please try again.

What did you do, break the machine? LoL!
Decent global, gratz :yay:
big gratz, hope this will keep you going till u start crafting those oa109s :D
Huge Grats! :yay:

It's also fun to see your globals/hofs scroll by the chat every now and then...Keep up the good work man! Nice quality rating btw! ;)
you lucky bastard, gratz :grumble:
Gratz... Those numbers in the screenie are way beyond :eek: what i'm used to seeing on my screen. lol.:cool:

it actually happened :eek:
for the little story i often switch between quantity and condition depending of return, today was no exception, it started boring on quantity, then boring on condition, came back to quantity and i looted a oa105 ul bp with boring loot around so then i thought i could try condition again and after some global i hit this crazy one :eek:

what a day :yay:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
I sense a great disturbance in the Force...
now thats really the by far most insane screenie ive seen so far

Congratz m8 very well deserved!